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The purpose of this document is to provide a quick look-up of all Support Packs, Fixed Issues and Distribution File downloads available for SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio.


Support Packs for “SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio” (SAP Crystal Reports for Visual Studio) are scheduled on a quarterly bases and support the following versions of Visual Studio:

  • VS 2010 – original release and higher
  • VS 2012 – SP 7 and higher
  • VS 2013 – SP 9 and higher
  • VS 2015RC – SP14
  • VS 2015 – SP 15 and higher
  • VS 2017 - SP 21 and higher

NOTE: CR Redist packages for deploying the runtime only onto Work Stations and Application Servers are designed for the platform of your project and not for the Operating system. MSIExec will detect if the OS is 64 bit and install the 64 bit MSI, if your project is to be used in x86 mode there will be an error generated.

Support Packs, Fixed Issues and Distribution File downloads

Fixes for each Support Pack are prioritized and released on or about end of each yearly quarter. All support packs are full builds of Crystal Reports for Visual Studio, thus it is not necessary to update incrementally. The most recent Support Pack in the below table is listed first.

To keep current and up to date with new releases as well as KBAs and more follow us on Twitter

Update: All Service Packs are cumulative so we are removing the links to previous patches and will be keeping 3 or 4 still active. Links still work if you have them. 

❗ Please note: To integrate “SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio” you must run the Install Executable. Running the MSI will not fully integrate Crystal Reports into VS. MSI files by definition are for runtime distribution only.

By default Windows 10 does not install the 3.5 framework, CR for VS still needs it. Select it by “Turn Windows feature on or off” and choose both options.

❗ Note 2: SAP Crystal Reports, Developer Version for Visual Studio .NET does NOT support Express Editions of any version of Visual Studio .NET.

❗ WARNING: If you are using any third party applications that use the SDK package Please check with the makers of the software and ask if they have tested with the version you are downloading. If they do not support it at this time do not install the package on your PC, it could break their application.

Update: Crystal reports for VS did not support Dbase file types. Discussions with our Product team resulted in adding the Xbase driver back into the various packages.

See this KBA – to download the crdb_p2bxbse.dll and it’s supporting dependencies.

NOTE: The info for SP 21 is required for ANY Patch after SP 21

New In SP21 Release

  1. Integration with Visual Studio 2017
  2. .NET Framework 4.7
  3. FireFox ESR 52
  4. Addressed 10+ customer Incidents.

We still support .Net Framework 3.5 SP1(except the ADO.NET case #5)

Below items should be highlight for SP21:

1.    FlexNet and In-Place Upgrade does not work:  Once user receive the update notification from FlexNet server and finish SP21 upgrade, the product will NOT work. User MUST repair CR4VS and CRRuntime64 in Control Panel\Programs\. That’s a by design change to installer.

a.    Please notice that we are still facing problems on configuring FlexNet upgrade server, so currently user will NOT receive SP21 notification

2.    Microsoft Windows Update KB2999226 is a prerequisite for SP21 - Windows 7 only.

a.    This is same as BI 4.2 SP4 and BI 4.1 SP10. Please refer to SAP Note 2451830.

3.    For VS2017 integration, user needs use “run as Administrator” by right-clicking setup.exe, even if you are already log on by using Administrator account

4.    As most of CR/RAS .NET Assemblies are now re-versioned from 13.0.2000.0 to 13.0.3500.0, user MUST remove all old CR assemblies from Reference list and add the new version of CR assemblies, then rebuild the application.

a.    For those customer/user who do not wanted to rebuilt their application, there’s workaround to use <dependentAssembly> in app.config/web.config, please see attachment.


5.    For reports using the ADO.Net DB connection, in previous SP's, you could only work under .Net Framework 2.0/3.5, so using <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true"> in app.config is required. Now in SP21, ADO.Net is only supported on .Net Framework 3.5 or above.

