using namespace std; int main()
char a;
int count=;
else if(a==' ')
if(a>='a' && a<='z' && count==)
return ;


  1. [LeetCode] Pacific Atlantic Water Flow 太平洋大西洋水流

    Given an m x n matrix of non-negative integers representing the height of each unit cell in a contin ...

  2. [LeetCode] Trapping Rain Water II 收集雨水之二

    Given an m x n matrix of positive integers representing the height of each unit cell in a 2D elevati ...

  3. [LeetCode] Water and Jug Problem 水罐问题

    You are given two jugs with capacities x and y litres. There is an infinite amount of water supply a ...

  4. [LeetCode] Trapping Rain Water 收集雨水

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  5. [LeetCode] Container With Most Water 装最多水的容器

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  6. 如何装最多的水? — leetcode 11. Container With Most Water

    炎炎夏日,还是呆在空调房里切切题吧. Container With Most Water,题意其实有点噱头,简化下就是,给一个数组,恩,就叫 height 吧,从中任选两项 i 和 j(i <= ...

  7. 【leetcode】Container With Most Water

    题目描述: Given n non-negative integers a1, a2, ..., an, where each represents a point at coordinate (i, ...

  8. [LintCode] Trapping Rain Water 收集雨水

    Given n non-negative integers representing an elevation map where the width of each bar is 1, comput ...

  9. [LintCode] Container With Most Water 装最多水的容器

    Given n non-negative integers a1, a2, ..., an, where each represents a point at coordinate (i, ai).  ...


  1. String与StringBuffer,StringBuilder

    在java中有3个类来负责字符的操作. 1.Character 是进行单个字符操作的, 2.String 对一串字符进行操作.不可变类. 3.StringBuffer 也是对一串字符进行操作,但是可变 ...

  2. Uva12657 Boxes in a Line

    题目链接:传送门 分析:每次操作都会花费大量时间,显然我们只需要关注每个元素的左边是啥,右边是啥就够了,那么用双向链表,l[i]表示i左边的数,r[i]表示i右边的数,每次操作模拟一下数组的变化就好了 ...

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  4. codeforces gym 100357 K (表达式 模拟)

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  5. c++面试问题的几个方向

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  7. lua的函数初识

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  9. MongoDB 开机自启动

    MongoDB安装了以后,应当设置开机自启动. 假设启动命令如下: sudo /db/mongodb/265/bin/mongod --config /db/conf/mongodb/mongodb. ...

  10. Eclipse下单个文件中文乱码问题

    有时候用eclipse打开单个文件,会出现中文乱码问题. 这时可以点菜单栏 Edit -> Set Encoding,Other:UTF-8,通常可以解决问题.