- 由实验2可知,运算环境的搭建亦需要对数据进行存储和计算,故需要实现类型转换,所以在实验2的基础上搭建环境。
- 由菜鸟教程可得到mongodb命令的具体格式等,如:新建集合
- case class CreateCollection(name:String,options:Options[Any]=None) //其他的mongodb命令也是照着这样建立的
- /**
- * Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the given field is greater than the specified value.
- *
- * @param fieldName the field name
- * @param value the value
- * @tparam TItem the value type
- * @return the filter
- * @see [[ \$gt]]
- */
- def gt[TItem](fieldName: String, value: TItem): Bson =, value)
- /**
- * Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the given field is less than the specified value.
- *
- * @param fieldName the field name
- * @param value the value
- * @tparam TItem the value type
- * @return the filter
- * @see [[ \$lt]]
- */
- def lt[TItem](fieldName: String, value: TItem): Bson =, value)
- case class Count(filter: Option[Bson], options: Option[Any])
- 执行相关命令需要引入数据库和集合,新建MGOContext.scala
- case class MGOContext(
- dbName:String,
- collName:String,
- action:MGOCommands=null
- ){ctx=>
- def setDbName(name:String):MGOContext=ctx.copy(dbName=name)
- def setCollName(name:String):MGOContext=ctx.copy(collName=name)
- def setCommand(cmd:MGOCommands):MGOContext=ctx.copy(action=cmd)
- }
- object MGOContext {
- def apply(db:String,coll:String) = new MGOContext(db,coll)
- def apply(
- db: String,
- coll: String,
- action: MGOCommands = null
- ): MGOContext = new MGOContext(db, coll, action)
- }
- 分别新建相关的数据库操作,新建MGOCommands.scala和MGOAdmins.scala
- //MGOAdmins.scala
- import org.bson.conversions.Bson
- object MGOAdmins {
- case class DropCollection(collName: String) extends MGOCommands
- case class CreateCollection(collName: String, options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands
- case class ListCollection(dbName: String) extends MGOCommands
- case class CreateView(viewName: String, viewOn: String, pipeline: Seq[Bson], options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands
- case class CreateIndex(key: Bson, options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands
- case class DropIndexByName(indexName: String, options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands
- case class DropIndexByKey(key: Bson, options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands
- case class DropAllIndexes(options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands
- }
- //MGOCommands.scala
- import org.mongodb.scala.{Document, FindObservable}
- import org.mongodb.scala.bson.conversions.Bson
- import org.mongodb.scala.model.WriteModel
- trait MGOCommands
- object MGOCommands {
- case class Count(filter: Option[Bson], options: Option[Any]) extends MGOCommands
- case class Distict(fieldName: String, filter: Option[Bson]) extends MGOCommands
- case class Find[M](filter: Option[Bson] = None,
- andThen: Option[FindObservable[Document] => FindObservable[Document]]= None,
- converter: Option[Document => M] = None,
- firstOnly: Boolean = false) extends MGOCommands
- case class Aggregate(pipeLine: Seq[Bson]) extends MGOCommands
- case class MapReduce(mapFunction: String, reduceFunction: String) extends MGOCommands
- case class Insert(newdocs: Seq[Document], options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands
- case class Delete(filter: Bson, options: Option[Any] = None, onlyOne: Boolean = false) extends MGOCommands
- case class Replace(filter: Bson, replacement: Document, options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands
- case class Update(filter: Bson, update: Bson, options: Option[Any] = None, onlyOne: Boolean = false) extends MGOCommands
- case class BulkWrite(commands: List[WriteModel[Document]], options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands
- }
- 综上所述,具体实现相关的操作
- import org.mongodb.scala.{Document, MongoClient}
- import org.mongodb.scala.model.{BulkWriteOptions, CountOptions, CreateCollectionOptions, CreateViewOptions, DeleteOptions, DropIndexOptions, IndexOptions, InsertManyOptions, InsertOneOptions, UpdateOptions}
- import scala.concurrent.Future
- object MGOEngine{
- import MGOAdmins._
- import MGOCommands._
- def DAO[T](ctx: MGOContext)(implicit client: MongoClient): Future[T] = {
- val db = client.getDatabase(ctx.dbName)
- val coll = db.getCollection(ctx.collName)
- ctx.action match {
- case Count(Some(filter), Some(opt)) =>
- coll.count(filter, opt.asInstanceOf[CountOptions])
- .toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case Count(Some(filter), None) =>
- coll.count(filter).toFuture()
- .asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case Count(None, None) =>
- coll.count().toFuture()
- .asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* distinct */
- case Distict(field, Some(filter)) =>
- coll.distinct(field, filter).toFuture()
- .asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case Distict(field, None) =>
- coll.distinct((field)).toFuture()
- .asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* find */
- case Find(None, None, optConv, false) =>
- if (optConv == None) coll.find().toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- else coll.find().map(optConv.get).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case Find(None, None, optConv, true) =>
- if (optConv == None) coll.find().first().head().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- else coll.find().first().map(optConv.get).head().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case Find(Some(filter), None, optConv, false) =>
