And if you really want to see what people are, all you have to do is to look.


From Wonder.

At least once in our life someone would do something that make us say: Why did they do that? How could they do that? Why did they make such stupid choice? I just don't understand.

In actual fact, this would probably happen to us very often.

We may feel that we just don't understand people, how they think, how they act, and what their motives or intenttions are.

Basically, understanding people can help reduce conflicts and improve relationships between people.

So just take some time to look at their life and how they spend their time, evaluate their personality, and then, we would have a better understanding about them.

For ourselves, we should keep an open mind and try to understand ourselves well.

He is rich that has few wants.


A person who has few wants may easily feel satisfied, and he could live a happier life than those who have many wants and who are ambitious.

Just as Henry David Thoreau had said: I make myself rich by making my wants few.

To be frank, I think I would like to express some reservations on such life concept, because I really want more, I am really willing to scarify some stability so that I can make some contributions to this wonderful world.

I don't intend to be a zero, I intend to be somebody.

Please finger out the differences between big dreams and some fleeting desires.

It is always good to pursue big dreams and make some of them come true, and be careful not to get into a habit of fulfilling little fleeting desires, because those fleeting desires may make us feel wonderful, but we are likely to regret our stupid actions later.

Remember a winner must be people who know how to restrain the natural urges and control their desires.

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