Proxy configuration:

When we have already fews applications running in the workspace, and we want to add 'api' layer for one applicatrion only, we can use tag

ng g @nrwl/nest:app api --frontendProject=todos

This will only allow 'todos' app to access 'api'.

You passed --frontendProject=todos when creating the node application. What did that argument do?

It created a proxy configuration that allows the Angular application to talk to the API in development.

To see how it works, open angular.json and find the serve target of the todos app.

"serve": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server",
"options": {
"browserTarget": "todos:build",
"proxyConfig": "apps/todos/proxy.conf.json"
"configurations": {
"production": {
"browserTarget": "todos:build:production"

Note the proxyConfig property.

Now open proxy.conf.json:

"/api": {
"target": "http://localhost:3333",
"secure": false

This configuration tells ng serve to forward all requests starting with /api to the process listening on port 3333.

Expose the common compoennts from library:

Sometimes, when we create library, we might forget to expose the component, this might lead to few minutes debuggin. To avoid that we can use --export tag

ng g component todos --project=ui --export

Running the tests:

Run npm run affected:apps, and you should see todos printed out. The affected:apps looks at what you have changed and uses the dependency graph to figure out which apps can be affected by this change.

Run npm run affected:libs, and you should see ui printed out. This command works similarly, but instead of printing the affected apps, it prints the affected libs.

Running the tests which failed previously:

npm run affected:test -- --only-failed

Running tests in parallel to speed up:

Some changes affect many projects in the repository. To speed up the testing of this change, pass --parallel.

npm run affected:test -- --parallel

About create NPM module in workspace:

check the source:

By default, libraries are only buildable in the context of an application.

To be able to build a library independently, you can pass --publishable when creating it. You can then run ng build mylib to build it, and then publish the results to an NPM registry.

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