
Local declaration of 'XXX' hides instance variable

Local declaration of 'XXX' hides instance variable的更多相关文章

  1. 警告"Local declaration of 'XXX' hides instance variable"原因

    Local declaration of 'XXX' hides instance variable   是因为本地变量名跟函数变量名同名 ,.在命名上要注意.....  

  2. Instance Variable Hiding in Java

    class Test { // Instance variable or member variable private int value = 10; void method() { // This ...

  3. Summary: Class Variable vs. Instance Variable && Class Method

    这里列举的是一些我平时碰到的一些Java Grammar,日积月累. Class Variable vs Instance Variable: Instance variables Instance ...

  4. difference between instance variable and property

    @interface MyClass : NSObject { NSString *name; NSArray *items; Something *something; IBOutlet NSTex ...

  5. non-ARC代码转 ARC 排除 “Existing instance variable 'delegate' for property with assign attribute must be _unsafe _unretained” 错误

    原来非ARC代码是 @interface MHWebImageDownloader : NSObject { id<MHWebImageDownloaderDelegate> delega ...

  6. Swift开发教程--关于Existing instance variable &#39;_delegate&#39;...的解决的方法

    xcode编译提示问题:Existing instance variable '_delegate' for property 'delegate' with  assign attribute mu ...

  7. You Can Customize Synthesized Instance Variable Names @property

    As mentioned earlier, the default behavior for a writeable property is to use an instance variable c ...

  8. 【iOS】Receiver type 'XXX' for instance message is a forward declaration

    今天遇到这个错误.刚开始字体太大,没显示全,后来调小字体之后看到了完整提示信息: 之后就忽然想起没引入相关的类,添加 #import "RDVTabBarItem.h" 就行了.

  9. Crash以及报错总结

    CoreData: Cannot load NSManagedObjectModel.nil is an illegal URL parameter 这是因为在工程中CoreData的命名和AppDe ...


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  2. OpenCV2.x自学笔记——Qt5.5.1打包exe

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