python & mysql 操作(compare_sum_fee)
#!/usr/bin/python3 #coding = utf-8 import time, sqlite3, datetime, threading, pymysql, time, logging, os, contextlib, sys, xlrd, xlwt import psutil, py_compile from xlutils.copy import copy import queue db_mq = queue.Queue() if True : @contextlib.contextmanager def billing(): try: if db_mq.empty(): conn = pymysql.connect(host = ', db = 'test', charset = 'utf8') conn.autocommit(True) else: conn = db_mq.get_nowait() = True) yield conn.cursor() finally: conn.cursor().close() db_mq.put(conn) else : @contextlib.contextmanager def billing(): try: if db_mq.empty(): conn = pymysql.connect(host = '', port = 3306, user = 'root', passwd = '123456', db = 'billing', charset = 'utf8') conn.autocommit(True) else: conn = db_mq.get_nowait() = True) yield conn.cursor() finally: conn.cursor().close() db_mq.put(conn) # 限制运行数量为1 防止数据冲突 def isRunning() : count = 0 status = False for i in psutil.pids(): if psutil.Process(i).name() == '' or 'compare_sum_fee_20190412.pyc' in psutil.Process(i).cmdline() : count += 1 if count > 1 : status = True break if os.path.exists('/home/work/') : py_compile.compile('/home/work/', '/home/work/compare_sum_fee_20190412.pyc') os.system('chmod 777 /home/work/compare_sum_fee_20190412.pyc') return status # ------------------------------------------------------------- # (1) cycleid = ' # (2) isCreateLog = False # (3)是否打印调试日志 needPrint = False # (4) needCreateTable = True # (5) tableSuffix = '' # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # 创建费用比较表 def create_table_compareFee() : dropTable = ''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS compare_fee_%s; ''' createTable = ''' CREATE TABLE `compare_fee_%s` ( `id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '记录流水号', `product_id` VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '产品编号', `np_id` VARCHAR(36) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '运营商编号', `np_sum_duration` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '运营商话单结算总时长', `np_total_times` BIGINT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '运营商话单总数', `np_sum_qty` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '运营商话单总结算量(按公司费率)', `np_sum_fee` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '运营商话单总结算费(按公司费率)', `un_sum_duration` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '平台话单计费总时长', `un_total_times` BIGINT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '平台话单总数', `un_sum_fee` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '平台话单计费总费用(分)', `sum_np_fee` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '运营商话单总结算费(按运营商费率)', `sum_original_fee` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '原始结算费总和(运营商提供)', `reserve_00` VARCHAR(16) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '扩展字段1', `reserve_01` VARCHAR(16) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '扩展字段2', `reserve_02` VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '扩展字段3', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `idx_np_id` (`np_id`), KEY `idx_product_id` (`product_id`) ) ENGINE=INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='费用对比详单表' ''' dropSql = dropTable % (cycleid + tableSuffix) createSql = createTable % (cycleid + tableSuffix) if needCreateTable : with billing() as billingDB : print('[1]drop create Sql :: %s' % dropSql) billingDB.execute(dropSql) print('[2]create table Sql :: %s' % createSql) billingDB.execute(createSql) sql = 'UPDATE acct_offlinefile SET state = 4 WHERE cycle_id = \'' + cycleid + '\';' billingDB.execute(sql) print('[3]update acct_offlinefile set state = 4 all np_id') def get_callingid_code(calling_id) : ' : calling_id = calling_id[2:(len(calling_id))] ' and len(calling_id) == 11 : sql = "select area_code from cfg_area_prefix where prefix = '" + calling_id[0:7] + "' limit 