Displaying Alerts with UIAlertView
- UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc]
- initWithTitle:@"Alert"
- message:@"You've been delivered an alert"
- delegate:nil
- cancelButtonTitle:@"Cancel"
- otherButtonTitles:@"Ok", nil];
- [alertView show];
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
- NSString *message = @"Are you sure you want to open this link in Safari?";
- UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc]
- initWithTitle:@"Open Link"
- message:message
- delegate:self
- cancelButtonTitle:[self noButtonTitle]
- otherButtonTitles:[self yesButtonTitle], nil];
- [alertView show];
more samples
- // one button alert
- UIAlertView *alert =
- [[UIAlertView alloc]
- initWithTitle: @"Hello"
- message: @"Hello Master HaKu!"
- delegate: self
- cancelButtonTitle: @"OK"
- OtherButtonTitles: nil];
- [alert show];
- [alert release];
- // two buttons alert
- UIAlertView *alert =
- [[UIAlertView alloc]
- initWithTitle: @"Hello"
- message: @"Hello Master HaKu!"
- delegate: self
- cancelButtonTitle: @"YES"
- OtherButtonTitles: @"NO", nil];
- [alert show];
- [alert release];
- // more buttons alert
- UIAlertView *alert =
- [[UIAlertView alloc]
- initWithTitle: @"Hello"
- message: @"Hello Master HaKu!"
- delegate: self
- cancelButtonTitle: @"OK"
- OtherButtonTitles: @"Option1", @"Option2", nil];
- [alert show];
- [alert release];
- @interface AlertTestViewController : UIViewController<UIAlertViewDelegate>
- @end
- // alert click implmentation
- - (void) alertView: (UIAlertView *)alertView
- clickedButtonAtIndex: (NSInteger)buttonIndex
- {
- NSLog(@"%d", buttonIndex);
- }
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