


1. root根目录下,包含项目的说明文件以及设计方案,大部分文件是必读的。

2. build顾名思义,放置一些和源码编译相关的文件,比如编译前脚本配置、环境监测等。

3. ext官方扩展,包含了绝大数PHP函数的定义和实现,包括date、pdo、ftp、curl等。

4. main 放置PHP核心文件,主要实现PHP的基础设施,这里和Zend engine不一样,Zend engine主要完成最核心的语言运行环境。

5. Zend 放置Zend engine实现文件,包含脚本语法解析,扩展机制的实现等。

6. pear PHP的扩展与应用仓库

7. sapi 包含多种服务器的抽象层代码,例如apache的mod_php、cgi、fcgi以及fpm等接口。

8. TSRM(Thread Safe Resource Manager) php的线程安全是构建在TSRM库之上的。

9. tests php的测试脚本集合,包含各个模块功能的测试文件。

10. win32 包含windows平台下的相关实现,比如socket的实现在windows与*Nix平台就不太相同,同时包含了在windows下编译php的相关脚本。


从架构图中,很清楚看出SAPI(Server Application Programming Interface)应用编程接口,是非常重要的东东。


先百度百科一下什么是CGI:Common Gateway Interface 是WWW技术中最重要的技术之一,有着不可替代的重要地位。CGI是外部应用程序(CGI程序)与Web服务器之间的接口标准,是在CGI程序和Web服务器之间传递信息的规程。CGI规范允许Web服务器执行外部程序,并将它们的输出发送给Web浏览器,CGI将Web的一组简单的静态超媒体文档变成一个完整的新的交互式媒体。

脚本执行的开始都是以SAPI接口实现开始的。只是不同的SAPI接口实现会完成他们特定的工作, 例如Apache的mod_php SAPI实现需要初始化从Apache获取的一些信息,在输出内容是将内容返回给Apache, 其他的SAPI实现也类似。




 /* {{{ sapi_module_struct cgi_sapi_module
static sapi_module_struct cgi_sapi_module = {
"cgi-fcgi", /* name */
"CGI/FastCGI", /* pretty name */ php_cgi_startup, /* startup */
php_module_shutdown_wrapper, /* shutdown */ sapi_cgi_activate, /* activate */
sapi_cgi_deactivate, /* deactivate */ sapi_cgi_ub_write, /* unbuffered write */
sapi_cgi_flush, /* flush */
NULL, /* get uid */
sapi_cgi_getenv, /* getenv */ php_error, /* error handler */ NULL, /* header handler */
sapi_cgi_send_headers, /* send headers handler */
NULL, /* send header handler */ sapi_cgi_read_post, /* read POST data */
sapi_cgi_read_cookies, /* read Cookies */ sapi_cgi_register_variables, /* register server variables */
sapi_cgi_log_message, /* Log message */
NULL, /* Get request time */


例如:php_cgi_startup 调用php初始化。

 static int php_cgi_startup(sapi_module_struct *sapi_module)
if (php_module_startup(sapi_module, &cgi_module_entry, 1) == FAILURE) {
return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;

例如:php_module_shutdown_wrapper php关闭函数。

 int php_module_shutdown_wrapper(sapi_module_struct *sapi_globals)
return SUCCESS;