1;" with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) results = billingDB.fetchall() if results : for record in results : return record['area_code'] else : return '' ' and len(calling_id) >= 4 : ' : return calling_id[0:3] else : return calling_id[0:4] else : is_len = len(calling_id) > 0 and len(calling_id) < 7 and len(calling_id) != 4 value = int(calling_id) is_reserve = len(calling_id) == 4 and value > 0 and (value < 5000 or value > 5999) ' or is_len or is_reserve : ' else : return '' def analysis_cdr_calltype(np_id) : sql = 'SELECT calling_id FROM np_cdr_' + cycleid + ' WHERE np_id = \'' + np_id + '\' AND ISNULL(ani_code) GROUP BY calling_id;' print('----[1]start : get_callingid_code ......') #print('select_calling_id_sql : ' + sql) results = () with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) results = billingDB.fetchall() sum_count = 0 count = 0 if results : sql_const = "UPDATE np_cdr_%s SET ani_code = %s WHERE np_id = %s AND calling_id = %s;" param = [] for record in results : cur_code = get_callingid_code(record[0]) if len(cur_code) != 0 : value = [] value.append(int(cycleid)) value.append(cur_code) value.append(np_id) value.append(record[0]) param.append(value) count += 1 if 5000 == count : #print('areacode_param5000 : ', param) with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.executemany(sql_const, param) sum_count += count print('------update ani_code count : %d ' % sum_count) count = 0 param.clear() if count > 0 : #print('areacode_param less 5000 : ', param) with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.executemany(sql_const, param) sum_count += count print('------update ani_code sum_count : %d ' % sum_count) count = 0 param.clear() #print('id : %d | calling_id : %s | ani_code : %s | affectrow : %d' % (record[0], str(record[1]), cur_code, billingDB.rowcount)) print('----[1]end : get_callingid_code ......') # 分析呼叫类型 count = 0 sum_count = 0 print('----[2]start : analysis_cdr_calltype ......') sql = 'SELECT product_id FROM np_cdr_' + cycleid + ' WHERE np_id = \'' + np_id + '\' AND ISNULL(reserve_00) GROUP BY product_id;' #print('select_product_id_sql : ' + sql) results = () with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) results = billingDB.fetchall() if results : sql_result = 'UPDATE np_cdr_%s SET reserve_00 = IF(ani_code = %s, \'市话\', \'长话\') WHERE np_id = %s AND product_id = %s;' param = [] for record in results : sql = 'SELECT areacode FROM cfg_productid_areacode WHERE product_id = \'' + record[0] + '\';' codeResult = () with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) codeResult = billingDB.fetchall() value = [] value.append(int(cycleid)) if not codeResult : value.append('') else : for codeRecord in codeResult : value.append(codeRecord[0]) value.append(np_id) value.append(record[0]) param.append(value) count += 1 if 5000 == count : #print('calltype_param5000 : ', param) with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.executemany(sql_result, param) sum_count += count print('------update reserve_00 product count : %d ' % sum_count) count = 0 param.clear() if count > 0 : #print('calltype_param less 5000 : ', param) with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.executemany(sql_result, param) sum_count += count print('------update reserve_00 product sum_count : %d ' % sum_count) count = 0 param.clear() print('----[2]end : analysis_cdr_calltype ......') # 搜集批价参数 def collect_union_fee(value, curProductID, unionType, npCdrType) : cur_fee_unit = 0 cur_fee_rate = 0 sql = 'SELECT fee_unit, fee_rate FROM cfg_fee_rate WHERE product_id = \'' + curProductID + '\' AND call_type = \'' + unionType + '\';' unionRate = () with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) unionRate = billingDB.fetchall() if unionRate : for rateRecord in unionRate : cur_fee_unit = rateRecord[0] cur_fee_rate = rateRecord[1] element = [] element.append(int(cycleid)) element.append(int(cur_fee_unit)) element.append(int(cur_fee_rate)) element.append(value) element.append(curProductID) element.append(npCdrType) return element # 计算公司费用 def calc_union_fee(value) : print('----[1]start : calc_union_fee ......') sql = 'SELECT product_id FROM np_cdr_' + cycleid sql += ' WHERE np_id = \'' + value + '\'' sql += ' AND ISNULL(service_qty) GROUP BY product_id;' results = () total_count = 0 with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) results = billingDB.fetchall() total_count = billingDB.rowcount sql_const = ''' UPDATE np_cdr_%s SET fee_unit = %s, fee_rate = %s, service_qty = IF(fee_unit = 0, 0, (FLOOR((duration + fee_unit - 1) / fee_unit))), service_fee = IF(fee_unit = 0, 0, (FLOOR((duration + fee_unit - 1) / fee_unit) * fee_rate)) WHERE np_id = %s AND product_id = %s AND reserve_00 = %s; ''' param = [] count = 0 sum_count = 0 if total_count > 0 and results : for record in results : curProductID = str(record[0]) param.append(collect_union_fee(value, curProductID, ', '长话')) param.append(collect_union_fee(value, curProductID, ', '市话')) count += 1 #print('total : %d | current : %d | product : %s' % (total_count, sum_count, curProductID)) if 3000 == count : #print('fee_param 3000 : ', param) sum_count += count with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.executemany(sql_const, param) print('------calc union fee progress | total : %d | current : %d ' % (total_count, sum_count)) count = 0 param.clear() if count > 0 : #print('fee_param less 3000 : ', param) sum_count += count with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.executemany(sql_const, param) print('------calc union fee progress | total : %d | current : %d ' % (total_count, sum_count)) count = 0 param.clear() print('----[1]end : calc_union_fee ......') def do_by_npid(state) : # 恢复统计前原状态值 if 2 == state : sql = 'UPDATE acct_offlinefile SET state = 2 WHERE cycle_id = \'' + cycleid + '\';' with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) effectrow = billingDB.rowcount if effectrow > 0 : print('----OK. success to update set state = 2 where all np_id') return # 执行过程 sql = 'SELECT np_id, np_name FROM acct_offlinefile WHERE cycle_id = \'' + cycleid + '\' AND state = ' + str(state - 1) + ' GROUP BY np_id;' results = () np_count = 0 with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) results = billingDB.fetchall() np_count = billingDB.rowcount if results : count = 0 for np in results : count += 1 print('--Total : %d || No. %d || np_id : %s || np_name : %s' % (np_count, count, np[0], np[1])) if 3 == state : analysis_cdr_calltype(np[0]) elif 4 == state : calc_union_fee(np[0]) else : amount_sum_fee(np[0]) sql = 'UPDATE acct_offlinefile SET state = ' + str(state) + ' WHERE np_id = \'' + np[0] + '\';' with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) if billingDB.rowcount > 0 : print('----[OK]success to finish update set state = ' + str(state) + ' where np_name = %s' % np[1]) def analysis_calltype_by_npid() : do_by_npid(3) def calc_np_cdr_fee_by_npid() : do_by_npid(4) def amount_sum_fee_by_npid() : do_by_npid(5) def restore_initial_state() : do_by_npid(2) def amount_sum_fee(np_id) : print('----[1]start : amount sum fee ......') # 查询所有账号 sql = 'SELECT product_id FROM np_cdr_' + cycleid + ' WHERE np_id = \'' + np_id + '\' GROUP BY product_id;' results = () with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) results = billingDB.fetchall() count = 0 sumCount = 0 productFeeDict = {} sql_const = 'insert into compare_fee_' + cycleid + tableSuffix + ' (product_id, np_id, np_sum_duration, np_total_times, np_sum_qty, np_sum_fee, ' sql_const += 'un_sum_duration, un_total_times, un_sum_fee, sum_np_fee, sum_original_fee) values ' if results : for record