四元数, Physx中的四元数
四元数的概念 & 如何使用四元数:
绕V轴旋转 f 角,对应的四元数:
q = ( cos(f/2), Vx*sin(f/2), Vy*sin(f/2), Vz*sin(f/2) )
= cos(f/2) + Vx*sin(f/2)*i + Vy*sin(f/2)*j + Vz*sin(f/2)*k
q' = ( cos(f/2), -Vx*sin(f/2), -Vy*sin(f/2), -Vz*sin(f/2) ) (不应该用q'这个符号,只是为了方便打字)
当前有空概念中的一个点(Wx, Wy,Wz),求在该旋转下的新坐标W',即绕着V旋转f角, 计算方法如下:
(1)定义一个纯四元数: P = (0, Wx, Wy,Wz)
(2)运算: P' = q*P*q', 该运算的结果P'是一个纯四元数,即第一项为0, P'的后三项即是W'的坐标哦。
同理,若存在一个四元数 q = (q1,q2,q3,q4) = ( cos(f/2), Vx*sin(f/2), Vy*sin(f/2), Vz*sin(f/2) ),则,其对应一个以向量(Vx,Vy,Vz)为轴 旋转f角的动作,右手法则。
四元数有i, j, k三个虚部,i^2 = j^2 = k^2 = i*j*k = -1。
p*q = (p0,p1,p2,p3) * (q0,q1,q2,q3), 记列向量 P=(p1,p2,p3), Q = (q1,q2,q3)
= (p0*q0 - P*Q, p0*Q + q0*P + P x Q), 其中p0*Q + q0*P + P x Q对应一个三维向量,其三个分量为结果的i,j,k部分。
= [ p0*q0 - p1*q1 - p2*q2 - p3*q3 ]
[ p0*q1 + q0*p1 + p2*q3 - p3*q2]
[ p0*q2 + q0*p2 + p3*q1 - p1*q3]
[ p0*q3 + q0*p3 + p1*q2 - p2*q1]
其中蓝色部分对应的是P x Q得到的向量的三个分量:
P x Q =
PxQuat类 https://github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/PhysX/blob/4.1/pxshared/include/foundation/PxQuat.h
- class PxTransform
- {
- PxQuat q; //四元数类,四个成员变量:(w,x,y,z)。Physx用四元数表示刚体的姿态。
- PxVec3 p; //表示刚体的位置
- PxVec3 rotate(PxVec3& input) //对输入向量做旋转,返回旋转后的向量
- {
- return q.rotate(input);
- }
- ....
- };
- /**
- rotates passed vec by this (assumed unitary)
- */
- PX_CUDA_CALLABLE PX_FORCE_INLINE const PxVec3 rotate(const PxVec3& v) const
- {
- const float vx = 2.0f * v.x;
- const float vy = 2.0f * v.y;
- const float vz = 2.0f * v.z;
- const float w2 = w * w - 0.5f;
- const float dot2 = (x * vx + y * vy + z * vz);
- return PxVec3((vx * w2 + (y * vz - z * vy) * w + x * dot2), (vy * w2 + (z * vx - x * vz) * w + y * dot2), (vz * w2 + (x * vy - y * vx) * w + z * dot2));
- }
- /**
- inverse rotates passed vec by this (assumed unitary)
- */
- PX_CUDA_CALLABLE PX_FORCE_INLINE const PxVec3 rotateInv(const PxVec3& v) const
- {
- const float vx = 2.0f * v.x;
- const float vy = 2.0f * v.y;
- const float vz = 2.0f * v.z;
- const float w2 = w * w - 0.5f;
- const float dot2 = (x * vx + y * vy + z * vz);
- return PxVec3( (vx * w2 - (y * vz - z * vy) * w + x * dot2), (vy * w2 - (z * vx - x * vz) * w + y * dot2), (vz * w2 - (x * vy - y * vx) * w + z * dot2));
- }
Physx的上面代码经验证,对向量做旋转时,Physx使用的方法同《quaternions for computer graphics》中的方法一致:
存在四元数(s,x,y,z),其中s为scalar part,用其对向量(xp,yp,zp)做一次旋转:
但是,跟该网页提供的matlab计算四元数旋转的方法不同::(https://ww2.mathworks.cn/help/aerotbx/ug/quatrotate.html) 该网页中的第一个简单例子的结果,套用文末的公式,得出不同的结果!
