• Advantage VS. Disadvantage
  • Advantage vs. Disadvantage
  • 社会现象或者做法
  • “People can work or study on the Internet without going to school or company. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages? “
  • “People change jobs and places of residence several times during life. Do you think it is a positive or negative change? “
  • Include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.  


  • Ideas
  • 体现优点大于缺点或者反之,主要从三个角度去体现:
  • 1.  数量
  • 2. 质量
  • 3. 位置
  • Introduction. A. D. D. Conclusion
  • 开头段写什么
  • 1. explain the question *
  • 2. state your position *
  • 背景信息添加
  • 当题目中并没有提供背景信息时,不用添加背景信息。
  • Today’s food travels thousands of miles before it reaches customers. Is this a positive or negative trend? 
  • 错误示范:With the development of XXX.
  • 评分标准
  • 任务完成程度
  • 连贯与衔接
  • 词汇
  • 语法
  • 改写原题
  • 1. 英文同义词替换(学霸专用,一般同学不太推荐)
  • 错误示范: the government should implement policies to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. /execute.
  • 固定搭配:动词搭配宾语
  • 建立法律法规
  • Introduce laws and regulation
  • 替换词的时候,尽量避免单独替换动词。
  • 改写原题
  • 2. 转换视角
  • Today’s food travels thousands of miles before it reaches customers. Is this a positive or negative trend? 
  • Nowadays consumers are able to purchase food products that are produced in another region or even another country.
  • 改写原题
  • 3. 保留原题的用词,替换语法规则 (主动变被动)
  • Food products are delivered across thousands of miles before they reach customers.
  • 改写原题
  • 3. 保留原题的框架,进行小范围的改写(名词具体转概括)
  • Differences between countries become less evident each year. Nowadays, all over the world people share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating habits and TV channels. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of this?
  • Differences between countries become smaller each year. One of the effects of this is that people in all corners of the world share similar services and products and adopt similar habits. 
  • Exercise
  • With the increasing demand for energy resources of oil and gas, people should look for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched places. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of damaging such places?
  • The demand for energy resources is increasing/has been increasing 
  • With the development of Y=Y has been developing+adv
  • 如果没有把握,形容词尽量不要替换。
  • 题干当中要是有情态动词,不要替换。
  • Alternative fuels
  • 随着对XXX需求的不断增加with the increasing demand for X
  • 对XXX需求的不断增加 the demand for fossil fuel has been increasing
  • 现在进行 be doing
  • 一般过去 I watched the movie last Friday
  • 现在完成 I have been to 15 countries
  • 过去完成 I had been to
  • 现在完成进行 have/has been doing
  • The demand for fossil fuels (化石能源) has been increasing rapidly, such resources should be looked for in remote and untouchable places.
  • un+verb+ed: 没被…过
  • Un+verb+able:不能被…
  • 复杂时态
  • 现在进行时:一段时间之内一直持续的动作
  • 一般过去时:想强调动作发生的时间,时间是个重要因素
  • 现在完成时:强调目前为止动作做完,具体什么时候发生的不重要或不可知
  • 过去完成时:截止到过去
  • 现在完成进行:一个动作从过去一直持续到现在并且还会再持续一段时间
  • 特殊提问方式
  • 要注意提问方式有没有限定条件
  • Do the advantages for individuals outweigh the negative impacts on the society?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages?
  • 如何陈述自己的观点
  • 学霸版本
  • While(虽然) there are some undoubted benefits of this trend, such as the language environment and improved employment prospects, there is also a significant drawback, namely the high cost.
  • 如何陈述自己的观点
  • 保险答案
  • While (虽然) I accept that this can sometimes have a positive effect on sb/sth, I believe that it is more likely to exert a negative influence.
  • Despite the negatives brought by the change, I still believe that they are overweighed by its positive influences.
  • Despite=in spite of+ 名词短语
  • Despite the rain, we went to the concert anyway.
  • Although it rained,
  • Example
  • Differences between countries become less evident each year. Nowadays, all over the world people share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating habits and TV channels. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of this?
  • Differences between countries become smaller each year. As a result, people in all corners of the world share similar services and products and adopt similar habits. While I accept that this can sometimes have a negative effect on our cultures and customs, I believe that it is more likely to exert a positive influence.
  • Sample
  • Differences between countries become less evident each year. Nowadays, all over the world people share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating habits and TV channels. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of this?
  • Include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
  • 特别重要
  • 1. 结合个人经验,写自己擅长的角度,不要去写不符合你身份或者你不擅长的角度。
  • 2. 观点尽量要细致和生活实际联系起来。更多的考虑普通人从这件事得到什么失去什么。
  • 想观点的时候,先想例子再做总结更容易。
  • Ideas
  • 如果题目没有明确表明对谁而言,那就写普通人视角:
  • 1. 钱
  • 2. 环境(动植物,水,空气)
  • 3. 心理身体健康
  • 4. 教育(效率,成果)
  • 5. 日常生活(便利,舒适,选择多)
  • 6. 犯罪
  • 7. 工作的效率,选择范围*
  • 8. 国家经济,文化,国际形象地位,开放程度*
  • 观点
  • 考官没有权利对你所列的观点进行对与错的判断。
  • 作为一个普通人,这个变化能增加我们对其他文化或者地区的了解。
  • 年轻一代不再那么重视我们本国的文化和传统
  • 影响本土不知名的品牌或制造商的盈利
  • Include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience
  • 想观点应该是反向的。
  • 上下文逻辑
  • 优点/缺点+1/2/1+2
  • 1. 举例 (越抽象复杂的观点,越适合举例)
  • 2. 解释(不要占超过一句篇幅)
  • 3. 对比(以前无,现在有/谁无,谁无)
  • 4. 延续
  • Main body 1.
