
Insert、Select、Update、Calculation、Transaction、models advanced、dev-tools、cookies

[ Insert ]


// 模型内操作,data是['字段'=>'值']的一维数组。

$bool = $this->save($data);

return $bool;


// static

$db = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault()->getShared('db');
// $db = $this->di->getShared('db'); $bool = $db->insert(
array_values($data), // 顺序对应字段的值数组,不能含空字符串
array_keys($data) // 字段数组
); return $db->lastInsertId();


// 批量insert

$data[] = [
'site' => $v,
'role_id' => $role_id,
'question_id' => $question_id,
]; $sql = \Alcon\Supports\Helper::build_insert_sql('pic_log', 'site, role_id, question_id', $data); $db = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault()->getShared('db'); $bool = (bool)$db->execute($sql); return $bool;

[ Select ]


// 模型内操作, 参数都为可选.

$arr = [
// "conditions" => "question_id = 1" // 与下面直接写条件的形式任选一种
"status = 1 AND role_id = 3",
"columns" => "id,isdel",
"order" => "sort DESC, addtime DESC",
"limit" => "2",
]; $all_res = static::find($arr)->toArray(); // 多条 $first_res = static::findFirst($arr)->toArray(); // 单条


// phalcon query language

$manager = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault()->getShared('modelsManager');

$phql = "SELECT MAX(pic_status) AS pic_status FROM " . __CLASS__ . " WHERE question_id = :question_id:";

$res = $manager->executeQuery($phql, ['question_id' => $question_id])
->toArray(); return $res['pic_status'];


// Query Builder

$builder = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault()->getShared('modelsManager')->createBuilder();

$res = $builder->columns(["MAX(" . __CLASS__ . ".pic_status)"])
->where("question_id = :question_id:", ["question_id" => $question_id])
->toArray(); return reset($res);

[ Update ]


$db = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault()->getShared('db');
// $db = $this->di->getShared('db'); $bool = $db->update(
['accept_time'], // 字段数组
[time()], // 值数组,对应顺序
"id = '{$answer_id}'" // 条件
); return $bool;


$db = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault()->getShared('db');

$sql = "UPDATE question_log SET answer_num = answer_num + 1 WHERE question_id =  '{$question_id}'";

return (bool)$db->execute($sql);


$manager = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault()->getShared('modelsManager');

$phql = "UPDATE " . __CLASS__ . " SET iscollect = :iscollect: WHERE id = '{$id}'";

// $data = ['iscollect' => 1];
$res = $manager->executeQuery($phql, $data); $bool = $res->success(); return $bool;


// 模型内


[ Calculation ]


// 总和
return static::sum([
'conditions' => 'xxxx',
'column' => 'shownum',
]); // 平均值
return static::average([
'column' => 'shownum',
]); // 最大
return static::maximum([
'column' => 'shownum',
]); // 最小
return static::minimum([
'column' => 'shownum',
]); // 数量 // conditions
return static::count("area='北京'"); // distinct
return static::count([
'distinct' => 'area',

[ Transaction ]


$db = $di->get('db');
$bool = $db->execute("INSERT ...");
if (! $bool) {
} else {
$bool = $db->execute("UPDATE ...");
if (! $bool) {
} else {

[ model advanced ]


$di->set('otherDb', function() {});
$di->set('dbSlave', function() {});
$di->set('dbMaster', function() {});
class Exmodel extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model
public function initialize()
class Exmodel extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model
public function initialize()



[ dev-tools ]


phalcon model --name=question_log --namespace=Demo\\Frontend\\Models --directory=/home/www/Demo --output=apps/frontend/models

phalcon controller --name=User --namespace=Demo\\Frontend\\Controllers --directory=/home/www/ --output=apps/frontend/controllers --base-class=ControllerBase --force

[ cookies ]

// This method does not removes cookies from the _COOKIE superglobal
// This method overrides any cookie set before with the same name
$this->cookies->get('name')->delete(); // Sets a cookie to be sent at the end of the request
$this->cookies->set('name', 'value', time() + $expire, '/', false, 'example.com', true); // Sends the cookies to the client.
// Cookies aren't sent if headers are sent in the current request
$this->cookies->send(); // Check if a cookie is defined in the bag or exists in the _COOKIE superglobal
if ( $this->cookies->has('name') ) { // Get the cookie
$this->cookies->get('name'); // Get the cookie's value
} // By default, cookies are automatically encrypted before being sent to the client and are decrypted when retrieved from the user. // Disable encryption in the following way
$di->set('cookies', function() {
return (new \Phalcon\Http\Response\Cookies())->useEncryption(false);
}); // To use encryption, a global key must be set.
$di->set('crypt', function() {
return (new \Phalcon\Crypt())->setKey('^YourOwnKey$');




Link: http://www.cnblogs.com/farwish/p/6357845.html

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