Problem E

All in All

Input: standard input

Output: standard output

Time Limit: 2 seconds

Memory Limit: 32 MB

You have devised a new encryption technique whichencodes a message by inserting between its characters randomly generatedstrings in a clever way. Because of pending patent issues we will not discussin detail how the strings are generated and inserted into the original message.To validate your method, however, it is necessary to write a program thatchecks if the message is really encoded in the final string.

Given two strings s and t, you haveto decide whether s is a subsequence of t, i.e. if you can removecharacters from t such that the concatenation of the remainingcharacters is s.

Input Specification

The input contains several testcases. Each isspecified by two strings s, t of alphanumeric ASCII characters separatedby whitespace. Input is terminated by EOF.

Output Specification

For each test case output, if s is asubsequence of t.

Sample Input

sequence subsequence
person compression
VERDI vivaVittorioEmanueleReDiItalia
caseDoesMatter CaseDoesMatter





然后, 其实我不想说思路了


#include<string.h> char str1[100005];
char str2[100005]; int main() {
while(scanf("%s %s", str1, str2) != EOF) {
int len1, len2;
len1 = strlen(str1);
len2 = strlen(str2);
int i;
int mark = 0;
int pos = 0;
for(i = 0; i < len2; i++) {
if(str1[pos] == str2[i]) {
if(pos >= len1)
mark = 1;
return 0;

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