
Number.prototype.toFixed = function (n) {
if (n > 20 || n < 0) {
throw new RangeError('toFixed() digits argument must be between 0 and 20');
const number = this;
if (isNaN(number) || number >= Math.pow(10, 21)) {
return number.toString();
if (typeof (n) == 'undefined' || n == 0) {
return (Math.round(number)).toString();
} let result = number.toString();
const arr = result.split('.'); // 整数的情况
if (arr.length < 2) {
result += '.';
for (let i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
result += '0';
return result;
} const integer = arr[0];
const decimal = arr[1];
if (decimal.length == n) {
return result;
if (decimal.length < n) {
for (let i = 0; i < n - decimal.length; i += 1) {
result += '0';
return result;
result = integer + '.' + decimal.substr(0, n);
const last = decimal.substr(n, 1); // 四舍五入,转换为整数再处理,避免浮点数精度的损失
if (parseInt(last, 10) >= 5) {
const x = Math.pow(10, n);
result = (Math.round((parseFloat(result) * x)) + 1) / x;
result = result.toFixed(n);
} return result;


function tofixed(num,n){
let result = num.toString();
const arr = result.split('.');
const integer = arr[0];
const decimal = arr[1];
if (decimal.length == n) { //小数位等于要求长度,无需处理
return result;
if (decimal.length < n) {
result = integer + '.' + decimal.padEnd(2,'0');//小数位不够要求长度,补位
return result;
} result = integer + '.' + decimal.substr(0, n);
const last = decimal.substr(n, 1); // 四舍五入,转换为整数再处理,避免浮点数精度的损失
if (parseInt(last, 10) >= 5) {
const x = Math.pow(10, n); //10的n次方
result = (Math.round((parseFloat(result) * x)) + 1) / x;
result = result.toFixed(n);
} return result;
} let handleNum = tofixed(10.234,2);
console.log(handleNum); //10.23
let handleNum2 = tofixed(10.235,2);
console.log(handleNum2); //10.24
let handleNum3 = tofixed(10.5,2);
console.log(handleNum3); //10.50


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