
So we are used to say to every R new user that "apply isn't vectorized, check out the Patrick Burns
R Inferno Circle 4
" which says (I quote):

A common reflex is to use a function in the apply family. This is not vectorization, it is loop-hiding. The apply function has a for loop in its definition. The lapply function buries the loop, but execution times tend to be roughly equal
to an explicit for loop.

Indeed, a quick look on the apply source code reveals the loop:

grep("for", capture.output(getAnywhere("apply")), value = TRUE)
## [1] " for (i in 1L:d2) {" " else for (i in 1L:d2) {"

Ok so far, but a look at lapply or vapply actually reveals a completely different picture:

## function (X, FUN, ...)
## {
## FUN <-
## if (!is.vector(X) || is.object(X))
## X <- as.list(X)
## .Internal(lapply(X, FUN))
## }
## <bytecode: 0x000000000284b618>
## <environment: namespace:base>

So apparently there is no R for loop hiding there, rather they are calling internal C written function.

A quick look in the rabbit hole reveals pretty much the same picture

Moreover, let's take the colMeans function for example, which was never accused in not being vectorised

# function (x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1L)
# {
# if (
# x <- as.matrix(x)
# if (!is.array(x) || length(dn <- dim(x)) < 2L)
# stop("'x' must be an array of at least two dimensions")
# if (dims < 1L || dims > length(dn) - 1L)
# stop("invalid 'dims'")
# n <- prod(dn[1L:dims])
# dn <- dn[-(1L:dims)]
# z <- if (is.complex(x))
# .Internal(colMeans(Re(x), n, prod(dn), na.rm)) + (0+1i) *
# .Internal(colMeans(Im(x), n, prod(dn), na.rm))
# else .Internal(colMeans(x, n, prod(dn), na.rm))
# if (length(dn) > 1L) {
# dim(z) <- dn
# dimnames(z) <- dimnames(x)[-(1L:dims)]
# }
# else names(z) <- dimnames(x)[[dims + 1]]
# z
# }
# <bytecode: 0x0000000008f89d20>
# <environment: namespace:base>

Huh? It also just calls .Internal(colMeans(... which we can also find in the
rabbit hole. So how is this different from .Internal(lapply(..?

Actually a quick benchmark reveals that sapply performs no worse than
colMeans and much better than a for loop for a big data set

m <-, ncol = 1e5))
# user system elapsed
# 1.69 0.03 1.73
system.time(sapply(m, mean))
# user system elapsed
# 1.50 0.03 1.60
system.time(apply(m, 2, mean))
# user system elapsed
# 3.84 0.03 3.90
system.time(for(i in 1:ncol(m)) mean(m[, i]))
# user system elapsed
# 13.78 0.01 13.93

In other words, is it correct to say that lapply and vapply
are actually vectorised (compared to apply which is a
for loop that also calls lapply) and what did Patrick Burns really mean to say?


First of all, in your example you make tests on a "data.frame" which is not fair for
colMeans, apply and "[.data.frame" since they have an overhead:

system.time(as.matrix(m))  #called by `colMeans` and `apply`
# user system elapsed
# 1.03 0.00 1.05
system.time(for(i in 1:ncol(m)) m[, i]) #in the `for` loop
# user system elapsed
# 12.93 0.01 13.07

On a matrix, the picture is a bit different:

mm = as.matrix(m)
# user system elapsed
# 0.01 0.00 0.01
system.time(apply(mm, 2, mean))
# user system elapsed
# 1.48 0.03 1.53
system.time(for(i in 1:ncol(mm)) mean(mm[, i]))
# user system elapsed
# 1.22 0.00 1.21

Regading the main part of the question, the main difference between lapply/mapply/etc and straightforward R-loops is where the looping is done. As Roland notes, both C and R loops need to evaluate an R function in each iteration
which is the most costly. The really fast C functions are those that do everything in C, so, I guess, this should be what "vectorised" is about? An example where we find the mean in each of a "list"s elements:

#all computations in C
all_C = inline::cfunction(sig = c(R_ls = "list"), body = '
SEXP tmp, ans;
PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, LENGTH(R_ls))); double *ptmp, *pans = REAL(ans); for(int i = 0; i < LENGTH(R_ls); i++) {
pans[i] = 0.0; PROTECT(tmp = coerceVector(VECTOR_ELT(R_ls, i), REALSXP));
ptmp = REAL(tmp); for(int j = 0; j < LENGTH(tmp); j++) pans[i] += ptmp[j]; pans[i] /= LENGTH(tmp); UNPROTECT(1);
') #a very simple `lapply(x, mean)`
C_and_R = inline::cfunction(sig = c(R_ls = "list"), body = '
SEXP call, ans, ret; PROTECT(call = allocList(2));
SETCAR(call, install("mean")); PROTECT(ans = allocVector(VECSXP, LENGTH(R_ls)));
PROTECT(ret = allocVector(REALSXP, LENGTH(ans))); for(int i = 0; i < LENGTH(R_ls); i++) {
SETCADR(call, VECTOR_ELT(R_ls, i));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, i, eval(call, R_GlobalEnv));
} double *pret = REAL(ret);
for(int i = 0; i < LENGTH(ans); i++) pret[i] = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(ans, i))[0]; UNPROTECT(3);
') R_lapply = function(x) unlist(lapply(x, mean)) R_loop = function(x)
ans = numeric(length(x))
for(i in seq_along(x)) ans[i] = mean(x[[i]])
} R_loopcmp = compiler::cmpfun(R_loop) set.seed(007); myls = replicate(1e4, runif(1e3), simplify = FALSE)
all.equal(all_C(myls), C_and_R(myls))
#[1] TRUE
all.equal(all_C(myls), R_lapply(myls))
#[1] TRUE
all.equal(all_C(myls), R_loop(myls))
#[1] TRUE
all.equal(all_C(myls), R_loopcmp(myls))
#[1] TRUE microbenchmark::microbenchmark(all_C(myls),
times = 15)
#Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq median uq max neval
# all_C(myls) 37.29183 38.19107 38.69359 39.58083 41.3861 15
# C_and_R(myls) 117.21457 123.22044 124.58148 130.85513 169.6822 15
# R_lapply(myls) 98.48009 103.80717 106.55519 109.54890 116.3150 15
# R_loop(myls) 122.40367 130.85061 132.61378 138.53664 178.5128 15
# R_loopcmp(myls) 105.63228 111.38340 112.16781 115.68909 128.1976 15

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