这种情况下通常是由于yum的时候意外退出造成的,虽然也给出提示当前占用进行的id,但是执行kill -9 3599 强制杀死进程后,情况依然没能改变。


主要原因是因为,yum lock被占用,无法被其他yum操作获得,这里只需要删除/var/run/yum.pid即可:

[root@lemon run]# ls
abrt console gdm hive plymouth syslogd.pid wpa_supplicant
abrtd.pid ConsoleKit hadoop-0.20-mapreduce httpd pm-utils tpvmlpd.pid wpa_supplicant.pid
acpid.pid crond.pid hadoop-hdfs lvm portreserve tpvmlpd.stat yum.pid
acpid.socket cron.reboot hadoop-httpfs mdadm ppp udev-configure-printer zookeeper
atd.pid cups hadoop-mapreduce messagebus.pid saslauthd udisks
auditd.pid cupsd.pid hadoop-yarn netreport sepermit utmp
cloudera-scm-agent dbus hald net-snmp setrans vmblock-fuse
cloudera-scm-server faillock haldaemon.pid NetworkManager spice-vdagentd vmtoolsd.pid
cloudera-scm-server.pid flume-ng hbase oozie sshd.pid winbindd
[root@lemon run]# rm -rf yum.pid
[root@lemon run]# pwd

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