height not divisible by 2

h.264 - FFMPEG (libx264) "height not divisible by 2" - Stack Overflow  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20847674/ffmpeg-libx264-height-not-divisible-by-2

After playing around with this a bit, I think I've answered my own question. Here is the solution in case anyone else runs into a similar issue... I had to add the below argument to the command:

-vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2"


ffmpeg -r 24 -i frame_%05d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -y -an video.mp4 -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2"

Basically, .h264 needs even dimensions so this filter will:

  1. Divide the original height and width by 2
  2. Round it down to the nearest pixel
  3. Multiply it by 2 again, thus making it an even number


from PIL import Image

f = 'my.jpg'
mid_icon = Image.open(f)
h, w = mid_icon.height, mid_icon.width
h, w = int(h / 2) * 2, int(w / 2) * 2
mid_icon = mid_icon.resize((w, h), Image.ANTIALIAS)
from PIL import Image

def img_to_floor_even(f):
fo = Image.open(f)
w, h = fo.width, fo.height
w_, h_ = int(w / 2) * 2, int(h / 2) * 2
if (w, h) != (w_, h):
fo = fo.resize((w_, h_), Image.ANTIALIAS)
except Exception as e:
# log



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