in results : curProductID = str(record[0]) count += 1 sumCount += 1 cur_np_sum_fee = 0 cur_np_sum_original_fee = 0 productFeeDict[curProductID] = '\'' + np_id + '\'' sql = 'SELECT product_id, SUM(duration) AS np_sum_duration, COUNT(id) AS np_sum_cdrCnt, SUM(service_qty) AS np_service_qty,' sql += ' SUM(service_fee) AS np_service_fee, SUM(np_fee) AS np_sum_fee, SUM(original_fee) AS np_sum_original_fee ' sql += ' FROM np_cdr_' + cycleid + ' WHERE np_id = \'' + np_id + '\' AND product_id = \'' + curProductID + '\';' np_results = () with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) np_results = billingDB.fetchall() if np_results : for record in np_results : productFeeDict[curProductID] = productFeeDict.get(curProductID) + ',' + str(record[1]) + ',' + str(record[2]) + ',' + str(record[3]) + ',' + str(record[4]) cur_np_sum_fee = str(record[5]) cur_np_sum_original_fee = str(record[6]) sql = 'SELECT product_id, SUM(total_duration) AS un_sum_duration, SUM(total_times) AS un_sum_cdrCnt,' sql += ' SUM(total_fee) AS un_sum_fee FROM dat_bill_' + cycleid + ' WHERE call_type & 4097 > 0 AND product_id = \'' + curProductID + '\';' un_results = () with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) un_results = billingDB.fetchall() if un_results : for record in un_results : value = {'duration':0, 'cdrCnt':0, 'sumfee':0} if record[0] : value['duration'] = record[1] value['cdrCnt'] = record[2] value['sumfee'] = record[3] productFeeDict[curProductID] = productFeeDict.get(curProductID) + ',' + str(value['duration']) + ',' + str(value['cdrCnt']) + ',' + str(value['sumfee']) productFeeDict[curProductID] = productFeeDict.get(curProductID) + ',' + cur_np_sum_fee + ',' + cur_np_sum_original_fee # 写入表中 if 5000 == count : # 写入表中 sql = sql_const for key, value in productFeeDict.items() : sql += ' (\'' + key + '\',' + value + '),' sql = sql[:-1] sql = sql.replace('None', 'NULL') with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) print("------success insert into product_id count :: %d" % sumCount) count = 0 productFeeDict.clear() # 最后一次写入 if count > 0 : sql = sql_const for key, value in productFeeDict.items() : sql += ' (\'' + key + '\',' + value + '),' sql = sql[:-1] sql = sql.replace('None', 'NULL') with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) print('------success insert into product_id sumCount :: %d ' % sumCount) count = 0 productFeeDict.clear() print('----[1]end : amount sum fee ......') def set_bigger_flag() : print('--[1]start : set bigger flag ......') with billing() as billingDB : sql = 'UPDATE compare_fee_' + cycleid + tableSuffix + ' SET reserve_00 = IF(np_sum_fee > un_sum_fee, 1, 0);' billingDB.execute(sql) sql = 'SELECT count(id) AS biggerCnt FROM compare_fee_' + cycleid + tableSuffix + ' WHERE reserve_00 = 1;' with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) results = billingDB.fetchall() if results : for record in results : print('----[npcdr_union_sum_fee > uncdr_sum_fee] total count : %d' % record[0]) print('--[2]end : set bigger flag ......') def pickUpNpCdr() : sql = 'SELECT product_id FROM compare_fee_' + cycleid + tableSuffix + ' WHERE reserve_00 = 1;' with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) results = billingDB.fetchall() productid_count = 0 sum_npsdr_count = 0 calc_productid_count = 0 if results : calc_productid_count = len(results) for record in results : cur_productId = str(record[0]) sql = ''' INSERT INTO view_dat_sdr_%s(call_id, calling_id, called_id, origin_calling_id, origin_called_id, custom_id, contract_id, product_id, call_type, access_time, ring_time, bridge_time, start_time, end_time, source, record_file, extension, transfer_num, voice_mail, satisfaction_result, last_dtmf, gen_time, ani_code, dnis_code, ani_desc, dnis_desc, result, duration, service_qty, service_fee, discount_fee, fee_rate, fee_unit, np_id, np_qty, np_fee, np_rate, np_unit, flownode_name, flownode_id, cdr_state, insert_time) select