孙广东  2015.7.5




Release Notes

TileMap Description Issues # Videos/Demos
Tile Animation

Tiles can be animated with a simple loop of sprites. Animations can be set by 
* Location - The tile at (x, y) will play the animation 
* Tile Type - All tiles painted with the same sprite will play the animation

The priority order for rendering tile map animations:
1. Location 
2. Tile Type 
3. Tile (Renders the original sprite painted if there is no animation)

watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQv/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/Center" />

Brush Flip Allows you to flip sprites across the X and Y axis and paint the sprites onto the tile map. The following keys have been bound: 
* x: Flips sprites horizontally 
* y: Flips sprites vertically
Undo Undo all changes to the tile map    
Tile Transform API Position, Rotation, Scale functions have been added to set the transform for tiles in the tile map    
SmartSprite Description Issues # Videos/Demos
Curved Edges

Edges can be tessellated as spline with point rotation support


v=W7pC6BKELVk" target="_blank" savefrom_lm="1" savefrom_lm_index="0">Video

Delete Points Delete points directly from scene view by selecting it and pressing Delete on Windows. (fn+Delete on Mac).    
Physics2D Description Issues # Videos/Demos
Relative Joint Keeps two Rigidbody2D at their relative orientation using configurable maximum linear/angular forces (Uses Box2Ds b2MotorJoint) 
Fixed Joint Rigidly connects two Rigidbody2D together at their anchor points (Uses Box2Ds b2WeldJoint) 

v=pdcqgX4Wjl4&feature=youtu.be" target="_blank" savefrom_lm="1" savefrom_lm_index="0">Video

url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DpdcqgX4Wjl4%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&utm_source=userjs-chrome&utm_medium=extensions&utm_campaign=link_modifier" target="_blank" savefrom_lm="1" savefrom_lm_is_link="1">

Target Joint The joint attempts to move a Rigidbody2D to a specific target position (Uses Box2Ds b2MouseJoint) 

url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DuG7doV7pT4I%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&utm_source=userjs-chrome&utm_medium=extensions&utm_campaign=link_modifier" target="_blank" savefrom_lm="1" savefrom_lm_is_link="1">

Friction Joint Applies both force and torque to reduce both the linear and angular velocities to zero (Uses Box2Ds b2FrictionJoint) 
Buoyancy Effector Applies forces to simulate buoyancy, fluid-flow and fluid drag. 


url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D4C9D-UZJwbo%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&utm_source=userjs-chrome&utm_medium=extensions&utm_campaign=link_modifier" target="_blank" savefrom_lm="1" savefrom_lm_is_link="1">

Use Collider Mass New Rigidbody2D.useColliderMass property calculates the mass of the Rigidbody2D from the total mass of all colliders. Each collider mass is its Density x Area. 

v=9idLxjgbxVI" target="_blank" savefrom_lm="1" savefrom_lm_index="0">Video

All Joints Breakable joints using BreakForce/BreakTorque. New properties to expose current reaction-force/torque that use the current fixed time-ste 

url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dkvse4cuvFzc&utm_source=userjs-chrome&utm_medium=extensions&utm_campaign=link_modifier" target="_blank" savefrom_lm="1" savefrom_lm_is_link="1">

All Joints Auto-Configure Connected-Anchor 

url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DYbkUmsJf_Bs&utm_source=userjs-chrome&utm_medium=extensions&utm_campaign=link_modifier" target="_blank" savefrom_lm="1" savefrom_lm_is_link="1">

Distance Joint & Spring Joint Auto-configure Distance 
Slider Joint Auto-Configure Angle 
Skew Description Issues # Videos/Demos
Skew with RectTransform

2D Images now supports skewing via RectTransform

Masking Description Issues # Videos/Demos
Workflow improvements * Masks can affect multiple layers 
* Masks will affect only the layers they are selected for 
* Masks will automatically be rendered at the correct order based on the layers they are affecting 
* Masks and Mask-ables have a new editor icon that will help in visualising the entire setup
Under the hood * Moved all masking code to new component 
* Dedicated inspector for masking component
9-Slice Description Issues # Videos/Demos
Collider Support 2D colliders do not auto resize when SpriteRenderer is in 9 slice mode. User needs to attach the ‘Tile Collider’ component for 2D colliders to resize in 9 slice mode    

New Demos

Known Issues

  • No component icons for RelativeJoint2D, FixedJoint2D, TargetJoint2D, FrictionJoint2D or BuoyancyEffector2D
  • Maskable sprites does not work within a prefab.
  • SmartSprite splines may 'loop' around itself under various circumstances which creates poorly tessellated edges.
  • SmartSprite's edge handle is not on the line if the edge is curved
  • SmartSprite's polygon collider may not match curved edges perfect

Updated 2015-06-29


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