How to configure ODBC DSN to access local DB2 for Windows
How to configure ODBC DSN to access local DB2 for Windows
MA Genfeng
(GuangdongUnitoll Services incorporated, Guangzhou 510300)
Abstract This article introduces how to configure ODBC DSN in Server to access local DB2 for windows in detail. Then I give asample how to access local DB2 database with ODBC by DB Query Analyzer expediently.
Key words ODBC; DB Query Analyzer; DB2
1 Get port number ofDB2 instance
We should get port number of DB2 instance at first. Please run db2 command line process,then input ‘DB2 get dbm cfg |find"SVCENAME" ’ to get the SVCENAME db2c_DB2 of DB2 TCP/IP.
Figure 1 Get the SVCENAME db2c_DB2 of DB2 TCP/IP
Click on Start -> Run and type drivers to locate the directory c:\winnt\system32\drivers in windows 2000 or c:\windows\system32\drivers in Windows XP or Win7 and so on. Then open the sub directory etc and open the file services. This is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Locate and open file services
Then you’ll see the port number of db2c_DB2 is 50000 .
2 Configure ODBC DSN in Server
Open the DB2 configuration Assistant first and then start to configure ODBC DSN as it’s shown from Figure 3 to Figure 11.
In Figure we can see 4 DB2 databases created in local Server machine including TOOLSDB, SAMPLE,MGF_DB1 and LIST23. In here I’ll give a sample how to access local DB2 database MGF_DB1 with ODBC by DB Query Analyzer expediently.
Figure 3 Configure ODBC DSN with DB2 configuration Assistant
Figure 4 Configure ODBC DSN with DB2 configuration Assistant
Figure 5 Configure ODBC DSN with DB2 configuration Assistant
Figure 6 Configure ODBC DSN with DB2 configuration Assistant
Input IP Address of computer, if it’s not setted, please input
Figure 7 Configure ODBC DSN with DB2 configuration Assistant
Figure 8 Configure ODBC DSN with DB2 configuration Assistant
Figure 9 Configure ODBC DSN with DB2 configuration Assistant
Figure 10 Configure ODBC DSN with DB2configuration Assistant
Figure 11 Configure ODBC DSN with DB2configuration Assistant
Finally,Click button ‘Finish’ to end the process. In the same way I create another ODBC DSN ‘TOOLSDB’.
Figure 12 Change occurs after two ODBC DSN created
3 Access DB2 database with DB Query Analyzer
DB Query Analyzer is presented by Master Gen feng, Ma from Chinese Mainland. It has English version named ‘DB Query Analyzer’ and Simplified Chinese version named .
DB Query Analyzer is one of the few excellent Client Tools in the world for its’powerful function, friendly interface, easy operation and applicability to every production of RDBMS.
It lets you query ODBC data sources, author SQL scripts and queries, return query results to a grid or free-form text or a file, retrieve ODBC driver information, execute multiple SQL scripts or stored procedures simultaneously, and more.
In the New products & Tools reviews of programmer second issue of 2007, DB Query Analyzer had been strongly recommended.
Now the Simplified Chinese version of DB Query Analyzer is the top 50 database application software in the famous software website . In most case it lies the top 20 and it has been download more than 96,000 times.
63 technical articles about DB Query Analyzer have been published or been publishing in computer journal, BAIDU Library, the CSDN resource or my four blog-websites.
Download and install DB Query Analyzer. Then run it and input the DSN ’MGF_DB1’,User Name and Password.
Figure 13 Run DB Query Analzyer
Figure 14 Object View in DB Query Analyzer and fast SQL Script program
4 63 technical articles about DB Query Analyzer have been published or been publishing in computer journal, Baidu Library, the CSDN resource or my four blog-website.
The following 6 articles have been published in computer journal.
DB Query Analyzer to cancel a running SQL statement in Computer Era 12th issue of 2011 in Hangzhou.
DB Query Analyzer Returns Information in More Detail While Batch SQL Statement End of Execution in Computer Programming Skill & Maintenance 24th issue of 2011 in Beijing
The Application of the Transactions Control in DB2 with DB Query Analyzer in Computer Programming Skill & Maintenance 22nd issue of 2011 in Beijing.
How does DB Query Analyzer cancel the SQL statement committed to DBMS in Computer Engineering & Software 6th issue of 2011 in Tianjin.
The Application of the Transactions Control in Oracle with DB Query Analyzer in Microcomputer Applications 11th issue of 2011 in Shanghai.
DB Query Analyzer had been strongly recommended In the New products & Tools reviews of programmer 2nd issue of 2007.
The following 57 articles have been published or been publishing in Baidu Library, the CSDN resource or my four blog-website.
The DBMS that DB Query Analyzer Users often use cover all kinds of DBMS have been published.
How to configure ODBC DSN in Client to access remote DB2 for Windows
How to configure ODBC DSN to access local DB2 for Windows
Which SQL statement is the trump card to the senior software developer
Exe packer prevent DB Query Analyzer from being debugged have been published.
13 articles from The 1st tip of DB Query Analyze to The 13th skills of DB Query Analyzer have been published.
The table name must be enclosed in double quotation marks or square bracket while accessing EXCEL by DB Query Analyzer
DB Query Analyzer 5.04 download URL:
DB Query Analyzer Simplified Chinese version 5.04 download URL:
Remarks :
Please uninstall the former version first, then install the latest version.
My blog-sites are
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