C. Mike and Frog

  题意:有一只青蛙和一朵花,分别高度为h1、h2,每浇一次水,h1=(x1*h1+y1)mod m,h2=(x2*h2+y2)mod m。求最少浇多少次后h1=a1,h2=a2?


using namespace std;
int main()
int m, a1, x1, y1, a2, x2, y2;
long long h1, h2;
scanf("%d", &m);
scanf("%I64d%d%d%d", &h1, &a1, &x1, &y1);
scanf("%I64d%d%d%d", &h2, &a2, &x2, &y2);
int len1=-, len2=-, st1=-, st2=-;
for (int i = ; i <= * m; i++)
h1 = (x1*h1 + y1) % m;
h2 = (x2*h2 + y2) % m;
if (h1 == a1)
if (st1 == -) st1 = i;
else if (len1 == -) len1 = i - st1;
if (h2 == a2)
if (st2 == -) st2 = i;
else if (len2 == -) len2 = i - st2;
if (len1 != - && len2 != -) break;
if (st1 == - || st2 == -||(len1==-&&len2==-&&st1!=st2)) printf("-1\n");
bool flag = false;
for (int i = ; i <= m; i++)
if (len1 > && len2 > )
if ((1ll * st1 + 1ll * i * len1) >= st2 && (1ll * st1 + 1ll * i * len1 - st2) % len2 == )
printf("%I64d\n", 1ll * st1 + 1ll * i * len1);
flag = true;
else if (len1 > )
if ((1ll * st1 + 1ll * i * len1) == st2)
printf("%I64d\n", 1ll * st1 + 1ll * i * len1);
flag = true;
else break;
if (!flag)
for (int i = ; i <= m; i++)
if (len1 > && len2 > )
if ((1ll * st2 + 1ll * i * len2) >= st1 && (1ll * st2 + 1ll * i * len2 - st1) % len1 == )
printf("%I64d\n", 1ll * st2 + 1ll * i * len2);
flag = true;
else if (len2 > )
if ((1ll * st2 + 1ll * i * len2) == st1)
printf("%I64d\n", 1ll * st2 + 1ll * i * len2);
flag = true;
else break;
if (!flag) printf("-1\n");
} return ;
408725 408721
1 1
378562 294895
984270 0
1 0
2 0
1 2
2 0

D. Mike and Feet



using namespace std;
const int maxn = ;
int v[maxn];
int L_index[maxn];
int R_index[maxn];
int ans[maxn];
int main()
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++) scanf("%d", v + i);
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++)
while (!stkL.empty() && v[i] <= v[stkL.top()]) stkL.pop();
if (stkL.empty()) L_index[i] = ;
else L_index[i] = stkL.top() + ;
for (int i = n; i>=; --i)
while (!stkR.empty() && v[i] <= v[stkR.top()]) stkR.pop();
if (stkR.empty()) R_index[i] = n;
else R_index[i] = stkR.top() - ;
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++)
int len = R_index[i] - L_index[i] + ;
ans[len] = max(ans[len], v[i]);
for (int i = n-; i >= ; --i)
ans[i] = max(ans[i], ans[i + ]);
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++)
if (i > ) printf(" ");
printf("%d", ans[i]);
printf("\n"); return ;

E. Mike and Foam



using namespace std;
const int maxv = ;
const int maxn = ;
int v[maxn];
bool isOnShelf[maxn];
int n, q;
int sets[maxv];//存放各个质因子及其乘积的个数
int preCount;//之前架子上的及啤酒个数
long long pre;//之前架子上互质的对数
void Init()
for (int i = ; i < maxv; i++)
if (p[i].empty())
for (int j = i; j < maxv; j += i)
} void removeBeer(int x)
int len = p[x].size();
int tot = ( << len) - ;
int tans = ;
for (int i = ; i <= tot; i++)
int cur = ,nums=;
for (int j = ; j < len; j++)
if (( << j)&i)
cur *= p[x][j], nums++;
if (nums % ) tans += sets[cur];
else tans -= sets[cur];
pre -= (preCount - tans);
void addBeer(int x)
int len = p[x].size();
int tot = ( << len) - ;
int tans = ;
for (int i = ; i <= tot; i++)
int cur = , nums = ;
for (int j = ; j < len; j++)
if (( << j)&i)
cur *= p[x][j], nums++;
if (nums % ) tans += sets[cur];
else tans -= sets[cur];
pre += (preCount - tans);
int main()
scanf("%d%d", &n, &q);
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++) scanf("%d", v + i);
while (q--)
int index;
scanf("%d", &index);
if (isOnShelf[index])
printf("%I64d\n", pre);
isOnShelf[index] = false;
printf("%I64d\n", pre);
isOnShelf[index] = true;
return ;

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