
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; const int MAXN = 1e5 + ;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
struct Year {
int u, v;
bool operator < (const Year &r) const {
return u > r.u;
struct Query {
int p, id;
bool operator < (const Query &r) const {
return p > r.p;
int ans[MAXN];
int a[];
int n, m, l; int main(void) { //ZOJ Monthly, July 2015 - H Twelves Monkeys
//freopen ("H.in", "r", stdin); while (scanf ("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &l) == ) {
for (int i=; i<=m; ++i) {
scanf ("%d%d", &y[i].u, &y[i].v);
for (int i=; i<=l; ++i) {
scanf ("%d", &q[i].p); q[i].id = i;
} sort (y+, y++m); sort (q+, q++l);
multiset<int> S; int j = ;
for (int i=; i<=l; ++i) {
while (j <= m && y[j].u >= q[i].p) {
S.insert (y[j].v); j++;
multiset<int>::iterator it; int cnt = ;
for (it=S.begin (); it!=S.end (); ++it) {
a[++cnt] = *(it); if (cnt == ) break;
if (cnt == && a[] <= q[i].p) ans[q[i].id] = q[i].p - a[];
else ans[q[i].id] = ;
for (int i=; i<=l; ++i)
printf ("%d\n", ans[i]);
} return ;

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