Let inheritance help with memory efficiency
function SignalFire(ID, startingLogs){
this.fireID = ID;
this.logsLeft = startingLogs;
} SignalFire.prototype = {
addLogs: function(numLogs){
this.logsLeft += numLogs;
} lightFire: function(){
} smokeSignal: function(message){
if(this.logsLeft < this.message.length / 10){
alert("Not enough");
var x = this.message.length;
for(var i = 0; i < x; i++){
if(i % 10 == 0 && i != 0){
} var fireOne = new SignalFire(1, 20);
var fireTwo = new SignalFire(2, 18);
var fireThree = new SignalFire(3, 14); fireOne.addLogs(8);
//The addLogs method is found in one useful place, instead of being
//replicated across all signalFires. /**
Adding individual dom elements ain't always speedy
var list = document.getElementById("kotwList");
var kotw = ["Jenna Rangespike",
"Neric Farthing",
"Darkin Stonefield"];
for(var i = 0, x = kotw.length; i < x; i++){
var element = document.creatElement('li');
//appendChild(); function each time this list is appened, we access the DOM
//and cause an entire document reflow. Not as speedy as we'd like, especially
//if we list was huge... /*
Improve: Use a document fragment to insert additions all at once
var list = document.getElementById("kotwList");
var kotw = ["Jenna Rangespike",
"Neric Farthing",
"Darkin Stonefield"];
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
for(var i = 0, x = kotw.length; i < x; i++){
var element = document.creatElement('li');
list.appendChild(fragment); /*
Improve: declare variables as few times as possible
var list = document.getElementById("kotwList"),
kotw = ["Jenna Rangespike",
"Neric Farthing",
"Darkin Stonefield"],
fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(),
element; for(var i = 0, x = kotw.length; i < x; i++){
element = document.creatElement('li');
list.appendChild(fragment); /**
Efficient choices for string concatenation
var knight = "Jenna Rangespike",
action = " strikes the dragon with a ",
weapon = "Halberd",
turn = "";
turn += knight;
turn += action;
turn += weapon;
//It is ok because the code is short and clear //
var newPageBuild = ["<!DOCTYPE html>", "<html>", "<body>", "<h1>",
*** a hundred or more other html elements***,
"</script>", "</body>", "</html>"],
page = "";
for(var i = 0, x = newPageBuild.length; i < x; i++){
page += newPageBuild[i];
page = newPageBuild.join("\n");
//Using join is much faster than using '+=' and looks simple and clear!!

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