提交审核资料时需要给出隐私条约资料网址privacy policy url 

privacy policy url的更多相关文章

  1. 被拒原因——You have selected the Kids Category for your app, but it does not include the required privacy policy. Please update your app metadata to include a privacy policy URL and ensure that the URL yo

    对于一些孩子类的应用,必须加上隐私政策网址(URL),直接截个图吧! 就是你上架的时候,填写应用信息,里面有一个隐私政策网址(URL),望后者不掉坑里了!!!

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  3. Privacy Policy

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  5. Helicute FPV App Privacy Policy

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  6. Privacy Policy of ColorfulBroswer

    Personal information collection this app does not collect your data  and does not share your infomat ...


    PRIVACY POLICY First, welcome to use the app Thank you for using our products and services ("Se ...

  8. iOS Privacy Policy

    This application respects and protects the privacy of all users who use the service. In order to pro ...

  9. privacy policy 隐私政策

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