无法完成安装:'Cannot access storage file '/
今天自己编译了spice-protocol spice-gtk spice qemu,然后想用virsh去创建一个虚机:
Changing /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
make working things.
Uncomment user/group to work as root
- # The user for QEMU processes run by the system instance. It can be
- # specified as a user name or as a user id. The qemu driver will try to
- # parse this value first as a name and then, if the name doesn't exist,
- # as a user id.
- #
- # Since a sequence of digits is a valid user name, a leading plus sign
- # can be used to ensure that a user id will not be interpreted as a user
- # name.
- #
- # Some examples of valid values are:
- #
- # user = "qemu" # A user named "qemu"
- # user = "+0" # Super user (uid=0)
- # user = "100" # A user named "100" or a user with uid=100
- #
- user = "root"
- # The group for QEMU processes run by the system instance. It can be
- # specified in a similar way to user.
- group = "root"
- # Whether libvirt should dynamically change file ownership
- # to match the configured user/group above. Defaults to 1.
- # Set to 0 to disable file ownership changes.
- #dynamic_ownership = 1
cat /etc/passwd
qemu:x:107:107:qemu user:/:/sbin/nologin
ll /root/x.qcow2
-rwxrwxrwx 1 qemu qemu 1957691392 Dec 1 14:16 /root/x.qcow2
sed -i 's/#vnc_listen = ""/vnc_listen = ""/g' /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
sed -i 's/#group = "root"/group = "root"/g' /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
sed -i 's/#user = "root"/user = "root"/g' /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
service libvirtd restart
UUID=0654F28654F277AF /media/h1/newsntfs ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=111,uid=0,gid=0,dmask=000,fmask=000 0 0
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