词汇—城市 city
- your favorite city
- a place you would like to visit
- metropolis
- capital
- landscape
- enchanting
- remains
- tourist
- peaceful
- ancient capital
- municipality under the central government
- coastal city
- long history
- modern city
- provincial capital
- ancient city
- historical city
- remote city
- tourist city
- ancient building
- local people
- commercial center
- cultural sites
- exquisite sculpture
- magnificent building
- scenic spots
- local food
- local scenery
- natural landscape
- happy memories
- spicy food
- hot pot
- What are you doing?
- I'm reading a book?
- I'm cooking.
- Are you watching TV now?
- Yes, I'm watching Channel 5.
- No, I'm listening to the radio.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to work.
- Who are you writing to?
- I'm writing to an old friend.
- What will you do this weekend?
- I'll go to a concert.
- I'll go on an outing with some friends.
- Do you like traveling?
- Yes, I like it a great deal.
- Yes, I like it very much.
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