2019 Lonsdor K518S VS K518ISE:

The same: IMMO capabilities + Vehicle coverage.

The difference: The update subscriptions, Lonsdor K518S offers 3 optional subscriptions.

Lonsdor K518S:

1.SK213-B: Basic packagewith lifetime update
2.SK213-S1: fullpackage (free update for first 6 months) + one-year subscription(800USD)
3.SK213-S2: lifetime update subscription(not incl. the cost of hardware and basic package)

PDF: Lonsdor K518S function list


The parts with black words are free forever.

The red parts need money.

Lonsdor K518ISE (English version):

1.SK213: basic package (free lifetime)
2.SK213-S: one-year subscription(630USD)

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