// 2-链表实现多项式的求和.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
#include "stdafx.h"
#include<stdlib.h > //使用malloc的时候使用的头文件
typedef int ElementType;
typedef struct Node{
ElementType coef;
ElementType exp;
struct Node * Next;
} List; List *InitialEmpty(List* PtrL)
PtrL->coef = ;
PtrL->exp = ;
PtrL->Next = NULL;
return PtrL;
void DispList(List* p){
while (p){
printf("%d,%d ", p->coef, p->exp);
p = p->Next;
List * InsertAsEndNode(ElementType coef, ElementType exp, List*PtrL) {//往PtrL后面插入coef, exp
List *tmp, *pre;
pre = PtrL;//获取首地址 while (pre->Next){//找到最后一个节点
pre = pre->Next;
if (pre == NULL)
return NULL;
tmp = (List*)malloc(sizeof(List));//创建一个空间用来存放
tmp->coef = coef;
tmp->exp = exp;
tmp->Next = NULL;
pre->Next = tmp;//将temp插入到pre后面
return PtrL;
} void Attach(ElementType coef, ElementType exp, List* PtrL){//在
List *p;
p = (List*)malloc(sizeof(List));
p->coef = coef;
p->exp = exp;
p->Next = NULL;
PtrL->Next = p;
//PtrL = PtrL->Next;
//单链表排序程序 从小到大排序
List * Add_List(List* pa, List* pb){
List *h1,*h2,*p3, *h3;
int exp1, exp2;
ElementType sum;
p3 = (List*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
p3->coef = ;
p3->exp = ;
h1 = pa;
h2 = pb;
h3 = p3;
while (h1&&h2){
exp1 = h1->exp;
exp2 = h2->exp;
if (exp1<exp2){
h1 = h1->Next;
h3 = h3->Next;
else if (exp1>exp2){
Attach(h2->coef, h2->exp, h3);
h2 = h2->Next;
h3 = h3->Next;
sum = h1->coef + h2->coef;
if (sum != ){
Attach(sum, h1->exp, h3);
h3 = h3->Next;
h1 = h1->Next;
h2 = h2->Next;
//h3 = h3->Next;
for (; h1; h1 = h1->Next)
Attach(h1->coef, h1->exp, h3);
h3 = h3->Next;
for (; h2; h2 = h2->Next)
Attach(h2->coef, h2->exp, h3);
h3 = h3->Next;
p3 = p3->Next;
return p3;
} int main(){
int M, N;
ElementType coef, exp;
int cnt1 = ;
List *pa = (List*)malloc(sizeof(List));//首先必须要有一个内存空间的
pa = InitialEmpty(pa);//初始化这个头结点
List *pb = (List*)malloc(sizeof(List));//首先必须要有一个内存空间的
pb = InitialEmpty(pb);//初始化这个头结点
List *pc = (List*)malloc(sizeof(List));//首先必须要有一个内存空间的
pc = InitialEmpty(pc);//初始化这个头结点 scanf_s("%d", &M);
for (cnt1 = ; cnt1<M; cnt1++) {
scanf_s("%d %d", &coef, &exp);//循环在链表后面插入数
InsertAsEndNode(coef, exp, pa); } scanf_s("%d", &N);
for (cnt1 = ; cnt1<N; cnt1++) {
scanf_s("%d%d", &coef, &exp);//循环在链表后面插入数
InsertAsEndNode(coef, exp, pb); }
pc = Add_List(pa, pb);
return ;


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