  • 缺点+举例+解释+洗白(缺点专用,优大于缺)
  • Deduction: 演绎法!!!
  • On the one hand, the influence of foreign cultures may affect young people's attitudes to traditions and customs.For example, many young people in my country try to dress up and look like a Korean pop star because in this way they feel closer to the culture that they admire. However, this only affects minor details but does not seriously threaten national identity.
  • Downside=drawback=disadvantage
  • Benefit=merit=advantage
  • 连接句+反差+优点+延续
  • In spite of the disadvantage, there are also significant benefits about this cultural globalization. Firstly, whereas (不像) in the past when we only had access to locally produced television programs or products, we now have become more open-minded and tolerant about cultures that are significantly different from ours. This will help reduce misunderstandings or prejudices and will make it easier for students or employees from our country to fit into the work, academic or social environment of another country.
  • In spite of= despite +名词短语
  • Although+句子
  • 优点+举例
  • In addition, being able to purchase foreign merchandises besides local brands means that the region is an advanced society. For example, when consumers cannot even find the most prevalent global brand like Starbucks in a region, it means that the area is at least not a quite developed one.
  • Conclusion
  • 重申自己的观点,如果可以的话总结一下你的原因
  • In conclusion, it seems to me that benefits brought by the cultural globalization are more significant than its downsides.
  • Sample
  • Some people regard video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool. Others, however, believe that video games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them.Do the drawback of video games outweigh the benefits?
  • Sample
  • However, I would argue that these benefits are outweighed by the drawbacks. Gaming can be highly addictive because users are constantly given scores, new targets and frequent rewards to keep them playing. Many children now spend hours each day trying to progress through the levels of a game or to get a higher score than their friends. This type of addiction can have effects ranging from lack of sleep to problems at school, when homework is sacrificed for a few more hours on the computer.
  • 缺点+解释+例子+延续
  • 写文章一定要以读者的感受为主,不要把你的文章变得很难读很难理解。
  • Exercise
  • Some students take one year off between finishing high school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
  • 错误示范: These students will find it difficult to return to the academic environment.
  • This is important
  • 情态动词“软化”信息并帮助说明作者所表现的仅是个人推测而非已确认的事实。
  • Some will: 有些将会
  • Probably will/probably can: 很可能会
  • Be likely to do/may/might/could do: 可能
  • Ideas
  • Taking a gap year may/is likely to help a student to discover where his interests lie in. For example, when a student choose to work for H&M during the gap year and consequently find himself rather interested in the fashion industry, he probably will decide on this as his academic choice.
  • Sample
  • In many countries many women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their baby. Do the advantage outweigh disadvantage?
  • The introduction
  • Giving birth to a baby is one of the most significant family events. In some countries, new mothers are allowed to take maternity leave from work for a period of time. From my perspective, the advantages surely outweigh the downsides and in this essay I will explain why.
  • Main body 1.
  • On the one hand, temporarily stepping out from work means that these new mothers’ career prospects might be jammed. Many women have complained that when they returned to work, many of them found that they had lost the good assignments and relationships. However, it is overall less likely today because we are seeing more regulations being implemented to make sure that women return to their previous work without needing to suffer discrimination.
  • 缺点+例子+洗白
  • 如果用到的例子在现实世界当中已经存在,例子用现在完成时。
  • Main body 1.
  • Despite the negative mentioned above, one significant benefit about this policy is that new mothers can surely use this period of time to take better care of infants and bond with them. It is commonly known that the affection received in the first months will benefit the new-born baby both physically and mentally in the future.
  • 优点+结果
  • In addition, women are also given a buffer period to recover from the delivery and to lose the extra pounds gained during pregnancy. This is essential since it helps to build up confidence when they return to the previous work environment.
  • 优点+结果
  • Positive vs. Negative
  • Today’s food travels thousands of miles before it reaches customers. Is this a positive or negative trend?
  • Trend=change=development
  • 表明自己态度
  • 大多数是积极变化:In my opinion, this is largely a beneficial/negative trend and I will explain why.
  • Eg: In today's world, foods are delivered across thousands of miles before reaching customers. From my perspective, this is largely a negative change and I will explain why.
  • Ideas
  • Positive effects: consumers will enjoy more choices of food
  • Negative effects: environmental pollution+brings impact on local manufacturers and farms
  • Main body 1.
  • The most notable benefit is that consumers no longer need to leave the city to enjoy out-of-season or foreign food products that were once difficult to buy in the local market. For example, today consumers in Asia are finding it very convenient to walk into a store and purchase a bag of American chips whereas in the past, this type of food only appeared in movies or travelling magazines.
  • 优点+举例(对比)
  • Main body 2.
  • However, I still believe it is more of a negative change because firstly, it would be environmentally unfriendly. It is true that transport and the use of fossil fuels is one of the leading causes of global warming and climate change. Given this fact, if we want a cleaner environment, we should be trying to minimize transport and this includes reducing the unnecessary transport of foodstuffs.
  • 缺点+解释+提议
  • Main body 3.
  • Inaddition, transporting food also brings adverse impacts on local farmers and manufacturers.Farmers and smallholders are unable to compete with the supermarkets that import various products from abroad and these products are often more popular among consumers. Therefore, it is quite possible that local farmers will go out of business and it probably means that some local workers have to be laid off.
  • 缺点+解释+后果
  • Conclusion
  • In conclusion, transporting food indeed advantages the consumers. However, we should transport reasonably because it is environmentally unfriendly and it also impacts local community.

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