Note that any key that was created using the v2 API will not be able to be queried via the v3 API. A v3 API etcdctl get of a v2 key will exit with 0 and no key data, this is the expected behaviour.

export ETCDCTL_API=3

etcdctl version

1、etcdctl put foo bar

2、etcdctl put foo1 bar1 --lease=1234abcd(创建的租约ID)

3、etcdctl get foo

4、etcdctl get foo --hex

5、$ etcdctl get --prefix foo

foo bar

foo1 bar1

foo2 bar2

foo3 bar3

6、etcdctl get --prefix --limit=2 foo


Suppose an etcd cluster already has the following keys:

foo = bar         # revision = 2
foo1 = bar1 # revision = 3
foo = bar_new # revision = 4
foo1 = bar1_new # revision = 5

Here are an example to access the past versions of keys:

$ etcdctl get --prefix foo # access the most recent versions of keys
bar1_new $ etcdctl get --prefix --rev=4 foo # access the versions of keys at revision 4
bar1 $ etcdctl get --prefix --rev=3 foo # access the versions of keys at revision 3
bar1 $ etcdctl get --prefix --rev=2 foo # access the versions of keys at revision 2
bar $ etcdctl get --prefix --rev=1 foo # access the versions of keys at revision 1 8、读取》=KEY

Suppose an etcd cluster already has the following keys:

a = 123
b = 456
z = 789

Here is the command to read keys which are greater than or equal to the byte value of key b :

$ etcdctl get --from-key b
789 9、etcdctl  del foo1 foo9--范围删除
10、$ etcdctl del --prev-kv zoo

Here is the command to delete key zoo with the deleted key value pair returned

1   # one key is deleted
zoo # deleted key
val # the value of the deleted key 11、$ etcdctl del --from-key b

Here is the command to delete keys which are greater than or equal to the byte value of key b :

   2 # two keys are deleted


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