
Peter Niederwieser, The Spock Framework TeamVersion 1.1

Guice Module

Integration with the Guice IoC container. For examples see the specs in the codebase.

Spring Module

The Spring module enables integration with Spring TestContext Framework. It supports the following spring annotations @ContextConfiguration and @ContextHierarchy. Furthermore, it supports the meta-annotation @BootstrapWithand so any annotation that is annotated with @BootstrapWith will also work, such as @SpringBootTest@WebMvcTest.


Spock 1.1 introduced the DetachedMockFactory and the SpockMockFactoryBean which allow the creation of Spock mocks outside of a specification.


Although the mocks can be created outside of a specification, they only work inside the scope of a specification. So don’t perform any actions on them until they are attached to one.

Java Config

class DetachedJavaConfig {
def mockFactory = new DetachedMockFactory() @Bean
GreeterService serviceMock() {
return mockFactory.Mock(GreeterService)
} @Bean
GreeterService serviceStub() {
return mockFactory.Stub(GreeterService)
} @Bean
GreeterService serviceSpy() {
return mockFactory.Spy(GreeterServiceImpl)
} @Bean
FactoryBean<GreeterService> alternativeMock() {
return new SpockMockFactoryBean(GreeterService)


Spock has spring namespace support, so if you declare the spock namespace with xmlns:spock="" you get access to the convenience functions for creating mocks.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=""> <spock:mock id="serviceMock" class=""/> (1)
<spock:stub id="serviceStub" class=""/> (2)
<spock:spy id="serviceSpy" class=""/> (3) <bean id="someExistingBean" class="java.util.ArrayList"/> (4)
<spock:wrapWithSpy ref="someExistingBean"/> (4) <bean id="alternativeMock" class="org.spockframework.spring.xml.SpockMockFactoryBean"> (5)
<constructor-arg value=""/>
<property name="mockNature" value="MOCK"/> (6)
</bean> </beans>
  1. Creates a Mock

  2. Creates a Stub

  3. Creates a Spy

  4. Wraps an existing bean with a Spy. Fails fast if referenced bean is not found.

  5. If you don’t want to use the special namespace support you can create the beans via the SpockMockFactoryBean

  6. The mockNature can be MOCKSTUB, or SPY and defaults to MOCK if not declared.


To use the mocks just inject them like any other bean and configure them as usual.

@Autowired @Named('serviceMock')
GreeterService serviceMock @Autowired @Named('serviceStub')
GreeterService serviceStub @Autowired @Named('serviceSpy')
GreeterService serviceSpy @Autowired @Named('alternativeMock')
GreeterService alternativeMock def "mock service"() {
def result = serviceMock.greeting then:
result == 'mock me'
1 * serviceMock.getGreeting() >> 'mock me'
} def "sub service"() {
serviceStub.getGreeting() >> 'stub me' expect:
serviceStub.greeting == 'stub me'
} def "spy service"() {
def result = serviceSpy.greeting then:
result == 'Hello World'
1 * serviceSpy.getGreeting()
} def "alternatice mock service"() {
def result = alternativeMock.greeting then:
result == 'mock me'
1 * alternativeMock.getGreeting() >> 'mock me'

Spring Boot

The recommended way to use Spock mocks in @WebMvcTest tests, is to use an embedded config annotated with @TestConfiguration and to create the mocks using the DetachedMockFactory.

class WebMvcTestIntegrationSpec extends Specification { @Autowired
MockMvc mvc @Autowired
HelloWorldService helloWorldService def "spring context loads for web mvc slice"() {
helloWorldService.getHelloMessage() >> 'hello world' expect: "controller is available"
.andExpect(content().string("hello world"))
} @TestConfiguration
static class MockConfig {
def detachedMockFactory = new DetachedMockFactory() @Bean
HelloWorldService helloWorldService() {
return detachedMockFactory.Stub(HelloWorldService)

For more examples see the specs in the codebase and boot examples.


Spock ignores bean that is not a singleton (in the singleton scope) by default. To enable mocks to work for scoped beans you need to add @ScanScopedBeans to the spec and make sure that the scope allows access to the bean during the setup phase.

The request and session scope will throw exceptions by default, if there is no active request/session.

You can limit the scanning to certain scopes by using the value property of @ScanScopedBeans.

Tapestry Module

Integration with the Tapestry5 IoC container. For examples see the specs in the codebase.

Unitils Module

Integration with the Unitils library. For examples see the specs in the codebase.

Grails Module

The Grails plugin has moved to its own GitHub project.

Grails 2.3 and higher have built-in Spock support and do not require a plugin.

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