Problem Statement

Takahashi, Aoki and Snuke love cookies. They have AB and C cookies, respectively. Now, they will exchange those cookies by repeating the action below:

  • Each person simultaneously divides his cookies in half and gives one half to each of the other two persons.

This action will be repeated until there is a person with odd number of cookies in hand.

How many times will they repeat this action? Note that the answer may not be finite.


  • 1≤A,B,C≤109


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print the number of times the action will be performed by the three people, if this number is finite. If it is infinite, print -1 instead.

Sample Input 1

4 12 20

Sample Output 1


Initially, Takahashi, Aoki and Snuke have 412 and 20 cookies. Then,

  • After the first action, they have 1612 and 8.
  • After the second action, they have 1012 and 14.
  • After the third action, they have 1312 and 11.

Now, Takahashi and Snuke have odd number of cookies, and therefore the answer is 3.

Sample Input 2

14 14 14

Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3

454 414 444

Sample Output 3


#define ll long long
using namespace std;
int A,B,C,tot,a,b,c;
int main(){
return 0;
} tot++,a=(B+C)>>1,b=(A+C)>>1,c=(B+A)>>1;
} printf("%d\n",tot);
return 0;



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