例如:sapi_cgi_activate 处理request进行初始化。

 static int sapi_cgi_activate(void)
char *path, *doc_root, *server_name;
size_t path_len, doc_root_len, server_name_len; /* PATH_TRANSLATED should be defined at this stage but better safe than sorry :) */
if (!SG(request_info).path_translated) {
return FAILURE;
} if (php_ini_has_per_host_config()) {
/* Activate per-host-system-configuration defined in php.ini and stored into configuration_hash during startup */
if (fcgi_is_fastcgi()) {
fcgi_request *request = (fcgi_request*) SG(server_context); server_name = FCGI_GETENV(request, "SERVER_NAME");
} else {
server_name = getenv("SERVER_NAME");
/* SERVER_NAME should also be defined at this stage..but better check it anyway */
if (server_name) {
server_name_len = strlen(server_name);
server_name = estrndup(server_name, server_name_len);
zend_str_tolower(server_name, server_name_len);
php_ini_activate_per_host_config(server_name, server_name_len);
} if (php_ini_has_per_dir_config() ||
(PG(user_ini_filename) && *PG(user_ini_filename))
) {
/* Prepare search path */
path_len = strlen(SG(request_info).path_translated); /* Make sure we have trailing slash! */
if (!IS_SLASH(SG(request_info).path_translated[path_len])) {
path = emalloc(path_len + 2);
memcpy(path, SG(request_info).path_translated, path_len + 1);
path_len = zend_dirname(path, path_len);
path[path_len++] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
} else {
path = estrndup(SG(request_info).path_translated, path_len);
path_len = zend_dirname(path, path_len);
path[path_len] = 0; /* Activate per-dir-system-configuration defined in php.ini and stored into configuration_hash during startup */
php_ini_activate_per_dir_config(path, path_len); /* Note: for global settings sake we check from root to path */ /* Load and activate user ini files in path starting from DOCUMENT_ROOT */
if (PG(user_ini_filename) && *PG(user_ini_filename)) {
if (fcgi_is_fastcgi()) {
fcgi_request *request = (fcgi_request*) SG(server_context); doc_root = FCGI_GETENV(request, "DOCUMENT_ROOT");
} else {
doc_root = getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT");
/* DOCUMENT_ROOT should also be defined at this stage..but better check it anyway */
if (doc_root) {
doc_root_len = strlen(doc_root);
if (doc_root_len > 0 && IS_SLASH(doc_root[doc_root_len - 1])) {
#ifdef PHP_WIN32
/* paths on windows should be case-insensitive */
doc_root = estrndup(doc_root, doc_root_len);
zend_str_tolower(doc_root, doc_root_len);
php_cgi_ini_activate_user_config(path, path_len, doc_root, doc_root_len, (doc_root_len > 0 && (doc_root_len - 1))); #ifdef PHP_WIN32
} efree(path);
} return SUCCESS;

例如:sapi_cgi_deactivate 处理完request关闭函数,与activate对应。

 static int sapi_cgi_deactivate(void)
/* flush only when SAPI was started. The reasons are:
1. SAPI Deactivate is called from two places: module init and request shutdown
2. When the first call occurs and the request is not set up, flush fails on FastCGI.
if (SG(sapi_started)) {
if (fcgi_is_fastcgi()) {
if (
!parent &&
!fcgi_finish_request((fcgi_request*)SG(server_context), 0)) {
} else {
return SUCCESS;

例如:sapi_cgibin_ub_write 告诉Zend如何输出数据。

 static size_t sapi_cgibin_ub_write(const char *str, size_t str_length) /* {{{ */
const char *ptr = str;
uint remaining = str_length;
size_t ret; while (remaining > 0) {
ret = sapi_cgibin_single_write(ptr, remaining);
if (!ret) {
return str_length - remaining;
ptr += ret;
remaining -= ret;
} return str_length;

例如:sapi_cgi_flush Zend刷新缓存。

 static void sapi_cgi_flush(void *server_context)
if (fflush(stdout) == EOF) {

例如:sapi_cgi_getenv 获取环境信息。

 static char *sapi_cgi_getenv(char *name, size_t name_len)
return getenv(name);

例如:php_error 异常输出。


例如:sapi_cgi_read_post 读取post data。

 static size_t sapi_cgi_read_post(char *buffer, size_t count_bytes)
size_t read_bytes = 0;
int tmp_read_bytes;
size_t remaining_bytes; assert(SG(request_info).content_length >= SG(read_post_bytes)); remaining_bytes = (size_t)(SG(request_info).content_length - SG(read_post_bytes)); count_bytes = MIN(count_bytes, remaining_bytes);
while (read_bytes < count_bytes) {
#ifdef PHP_WIN32
size_t diff = count_bytes - read_bytes;
unsigned int to_read = (diff > UINT_MAX) ? UINT_MAX : (unsigned int)diff; tmp_read_bytes = read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer + read_bytes, to_read);
tmp_read_bytes = read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer + read_bytes, count_bytes - read_bytes);
if (tmp_read_bytes <= 0) {
read_bytes += tmp_read_bytes;
return read_bytes;



You must add '--enable-fastcgi' to the configure command on Linux or
OSX based systems to get fastcgi support in the php-cgi binary. You
also must not use '--enable-discard-path'.


Using FastCGI PHP with Apache

#LoadModule php7_module /usr/lib/apache/2.0/libphp7.so

ScriptAlias /fcgi-bin/ /space/fcgi-bin/
<Location /fcgi-bin/>
Options ExecCGI
SetHandler fastcgi-script


SAPI 服务器端抽象层代码实现。



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