WMIC is a command line interface to WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation). While it has many uses, I find it especially useful for querying certain system parameters.


C:\>wmic cpu get Name

Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.80GHz
C:\>wmic cpu get NumberOfCores, NumberOfLogicalProcessors NumberOfCores NumberOfLogicalProcessors
1 1

The NumberOfCores and NumberOfLogicalProcessors properties are new to Windows Vista. NumberOfLogicalProcessor refers to the number of hyperthreading execution units that a processor has. NumberOfCores, to state the obvious, gets you the number of cores that a processor has.

Operating System:

C:\>wmic os get Name

Microsoftr Windows VistaT Ultimate |C:\Windows|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1
C:\>wmic os get BuildNumber, BuildType, Version

BuildNumber  BuildType            Version
6000 Multiprocessor Free 6.0.6000
C:\>wmic os get ServicePackMajorVersion, ServicePackMinorVersion

ServicePackMajorVersion  ServicePackMinorVersion
0 0
C:\>wmic os get OperatingSystemSKU

The OperatingSystemSKU property is new to Windows Vista. A value of 1 means that you are running the Ultimate edition. Other values and their corresponding SKU names can be found on the Win32_OperatingSystem documentation page.

Finally, Windows Vista introduces the concept of Windows Experience Index that allows you to measure your PC’s performance. Your computer’s Windows Experience Index (WEI) score can be queried from command line. First we find out if the WEI score for your computer is still valid:

C:\>wmic path Win32_WinSAT get WinSATAssessmentState


A value of 1 for the property WinSATAssessmentState means that we have the correct, latest value of the WEI score available. A value other than 1 means that the score is either unknown or needs to be recomputed to be coherent with a hardware change made to the machine. Here is how you can get to the WEI scores:

C:\>wmic path Win32_WinSAT get CPUScore, D3DScore, DIskScore, GraphicsScore, MemoryScore, WinSPRLevel

CPUScore  D3DScore  DiskScore  GraphicsScore  MemoryScore WinSPRLevel
3.7 2.5 3.8 2 4.1 2 From:http://www.deepakg.com/blog/2007/08/using-wmic-for-gathering-system-info/

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