用例子验证:绕Z轴(0,0,1)旋转90°的四元数为( cos(45), 0*sin(45), 0*sin(45), 1*sin(45) ) = (sqrt(2)/2, 0, 0, sqrt(2)/2);
----使用matlab的计算结果为(0,-1,0), 是沿着反方向转了90°。----- (在physx的方法中,输入的四元数对应的是旋转角度的一般,难道matlab中输入的四元数意义不同吗,默认是左手法则吗,这导致上面的公式中 与书本上的公式有正负号差异吗?待探索)
有全局坐标系A和局部坐标系A’, A经过一定的动作后与A’的姿态重合,(例如,A绕自己的Z(0,0,1)轴旋转90度),该动作可以用一个四元数表示出来(eg. quat(x,y,z ,w) = (0, 0, 1*sin(90/2), cos(90/2)), w为scalar part )。
1) 局部系转到全局系:
存在一个空间向量b,该向量在A’中的表示为b_local=(1,0,0), 则该向量在A中的表示为:
将全局系下的(1,0,0)绕z轴旋转90度(画图便理解): quat.rotate(b_local)。
存在一个空间向量c,该向量在A中的表示为c_local=(1,0,0), 则该向量在A’中的表示为:
quat_new(x,y,z ,w) = (0, 0, 1*sin(-90/2), cos(-90/2))
方法2:quat. rotateInv(c_local)
关于欧拉角很好文章: https://www.cnblogs.com/21207-iHome/p/6894128.html
四元数转换为欧拉角: (Physx中的四元数类并没有提供这个功能)
- vec3 eulerAngles(const quat& x)
- {
- return vec3(pitch(x), yaw(x), roll(x));//三个原始分别是绕x,y,z轴转的弧度
- }
- float roll(quat const & q)
- {
- return float(atan2f(float(2) * (q.x * q.y + q.w * q.z), q.w * q.w + q.x * q.x - q.y * q.y - q.z * q.z));
- }
- float pitch(quat const & q)
- {
- return float(atan2f(float(2) * (q.y * q.z + q.w * q.x), q.w * q.w - q.x * q.x - q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z));
- }
- float yaw(quat const & q)
- {
- return asinf(clamp(float(-2) * (q.x * q.z - q.w * q.y), -1.0f, 1.0f));//clamp到-1,1范围。
- }
Matlab: 四元数与欧拉角转换
“现在主流游戏或动画引擎都会以 缩放向量+旋转四元数+平移向量的形式进行存储角色的运动数据。”
经典书: 《quaternions for computer graphics 》https://max.book118.com/html/2018/0220/153945618.shtm
===2019.10.26 将physx中的class PxTransform类的四元数旋转函数终于搞清楚了:
In a vertex shader, the rotation and position are usually encoded in the model matrix and we have something like this:
- vec4 worldPos = ModelMatrix * InPosition; -- 旋转矩阵的形式
Here is another method to transform the position of a vertex, using a quaternion to hold the rotation information. Quaternions are a fantastic mathematics tool discovered by Sir William Rowan Hamilton in 1843. We’re not going to review quaternions in detail here, because I’m not a mathematician and it’s not the point. We’re going to see how to use them in practice in a GLSL program to rotate a vertex.
A quaternion can be seen as a object that holds a rotation around any axis. A quaternion is a 4D object defined as follows:
- q = [s, v]
- q = [s + xi + yj + zk]
where s, x, y and z are real numbers. s is called the scalar part while x, y and z form the vector part. i, j and k are imaginary numbers. Quaternions are the generalization of complex numbers in higher dimensions.
In 3D programming, we store quaternions in a 4D vector:
- q = [x, y, z, w] -- x,y,z对应向量部分。
where w = s and [x, y, z] = v.
Now let’s see the fundamental relation that makes it possible to rotate a point P0 around an rotation axis encoded in the quaternion q:
- P1 = q P0 q-1
where P1 is the rotated point and q-1 is the inverse of the quaternion q (q的共轭).
From this relation we need to know:
1 – how to transform a rotation axis into a quaternion.
2 – how to transform a position into a quaternion.
3 – how to get the inverse of a quaternion.
4 – how to multiply two quaternions.
Remark: all the following rules expect an unit quaternion. An unit quaternion is a quaternion with a norm of 1.0. A quaternion can be normalized with:
- norm = sqrt(q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z + q.w*q.w)
- q.x = q.x / norm
- q.y = q.y / norm
- q.z = q.z / norm
- q.w = q.w / norm
1 – How to transform a rotation axis into a quaternion
Here is a formula that converts a rotation around an axis (defined by the couple [axis, angle]) into a quaternion:
绕向量(axis.x, axis.y, axis.z)旋转angle对应的四元数:
- half_angle = angle/2
- q.x = axis.x * sin(half_angle)
- q.y = axis.y * sin(half_angle)
- q.z = axis.z * sin(half_angle)
- q.w = cos(half_angle)
2 – How to transform a position into a quaternion
The position is usually a 3D vector: {x, y, z}. This position can be represented in a quaternion by setting to zero the scalar part and initializing the vector part with the xyz-position:
- q.x = position.x
- q.y = position.y
- q.z = position.z
- q.w = 0
The quaternion q=[x, y, z, 0] is a pure quaternion because it has not real part.
