51Nod 1097 拼成最小的数(字符串的排序)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int MAXN = 1e4 + ;
const int MAXA = ; struct num
char A[MAXA]; // 数据
int num; // 值
int len; // 长度
} Num[MAXN]; bool cmp(num a, num b)
// 长度相同则比较大小
if (a.len == b.len)
return a.num < b.num;
} int lenMin = a.len > b.len ? b.len : a.len; // 逐位比较 从小到大排
for (int i = ; i < lenMin; i++)
if (a.A[i] != b.A[i])
return a.A[i] < b.A[i];
} // 一个是另一个的前缀
if (a.len > b.len)
int i = ;
while (a.A[lenMin] == a.A[i])
if (lenMin == a.len)
return a.A[] > a.A[];
return a.A[lenMin] < a.A[i];
int i = ;
while (b.A[lenMin] == b.A[i])
if (lenMin == b.len)
return b.A[] < b.A[];
return !(b.A[lenMin] < b.A[i]);
} int main()
{ int N;
cin >> N; int len = ;
for (int i = ; i < N; i++)
scanf("%s", Num[i].A);
Num[i].num = atoi(Num[i].A);
//atoi((string)or(char a[])),将字符串换成整数
Num[i].len = strlen(Num[i].A);
len += Num[i].len;
sort(Num, Num + N, cmp);
int flag = ;
for (int i = ; i < N; i++)
if (flag + Num[i].len < )
flag += Num[i].len;
cout << Num[i].A;
for (int j = ; j < Num[i].len; j++)
cout << Num[i].A[j];
if (++flag == )
cout << endl;
flag = Num[i].len - j - ;
printf("%s", Num[i].A + j + );
cout << endl;
return ;
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