

S stands for SRP (Single responsibility principle):- A class should take care of only one responsibility.

O stands for OCP (Open closed principle):- Extension should be preferred over modification.

L stands for LSP (Liskov substitution principle):- A parent class object should be able to refer child objects seamlessly during runtime polymorphism.

I stands for ISP (Interface segregation principle):- Client should not be forced to use a interface if it does not need it.

D stands for DIP (Dependency inversion principle) :- High level modules should not depend on low level modules but should depend on abstraction.

There are three basic classifications of patterns Creational, Structural, and Behavioral patterns.

Creational Patterns

• Abstract Factory:- Creates an instance of several families of classes 
• Builder: - Separates object construction from its representation 
• Factory Method:- Creates an instance of several derived classes 
• Prototype:- A fully initialized instance to be copied or cloned 
• Singleton:- A class in which only a single instance can exist

Note: - The best way to remember Creational pattern is by remembering ABFPS (Abraham Became First President of States).
Structural Patterns

• Adapter:-Match interfaces of different classes . 
• Bridge:-Separates an object’s abstraction from its implementation. 
• Composite:-A tree structure of simple and composite objects. 
• Decorator:-Add responsibilities to objects dynamically. 
• Façade:-A single class that represents an entire subsystem.
• Flyweight:-A fine-grained instance used for efficient sharing. 
• Proxy:-An object representing another object.

• Mediator:-Defines simplified communication between classes.
• Memento:-Capture and restore an object's internal state. 
• Interpreter:- A way to include language elements in a program.
• Iterator:-Sequentially access the elements of a collection. 
• Chain of Resp: - A way of passing a request between a chain of objects.
• Command:-Encapsulate a command request as an object. 
• State:-Alter an object's behavior when its state changes. 
• Strategy:-Encapsulates an algorithm inside a class. 
• Observer: - A way of notifying change to a number of classes. 
• Template Method:-Defer the exact steps of an algorithm to a subclass. 
• Visitor:-Defines a new operation to a class without change.

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