安装文件 ezsdk_dm816x-evm_5_05_02_00_setuplinux


eagle@eagle-desktop:~$ sudo '/usr/local/ezsdk/setup.sh'
[sudo] password for eagle: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TISDK setup script This script will set up your development host for sdkdevelopment.
Parts of this script require administrator priviliges (sudoaccess).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Verifying Linux host distribution
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS found successfully, continuing..
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This step will make sure you have the proper host supportpackages installed
using the following command: sudoapt-get install xinetd tftpd nfs-kernel-serverminicom build-essential libncurses5-devuboot-mkimage autoconf automake Note! This command requires you to have administratorpriviliges (sudo access)
on your host.
Press return to continue 正在读取软件包列表... 完成
正在读取状态信息... 完成
xinetd 已经是最新的版本了。
tftpd 已经是最新的版本了。
nfs-kernel-server 已经是最新的版本了。
minicom 已经是最新的版本了。
build-essential 已经是最新的版本了。
libncurses5-dev 已经是最新的版本了。
uboot-mkimage 已经是最新的版本了。
autoconf 已经是最新的版本了。
automake 已经是最新的版本了。
automake 被设置为手动安装。
升级了 个软件包,新安装了 个软件包,要卸载 个软件包,有 个软件包未被升级。 Package verification and installation successfullycompleted
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In which directory do you want to install the targetfilesystem?(if this directory does not exist it will becreated)
Ensure that complete path is provided, otherwise NFS path inbootargs might be incomplete
[ /home/eagle/targetfs ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This step will extract the target filesystem to/home/eagle/targetfs
Note! This command requires you to have administratorpriviliges (sudo access)
on your host.
Press return to continue
/home/eagle/targetfs already exists
(r) rename existing filesystem (o) overwrite existingfilesystem (s) skip filesystem extraction
[r] o
Old /home/eagle/targetfs removed Successfully extracted ezsdk-dm816x-evm-rootfs.tar.gz to/home/eagle/targetfs
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This step will update the EXEC_DIR variables in the Rules.make file
This will facilitate the SDK to install (with make install)rebuilt binaries in
/home/eagle/targetfs/home/root/dm816x-evm The files will be available from /home/root/dm816x-evm on thetarget. This setting can be changed later by editing Rules.make andchanging the
EXEC_DIR variable. Press return to continueRules.make edited successfully..
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This step will export your target filesystem for NFSaccess. Note! This command requires you to have administratorpriviliges (sudo access)
on your host.
Press return to continue * Stopping NFS kernel daemon [ OK ]
* Unexporting directories for NFS kerneldaemon... [ OK ]
* Exporting directories for NFS kerneldaemon... [ OK]
* Starting NFS kernel daemon [ OK ]
Which directory do you want to be your tftp root directory?(if this directory does notexist it will be created for you)
[ /tftpboot]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This step will set up the tftp server in the /tftpbootdirectory. Note! This command requires you to have administratorpriviliges (sudo access)
on your host.
Press return to continue Successfully copied uImage-dm816x-evm.bin to tftp root directory/tftpboot
#编译好的内核镜像文件路径:/tftpboot /etc/xinetd.d/tftp successfullycreated Restarting tftp server
* Stopping internet superserver xinetd [ OK ]
* Starting internet superserver xinetd [ OK ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This step will set up minicom (serial communicationapplication) for
SDK development For boards that contain a USB-to-Serial converter on the board(BeagleBone),
the port used for minicom will be automatically detected. Bydefault Ubuntu
will not recognize this device. Setup will add will add a udevrule to
/etc/udev/ so that from now on it will be recognized as soonas the board is
plugged in. For other boards, the serial will defualt to /dev/ttyS0.Please update based
on your setup.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: For boards with a built-in USB to Serial adapter pleasepress
ENTERat the prompt below. The correct port will bedetermined
automatically at a later step. For all otherboards select
theserial port that the board is connected to
Which serial port do you want to use with minicom?
[ /dev/ttyS0] Configuration saved to /home/eagle/.minirc.dfl. You can changeit further from inside
minicom, see the Software Development Guide for moreinformation.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This step will set up the u-boot variables for booting theEVM.
Autodetected the following ip address of your host, correct itif necessary
[ ] Select Linux kernel location:
: SD card [ ] Select root file system location:
: SD card [ ] Available kernel images in /tftproot:
uImage-dm816x-evm.bin Which kernel image do you want to boot from TFTP?
[ uImage-dm816x-evm.bin] Resulting u-boot variable settings: setenv bootdelay
setenv baudrate
setenv bootargs console=ttyO2,115200n8 rootwait rwmem=364M@0x80000000 mem=320M@0x9FC00000 vmalloc=500Mnotifyk.vpssm3_sva=0xBF900000 root=/dev/nfsnfsroot=:/home/eagle/targetfs ip=dhcp
setenv bootcmd 'dhcp;setenv serverip ;tftpboot;bootm'
setenv autoload no
setenv serverip
setenv bootfile uImage-dm816x-evm.bin --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Would you like to create a minicom script with the aboveparameters (y/n)?
[ y ] Successfully wrote setup_uimage-tftp_fs-nfs.minicom Would you like to run the setup script now (y/n)? Thisrequires you to connect
the RS- cable between your host and EVM as well as yourethernet cable as
described in the Quick Start Guide. Please ensure that SW4switch for NAND is
in ON position. Once answering 'y' on the prompt below you will have 300seconds to connect
the board and power cycle it before the setup times out After successfully executing this script, your EVM will be setup. You will be
able to connect to it by executing 'minicom -w' or if youprefer a windows host
you can set up Tera Term as explained in the SoftwareDeveloper's Guide.
If you connect minicom or Tera Term and power cycle the boardLinux will boot. [ y ]
/usr/local/ezsdk ~ Welcome to minicom 2.4 OPTIONS: I18n
Compiled on Jan , ::.
Port /dev/ttyS0 Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys CTRL-A Z for help | 8N1 | NOR |Minicom 2.4 | VT102 | Online00:
You can manually run minicom in the future with this setupscript using: minicom -S setup_uimage-tftp_fs-nfs.minicom
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TISDK setup completed!
Please continue reading the Software Developer's Guide formore information on
how to develop software on the EVM


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