Use a tool such as wait-for-it, dockerize, or sh-compatible wait-for. These are small wrapper scripts which you can include in your application’s image to poll a given host and port until it’s accepting TCP connections.

For example, to use or wait-for to wrap your service’s command:

version: ""
build: .
- "80:8000"
- "db"
command: ["./", "db:5432", "--", "python", ""]
image: postgres
Tip: There are limitations to this first solution. For example, it doesn’t verify when a specific service is really ready. If you add more arguments to the command, use the bash shift command with a loop, as shown in the next example. Alternatively, write your own wrapper script to perform a more application-specific health check. For example, you might want to wait until Postgres is definitely ready to accept commands: #!/bin/bash
# set -e host="$1"
cmd="$@" until psql -h "$host" -U "postgres" -c '\q'; do
>& echo "Postgres is unavailable - sleeping"
done >& echo "Postgres is up - executing command"
exec $cmd
You can use this as a wrapper script as in the previous example, by setting: command: ["./", "db", "python", ""]


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