To set the source file path for the sxs folder, complete these steps:

  1. Ensure you have the correct installation media mounted or available on your machine (e.g. insert the installation media CD or mount the ISO)
  2. Navigate to <installation_media>\Sources\
  3. Copy the sxs folder from the Sources directory to any location on your local machine. In this example we are copying to C:\Sources\sxs. (Note: You can copy this to a network location so that multiple machines get their source files from a single source if required)
  4. Launch Registry Editor (Start >> Run >> regedit)
  5. Navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Servicing
  6. In this location, create the following registry entry: “LocalSourcePath”=”C:\Sources\sxs” (Note: If you copied the sxs folder to another location then set this as the value)
  7. Close the registry and re-install the Windows Feature using the GUI (i.e. either Control Panel >> Programs and Features or Server Manager)

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