
1.NAND flash memory





3.bit flips







PCM-FTL employs a two-level mapping mechanism, which focuses on minimizing write activities to PCM by characterizing I/O access behaviors











PCM-FTL enhances the lifetime of PCM by making the management of NAND flash memory aware of write activities on underlying memory architecture.



The basic idea is to try to avoid bit flips in the FTL mapping table, which is stored in PCM. By reducing write activities to PCM cells, the lifetime of PCM is enhanced


PCM-FTL uses page-level mappings to handle infrequent random requests


a tiny amount of block-level mappings for most frequently accessed sequential requests

(6)PCM-FTL actively chooses a physical block in NAND flash memory whose physical block number incurs the minimum number of bit flips in the mapping entry when allocating a physical block

(7)With appropriate wear leveling algorithms, PCMFTL evenly distributes write activities across the whole PCM chip.


(1)present for the first time a write-activity-aware,two-level flash memory management technique

(2)use an effective wear leveling algorithm

(3)realistic I/O traces 实验



(1)a page-level mapping table in PCM keeps track of mappings between logical page number (LPN) and physical page number (PPN)

——》the mapping table is updated frequently and thus imposes the endurance issue for PCM


1.The basic idea of PCM-FTL is thus to preserve each bit in FTL mapping table,which is stored in PCM

2.A two-level mapping mechanism is proposed to separate the two types of request. For random requests, PCM-FTL uses a page-level mapping table (PMT)
to store their mappings. For large, sequential accesses, we use a small block-level mapping buffer (BMB) to cache the mappings.

3.With the consideration of write activities, once a block is needed for incoming write requests, PCM-FTL selectively allocates a physical block in NAND flash memory whose physical block number incurs minimum number of bit flips in PCM cells.

4.I/O workload=small random+ large sequential requests

5.Requests that intend to write more than t pages are categorized as sequential ones


Random requests: PCM-FTL sequentially allocates physical pages from the first page of a physical block in NAND flash memory, so that all pages in blocks are fully utilized. Accordingly, PCM-FTL adds LPN to PPN mapping for random requests in PMT

Sequential requests: PCM-FTL allocates physical pages based on block offset as most sequential requests usually occupy a whole block, so that all pages in blocks are fully utilized as well. Similarly, PCM-FTL adds an LBN to PBN mapping in the BMB

7.Different from a traditional block-level scheme, the BMB in PCM-FTL is only for sequential requests and has limited capacity:The purpose is
to only buffer the mapping for the most frequently and recently updated blocks

8.handling writerequests

(1)New Requests:

If the request is a sequential one, pages will be written according to their offsets in the block and a block-level mapping is set up in the end. Random requests will be handled by writing to the newly allocated block one by one from the first physical page, regardless of the logical page number offsets. Page-level mappings will be set up.

(2)Update Requests:relies on the request type and the old block type.




if the request is a sequential one, a new block will be allocated. In case the old block was mapped at block-level,
the allocation routine will try to find a block that will cause the minimum number of bit flips in the block table entry.


Algorithm 3.1 The wear leveling algorithm in PCM-FTL (pcm-ftl磨损均衡算法)


block-level mapping buffer (BMB)

page-level mapping table (PMT)

BMB records (记录)logical block to physical block mappings, while PMT records page-level mappings (i.e.,logical page to physical page)


(1) 在PMT中定期移动 BMB



(2)Total PCM length

3.2 Handling new requests in PCM-FTL

Logical Page Number (LPN)

sequential 连续的

LBN/PBN: Logical/Physical Block Number

LPN/PPN: Logical/Physical Page Number

3.3 Handling update requests in PCM-FTL

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