- if (optConv == None) coll.find(filter).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- else coll.find(filter).map(optConv.get).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case Find(Some(filter), None, optConv, true) =>
- if (optConv == None) coll.find(filter).first().head().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- else coll.find(filter).first().map(optConv.get).head().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case Find(None, Some(next), optConv, _) =>
- if (optConv == None) next(coll.find[Document]()).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- else next(coll.find[Document]()).map(optConv.get).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case Find(Some(filter), Some(next), optConv, _) =>
- if (optConv == None) next(coll.find[Document](filter)).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- else next(coll.find[Document](filter)).map(optConv.get).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* aggregate */
- case Aggregate(pline) => coll.aggregate(pline).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* mapReduce */
- case MapReduce(mf, rf) => coll.mapReduce(mf, rf).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* insert */
- case Insert(docs, Some(opt)) =>
- if (docs.size > 1) coll.insertMany(docs, opt.asInstanceOf[InsertManyOptions]).toFuture()
- .asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- else coll.insertOne(docs.head, opt.asInstanceOf[InsertOneOptions]).toFuture()
- .asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case Insert(docs, None) =>
- if (docs.size > 1) coll.insertMany(docs).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- else coll.insertOne(docs.head).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* delete */
- case Delete(filter, None, onlyOne) =>
- if (onlyOne) coll.deleteOne(filter).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- else coll.deleteMany(filter).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case Delete(filter, Some(opt), onlyOne) =>
- if (onlyOne) coll.deleteOne(filter, opt.asInstanceOf[DeleteOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- else coll.deleteMany(filter, opt.asInstanceOf[DeleteOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* replace */
- case Replace(filter, replacement, None) =>
- coll.replaceOne(filter, replacement).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case Replace(filter, replacement, Some(opt)) =>
- coll.replaceOne(filter, replacement, opt.asInstanceOf[UpdateOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* update */
- case Update(filter, update, None, onlyOne) =>
- if (onlyOne) coll.updateOne(filter, update).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- else coll.updateMany(filter, update).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case Update(filter, update, Some(opt), onlyOne) =>
- if (onlyOne) coll.updateOne(filter, update, opt.asInstanceOf[UpdateOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- else coll.updateMany(filter, update, opt.asInstanceOf[UpdateOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* bulkWrite */
- case BulkWrite(commands, None) =>
- coll.bulkWrite(commands).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case BulkWrite(commands, Some(opt)) =>
- coll.bulkWrite(commands, opt.asInstanceOf[BulkWriteOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* drop collection */
- case DropCollection(collName) =>
- val coll = db.getCollection(collName)
- coll.drop().toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* create collection */
- case CreateCollection(collName, None) =>
- db.createCollection(collName).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case CreateCollection(collName, Some(opt)) =>
- db.createCollection(collName, opt.asInstanceOf[CreateCollectionOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* list collection */
- case ListCollection(dbName) =>
- client.getDatabase(dbName).listCollections().toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* create view */
- case CreateView(viewName, viewOn, pline, None) =>
- db.createView(viewName, viewOn, pline).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case CreateView(viewName, viewOn, pline, Some(opt)) =>
- db.createView(viewName, viewOn, pline, opt.asInstanceOf[CreateViewOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* create index */
- case CreateIndex(key, None) =>
- coll.createIndex(key).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case CreateIndex(key, Some(opt)) =>
- coll.createIndex(key, opt.asInstanceOf[IndexOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- /* drop index */
- case DropIndexByName(indexName, None) =>
- coll.dropIndex(indexName).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case DropIndexByName(indexName, Some(opt)) =>
- coll.dropIndex(indexName, opt.asInstanceOf[DropIndexOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case DropIndexByKey(key, None) =>
- coll.dropIndex(key).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case DropIndexByKey(key, Some(opt)) =>
- coll.dropIndex(key, opt.asInstanceOf[DropIndexOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case DropAllIndexes(None) =>
- coll.dropIndexes().toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- case DropAllIndexes(Some(opt)) =>
- coll.dropIndexes(opt.asInstanceOf[DropIndexOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- }
- }}
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