------- 这部分的作用应该是:要对向量{x, y, z}基于四元数做旋转时,需要先将该向量转换为一个纯四元数。
3 – How to get the inverse of a quaternion
The inverse of a quaternion is defined by the following relation:
- q = [x, y, z, w]
- norm = |q| = sqrt(q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z + q.w*q.w)
- q
- = [-x, -y, -z, w] / |q| -------------------------------------------即,将旋转角取反。
- q
- = [-x/|q|, -y/|q|, -z/|q|, w/|q|]
If we have an unit quaternion, |q|=1 and the inverse is equal to the conjugate (q*) of the quaternion: ---- 看来四元数q的逆等于其共轭除以其模长。
- q
- = q
- = [-x, -y, -z, w]
4 – How to multiply two quaternions
Quaternions can be multiplied:
- q = q1 * q2
But like for matrix multiplication, quaternion multiplication is non-commutative:
- (q1 * q2) != (q2 * q1)
The multiplication of two quaternions is defined by:
- q.x = (q1.w * q2.x) + (q1.x * q2.w) + (q1.y * q2.z) - (q1.z * q2.y)
- q.y = (q1.w * q2.y) - (q1.x * q2.z) + (q1.y * q2.w) + (q1.z * q2.x)
- q.z = (q1.w * q2.z) + (q1.x * q2.y) - (q1.y * q2.x) + (q1.z * q2.w)
- q.w = (q1.w * q2.w) - (q1.x * q2.x) - (q1.y * q2.y) - (q1.z * q2.z)
Now we have all tools to rotate a point around an axis in a GLSL vertex shader:
- #version
- in vec4 gxl3d_Position;
- in vec4 gxl3d_TexCoord0;
- in vec4 gxl3d_Color;
- out vec4 Vertex_UV;
- out vec4 Vertex_Color;
- uniform mat4 gxl3d_ViewProjectionMatrix;
- struct Transform
- {
- vec4 position;
- vec4 axis_angle;
- };
- uniform Transform T;
- vec4 quat_from_axis_angle(vec3 axis, float angle) -- 给定一个向量,以及绕该向量旋转的角,求其对用的四元数
- {
- vec4 qr;
- float half_angle = (angle * 0.5) * 3.14159 / 180.0;
- qr.x = axis.x * sin(half_angle);
- qr.y = axis.y * sin(half_angle);
- qr.z = axis.z * sin(half_angle);
- qr.w = cos(half_angle);
- return qr;
- }
- vec4 quat_conj(vec4 q)------------------------------给定一个四元数,求其共轭
- {
- return vec4(-q.x, -q.y, -q.z, q.w);
- }
- vec4 quat_mult(vec4 q1, vec4 q2)---------------------给定两个四元数,求其乘积
- {
- vec4 qr;
- qr.x = (q1.w * q2.x) + (q1.x * q2.w) + (q1.y * q2.z) - (q1.z * q2.y);
- qr.y = (q1.w * q2.y) - (q1.x * q2.z) + (q1.y * q2.w) + (q1.z * q2.x);
- qr.z = (q1.w * q2.z) + (q1.x * q2.y) - (q1.y * q2.x) + (q1.z * q2.w);
- qr.w = (q1.w * q2.w) - (q1.x * q2.x) - (q1.y * q2.y) - (q1.z * q2.z);
- return qr;
- }
- vec3 rotate_vertex_position(vec3 position, vec3 axis, float angle)----给定一个轴以及绕该轴旋转的角,以及一个空间向量,求该向量绕该轴旋转后的向量
- {
- vec4 qr = quat_from_axis_angle(axis, angle);
- vec4 qr_conj = quat_conj(qr);
- vec4 q_pos = vec4(position.x, position.y, position.z, );
- vec4 q_tmp = quat_mult(qr, q_pos);
- qr = quat_mult(q_tmp, qr_conj);
- return vec3(qr.x, qr.y, qr.z);
- }
- void main()
- {
- vec3 P = rotate_vertex_position(gxl3d_Position.xyz, T.axis_angle.xyz, T.axis_angle.w);
- P += T.position.xyz;
- gl_Position = gxl3d_ViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(P, );
- Vertex_UV = gxl3d_TexCoord0;
- Vertex_Color = gxl3d_Color;
- }
This powerful vertex shader comes from the host_api/RubikCube/Cube_Rotation_Quaternion/demo_v3.xml demo you can find in the code sample pack. To play with this demo, GLSL Hacker v0.8+ is required.
Some references:
- Quaternions
- Quaternions and spatial rotation
- Understanding Quaternions
- Quaternions – transforming spatials – Kri, modern OpenGL 3 engine
- Book: Mathematics for Computer Graphics by John Vince
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