我们的接口需要返回一个gird++生成PDF文件的二进制数据,在本地测试都很好,发布到服务器上一直出现“Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID”问题。

最后终于找到问题的解决方法:把程序池里的Enable 32-Bit Applications 设置为True

(ps: 服务器上要安装Grid++的客户端)

另外 附上代码

    public struct MatchFieldPairType
public IGRField grField;
public int MatchColumnIndex;
public class PrintHelper
// 将 DataTable 的数据转储到 Grid++Report 的数据集中
public static void FillRecordToReport(IGridppReport Report, DataTable dt)
MatchFieldPairType[] MatchFieldPairs = new MatchFieldPairType[Math.Min(Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.Fields.Count, dt.Columns.Count)]; //根据字段名称与列名称进行匹配,建立DataReader字段与Grid++Report记录集的字段之间的对应关系
int MatchFieldCount = ;
for (int i = ; i < dt.Columns.Count; ++i)
foreach (IGRField fld in Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.Fields)
if (String.Compare(fld.Name, dt.Columns[i].ColumnName, true) == )
MatchFieldPairs[MatchFieldCount].grField = fld;
MatchFieldPairs[MatchFieldCount].MatchColumnIndex = i;
} // 将 DataTable 中的每一条记录转储到 Grid++Report 的数据集中去
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
Report.DetailGrid.Recordset.Append(); for (int i = ; i < MatchFieldCount; ++i)
if (!dr.IsNull(MatchFieldPairs[i].MatchColumnIndex))
MatchFieldPairs[i].grField.Value = dr[MatchFieldPairs[i].MatchColumnIndex];

                  var report = new GridppReport();

                 PrintHelper.FillRecordToReport(report, printDt);
string fileName = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["pdfPath"] + shipmentNumber + ".pdf";
report.ExportDirect(GRExportType.gretPDF, fileName, false, false); FileStream stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.Length];
stream.Read(buffer, , Convert.ToInt32(stream.Length));

附上Grid++破解dll:  下载

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