找不到方法 Void Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.set_DefaultSettings

因为 Newtonsoft.Json.dll 的版本号问题:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Blend

下的版本号为 4.5.11

最新版本号为 6.0.4



•New feature - Added Merge to LINQ to JSON

•New feature - Added JValue.CreateNull and JValue.CreateUndefined

•New feature - Added Windows Phone 8.1 support to .NET 4.0 portable assembly

•New feature - Added OverrideCreator to JsonObjectContract

•New feature - Added support for overriding the creation of interfaces and abstract types

•New feature - Added support for reading UUID BSON binary values as a Guid

•New feature - Added MetadataPropertyHandling.Ignore

•New feature - Improved performance of KeyValuePairConverter

•New feature - Improved performance when serializing large XML documents

•Change - Limited integer parsing size to JavaScript integer size

•Change - Validation that numbers don't end with an invalid character

•Fix - Fixed JToken.ReadFrom creating a string value for a comment

•Fix - Fixed relying on Dictionary order when calling parameterized constructors

•Fix - Fixed writing new lines to use TextWriter.WriteLine

•Fix - Fixed deserializing non-generic IReadOnlyCollection<T> implementations

•Fix - Fixed sending HTTP requests when resolving DTD urls in XmlNodeConverter

•Fix - Fixed populating ignored properties with DefaultValueHandling.IgnoreAndPopulate

•Fix - Fixed not throwing JsonReaderException when parsing some invalid numbers

•Fix - Fixed JsonConvert.PopulateObject not setting JsonReader settings

•Fix - Fixed deserializing JObjects starting with a comment

•Fix - Fixed using DateParseHandling and FloatParseHandling with DataTable/DataSet

•Fix - Fixed serializing static fields

•Fix - Fixed selecting a property after an empty array with a JSON Path query

•Fix - Fixed error handling when last value in array or object fails

•Fix - Fixed directly serializing XmlElements

•Fix - Fixed incorrect NuGet targets on .NET 4.5 portable assembly

•Fix - Fixed using JTokenEqualityComparer with JProperties that have no value

•Fix - Fixed MetadataPropertyHandling.ReadAhead bugs

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