CONCAT('npcdr', id), calling_id, called_id, '', '', '', '', product_id, '1', start_time, null, null, start_time, end_time, source, '', '', '', '', '', '', insert_time, ani_code, '', '', '', 1, duration, service_qty, service_fee, 0, fee_rate, fee_unit, np_id, np_qty, np_fee, np_rate, np_unit, '', '', '01', sysdate() from np_cdr_%s where product_id = '%s' ''' sql = sql % (cycleid, cycleid, cur_productId) billingDB.execute(sql) productid_count += 1 sum_npsdr_count += billingDB.rowcount print('NO. %d | curProductId : %s | npSdrCnt : %d' % (productid_count, cur_productId, billingDB.rowcount)) else : print('pickUp select productids is empty.') return sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) AS cnt FROM np_cdr_' + cycleid sql += ' WHERE product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM compare_fee_' + cycleid + tableSuffix + ' WHERE reserve_00 = 1);' billingDB.execute(sql) results = billingDB.fetchall() calc_total_npcdrCnt = 0 if results : for record in results : calc_total_npcdrCnt = record[0] print('------- OK. Finish pickup npcdr success. Result --------') result_id_count = 'real_productid_count : ' + str(calc_productid_count) result_id_count += ' || pickup_productid_count : ' + str(productid_count) + ' || result : ' if calc_productid_count == productid_count : print(result_id_count + 'True') else : print(result_id_count + 'False') result_cdr_count = 'real_total_npcdrCnt : ' + str(calc_total_npcdrCnt) result_cdr_count += ' || pickup_npcdr_count : ' + str(sum_npsdr_count) + ' || result : ' if calc_total_npcdrCnt == sum_npsdr_count : print(result_cdr_count + 'True') else : print(result_cdr_count + 'False') print('-----------------------End------------------------------') def set_cdr_valid_flag() : print('--start set valid flag .....') sql = 'SELECT product_id FROM compare_fee_' + cycleid + tableSuffix + ' WHERE reserve_00 = 1;' with billing() as billingDB : billingDB.execute(sql) results = billingDB.fetchall() if results : for record in results : cur_productId = str(record[0]) sql = 'UPDATE view_dat_sdr_' + cycleid + ' SET reserve_00 = 1 WHERE call_id NOT LIKE \'%npcdr%\' AND product_id = \'' + cur_productId + '\';' billingDB.execute(sql) sql = 'UPDATE view_dat_sdr_' + cycleid + ' SET reserve_00 = 2 WHERE call_id LIKE \'%npcdr%\' AND product_id = \'' + cur_productId + '\';' billingDB.execute(sql) sql = 'UPDATE view_dat_sdr_' + cycleid + ' SET reserve_00 = 0 WHERE ISNULL(reserve_00);' billingDB.execute(sql) print('--end set valid flag ......') if __name__ == '__main__' : if isRunning() : print('只允许运行一个实例') sys.exit(0) else : stdout_backup = None log_file = None if isCreateLog : # make a copy of original stdout route# make a copy of original stdout route stdout_backup = sys.stdout # define the log file that receives your log info log_file = open('message.log', 'w') # redirect print output to log file sys.stdout = log_file begin = do_step_dict = {'step1': True, 'step2': True, 'step3': True, 'step4': True, 'step5': True, 'step6': False, 'step7': False} # 1. if do_step_dict['step1'] : analysis_calltype_by_npid() # 2. if do_step_dict['step2'] : calc_np_cdr_fee_by_npid() # 3. if do_step_dict['step3'] : create_table_compareFee() # 4. if do_step_dict['step4'] : amount_sum_fee_by_npid() # 5. if do_step_dict['step5'] : set_bigger_flag() # 6. if do_step_dict['step6'] : pickUpNpCdr() # 7. if do_step_dict['step7'] : set_cdr_valid_flag() end = print('cost total time(s) :: %d ' % ((end - begin).seconds)) if isCreateLog : # close open log file log_file.close() # restore the output to initial pattern sys.stdout = stdout_backup
Good Good Study, Day Day Up.
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