For Installation issues PLEASE see this KBA - 2536330 - In-place (FlexNet), MSI and Merge Modules upgrade from Crystal Reports for Visual Studio SP xx to SP 21 does not work

New In SP20 Release

  1. HANA 2.0 SPS01
  2. Addressed 5+ customer Incidents.


New In SP19 Release

  1. Windows Server 2016
  2. IIS 10 on Windows Server 2016
  3. Addressed over 10 customer Incidents.

UPDATE: As of June 13th, 2017 we are now redirecting the downloads to a new page. This page will prompt for a log in and allow you to get notifications regarding updates. It only requires your e-mail address.

MUST READ - New In SP21 Release


START HERE: to get to the DOWNLOAD page, click the link below

THIS is a LINK to the download PAGE → Download Crystal Reports developer, for Microsoft Visual Studio

FYI - if you need a previous version of the EXE and Runtime packages just replace the SP number withe the SP number you do want in the URL.

CR.NET ClickOnce Redist (built-in Visual Studio ClickOnce “Homesite” location)

New In SP22 Release - read the above info for SP 21 if upgrading from lower version

  1. Addressed 10+ customer Incidents. See Fixed Issue link below

CR.NET ClickOnce Redist (built-in Visual Studio ClickOnce “Homesite” location)



Fixed Issues:

SP22 fixed issues

SP21 fixed issues

SP20 Fixed Issues

SP19 Fixed Issues

SP18 fixed issues

SP17 Fixed Issues

Release Notes
Installation Guide

( previous Fixed Issues links are in the current links )

WARNING: Please refer to Knowledge Base article 2007224for more info on configuring WEB Applications in Visual Studio 2013.

Note: Manual deployment of crdb_xml drivers requires manually installing and deploying JRE/JDK

1871962– How To manually deploy Service Pack 6, and above, crdb_XML data source driver for Crystal Reports Developer for Visual Studio

Note: Clickonce32/64 is managed by the xml file for which one is installed.

1534388 – CRVS2010 – Creating Click Once deployment

Note: Click Once “Homesite” is to tell your installer to go here for the runtime.

Related Content

Related Documents

All Reference Material on help.sap.com for CR for VS

Crystal Reports for Visual Studio LicensingSAP Crystal Reports, Developer Version for Microsoft Visual Studio – Supported PlatformsReport Application Server .NET SDK API Reference Guide

Getting started and moving ahead with Crystal Reports .NET applications


Printing Crystal Reports in .NET

All Supported Platforms/PARs

Related Notes

1544708  – What are the runtime dependencies for CRVS2010?

1531409  – How to deploy the CRVS2010 runtime when using merge modules?

1606608  – Where is the SDK for VS .NET in Crystal Reports 2011?

1606663  – Does Crystal Reports SDK for VS .NET work with Delphi Prism?

1606621  – What .NET frameworks does CRVS2010 support?

For more information, use the search box in the right top corner of this page. Ensure that “All of SAP” is selected from the drop down.

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  1. Hi Bari

    See these links:



    - Ludek 
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada

  2. If you have questions/issues please post to forums, do not tag to this download page:


    See this link for more info.


    Just install the MSI's, it won't have the CR Basic Designer integrated into VS ot new project templates but you can still create new applications.

    Be sure to add CR references from the GAC, do not browse to the dll's, use the References and Extensions to add them.

    Thank you

  3. So I hope this is clearer for you:

    THIS is a LINK to the download PAGE → Download Crystal Reports developer, for Microsoft Visual Studio

  4. I have to modify an old app on Visual Studio 2010...

    I tried to install this link : http://downloads.businessobjects.com/akdlm/crnetruntime/clickonce/CRRuntime_32bit_13_0_21.msi

    But the project had few crystal error

    I think it is a problem of Crystal version

    I have seen that was the

    Where could i download it?

    I need the visual studio addin and the runtime please

  5. PLEASE read the page -

    FYI - if you need a previous version of the EXE and Runtime packages just replace the SP number withe the SP number you do want in the URL.


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