

空间归类和taxonomy的工作,mapped cell types spatially and derived a hierarchical, data-driven taxonomy

神经元按解剖单元和递质类型归类;Neurons were the most diverse and were grouped by developmental anatomical units and by the expression of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides.


Neuronal diversity was driven by genes encoding cell identity, synaptic connectivity, neurotransmission, and membrane conductance.




Molecular Architecture of the Mouse Nervous System - Sten Linnarsson

Mouse brain atlas - 对应的数据库


1. 测了什么细胞?测了多少个细胞?

很明确,这篇文章关注的重点是Mouse Nervous System老鼠神经系统;那么是哪个阶段的呢?In summary, male and female mice were postnatal ages P12-30, as well as 6 and 8 weeks old. 明显得老鼠成熟了才有CNS和PNS,文章称是刚刚成型的老鼠神经系统adolescent mouse nervous system。测了50万个细胞,最新的4个胚胎发育天E9.5-E13.5测了200万个

We performed a comprehensive survey of the adolescent mouse nervous system by scRNA-seq. We dissected the brain and spinal cord into contiguous anatomical regions and further included the peripheral sensory, enteric, and sympathetic nervous system. In total, we analyzed 19 regions (Figure 1A) but omitted at least the retina, the olfactory epithelium, the vomeronasal organ, the inner ear, and the parasympathetic ganglia.



这次测序用的是商业的droplet microfluidics (10X Genomics Chromium),估计花了不少钱,后面就自己开发了 SPLiT-seq。


A Molecular Survey of the Mouse Nervous System

In addition, the dataset was affected by a number of technical artifacts, including low-quality cells, batch effects, sex-specific gene expression, neuronal-activity-dependent gene expression, and more.

To overcome these challenges, we developed a multistage analysis pipeline called “cytograph,” which progressively discovers cell types or states while mitigating the impact of technical artifacts




Loom files are stored on disk and are never loaded entirely. They are more like databases: you connect, retrieve some subset of the data, maybe update some attributes.

loom更像是纯粹的最终读取文件,edit loom文件非常不方便。



import loompy
import pandas as pd
ds = loompy.connect("l5_all.loom")
# ds2 <- ds[:, ds.ca.Tissue == "ENS"]
# ds.ca.keys()
# ds.ra['ClusterName', 'Clusters', "CellID"] data = {"CellID":ds.ca.CellID, "ClusterName":ds.ca.ClusterName, "Clusters":ds.ca.Clusters, "Tissue":ds.ca.Tissue}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

Postnatal Neurogenesis in the Central Nervous System

Astroependymal Cells Are Diverse and Spatially Patterned

Loss of Patterning in the Oligodendrocyte Lineage and Convergence to a Single Brain-wide Intermediate State

Vascular Cells and a Family of Broadly Distributed Mesothelial Fibroblasts

Neural-Crest-Derived Glia and Oligodendrocyte Progenitors

Peripheral Nervous System

Central Nervous Systems Neurons

Spatial Distributions Reflect Molecular Diversity

Drivers of Neuronal and Glial Diversity

里面的postonal embryogenesis的数据对我们很有用!



R包 loomR 不好用,标准不够统一。




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