词汇—城市 city

  1. your favorite city
  2. a place you would like to visit
  3. metropolis
  4. capital
  5. landscape
  6. enchanting
  7. remains
  8. tourist
  9. peaceful
  10. ancient capital
  11. municipality under the central government
  12. coastal city
  13. long history
  14. modern city
  15. provincial capital
  16. ancient city
  17. historical city
  18. remote city
  19. tourist city
  20. ancient building
  21. local people
  22. commercial center
  23. cultural sites
  24. exquisite sculpture
  25. magnificent building
  26. scenic spots
  27. local food
  28. local scenery
  29. natural landscape
  30. happy memories
  31. spicy food
  32. hot pot


  1. What are you doing?
  2. I'm reading a book?
  3. I'm cooking.
  4. Are you watching TV now?
  5. Yes, I'm watching Channel 5.
  6. No, I'm listening to the radio.
  7. Where are you going?
  8. I'm going to work.
  9. Who are you writing to?
  10. I'm writing to an old friend.
  11. What will you do this weekend?
  12. I'll go to a concert.
  13. I'll go on an outing with some friends.
  14. Do you like traveling?
  15. Yes, I like it a great deal.
  16. Yes, I like it very much.





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