public class FileUploadArgs : EventArgs
public string FileName { get; set; }
public Exception Ex { get; set; }
public class FileUploader
{ #region Member Variables /// <summary>
/// The web client used to asynchronously upload data.
/// </summary>
private WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); /// <summary>
/// Acts as an index in the file array and is used by multiple event
/// handlers.
/// Upload process starts with currentFileIndex = 0, and when the
/// first file is successfully uploaded, the index is incremented.
/// When the index is gets above the length of the array, then it
/// is evident that all the files have been uploaded.
/// </summary>
private int currentFileIndex; FileInfo[] _fileInfo;
string[] reNameFiles;
string folderName; #endregion
#region Business Logic public FileUploader()
webClient.OpenWriteCompleted += webClient_OpenWriteCompleted;
webClient.WriteStreamClosed += webClient_WriteStreamClosed;
webClient.OpenWriteCompleted -= webClient_OpenWriteCompleted;
webClient.WriteStreamClosed -= webClient_WriteStreamClosed;
private void webClient_OpenWriteCompleted(object s, OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs e)
//Make sure that the file to be uploaded is not null.
if (_fileInfo[currentFileIndex] != null)
//Create a file upload argument to pass to events.
FileUploadArgs fileUploadArgs = new FileUploadArgs() { FileName = _fileInfo[currentFileIndex].Name };
if (OnFileUploadStarted != null)
OnFileUploadStarted(this, fileUploadArgs);
} //Open a file stream corresponding to the
Stream fileStream = _fileInfo[currentFileIndex].OpenRead();
PushData(fileStream, e.Result); //Close the streams.
catch (Exception ex)
if (OnFileUploadError != null)
fileUploadArgs.Ex = new Exception("此文件正在使用,请关闭后重新选择!", ex);
OnFileUploadError(this, fileUploadArgs);
} }
private void webClient_WriteStreamClosed(object s, WriteStreamClosedEventArgs e)
//ToDo: Output a helpful error.
if (e.Error == null)
//Create a file upload argument to pass to events.
FileUploadArgs fileUploadArgs = new FileUploadArgs() { FileName = _fileInfo[currentFileIndex].Name }; if (OnFileUploadCompleted != null)
OnFileUploadCompleted(this, fileUploadArgs);
} currentFileIndex++; //Try to find the next null object.
while (currentFileIndex < _fileInfo.Length && _fileInfo[currentFileIndex] == null)
currentFileIndex++; //Check to see if there are more files waiting to be uploaded.
if (currentFileIndex < _fileInfo.Length)
Uri nextUri = GetUri(_fileInfo[currentFileIndex], reNameFiles[currentFileIndex], folderName); //Start another upload.
webClient.OpenWriteAsync(nextUri); }
//All file uploads are complete.
if (OnAllFilesUploadCompleted != null)
OnAllFilesUploadCompleted(this, fileUploadArgs);
/// <summary>
/// This method should only be used for uploading single files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileInfo">The file to upload</param>
/// <param name="projectName">The server side folder where to upload the file.</param>
public void UploadFile(FileInfo fileInfo, string reNameFile, string folderName)
UploadFiles(new FileInfo[] { fileInfo }, new string[] { reNameFile }, folderName);
} public void UploadFiles(FileInfo[] fileInfo, string[] reNameFiles, string folderName)
{ //ToDo: Throw an error when fileInfo is null.
if (fileInfo == null)
return; _fileInfo = fileInfo; this.reNameFiles = reNameFiles;
this.folderName = folderName; currentFileIndex = ; //Find the first non-null file info.
while (currentFileIndex < fileInfo.Length && fileInfo[currentFileIndex] == null)
currentFileIndex++; //If all files were null, exit the method.
if (currentFileIndex == fileInfo.Length)
//ToDo: might need an exception here. On the other, silent exit is not
//such a bad thing, since if all files are null then basically without
//uploading any files, the method is done.
} //Start file upload from that first non-null file.
Uri uri = GetUri(fileInfo[currentFileIndex], reNameFiles[currentFileIndex], folderName); webClient.OpenWriteAsync(uri);
} #endregion #region Helper Methods private static Uri GetUri(FileInfo fileInfo, string reName, string folderName)
string http = UriUtil.GetUrl("Operation.ashx");
UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(http);
uriBuilder.Query = string.Format("_fileOper=upload&_fileName={0}&_foldername={1}", reName, folderName);
return uriBuilder.Uri;
} private void PushData(Stream input, Stream output)
byte[] buffer = new byte[];
int bytesRead; int totalRead = ; while ((bytesRead = input.Read(buffer, , buffer.Length)) != )
output.Write(buffer, , bytesRead);
//Increment the bytes read.
totalRead += bytesRead;
} #endregion #region Events and Handlers public delegate void AllFilesUploadCompleted(object sender, FileUploadArgs e);
public event AllFilesUploadCompleted OnAllFilesUploadCompleted; public delegate void FileUploadCompleted(object sender, FileUploadArgs e);
public event FileUploadCompleted OnFileUploadCompleted; public delegate void FileUploadStarted(object sender, FileUploadArgs e);
public event FileUploadStarted OnFileUploadStarted; public delegate void FileUploadError(object sender, FileUploadArgs e);
public event FileUploadError OnFileUploadError; #endregion







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