maven-dependency-plugin是 处理与依赖相关的插件。它有很多可用的goal,大部分是和依赖构建、分析和解决相关的goal,这部分goal可以直接用maven的命令操作,例 如:mvn dependency:tree、mvn dependency:analyze;这类操作在平时的maven应用中很少会用到。这里主要介绍除此之外的、用得最多的几个操作:copy, copy-dependencies和它们对应的unpack, unpack-dependencies.
copy 和 unpack
copy操作可以用来将某个(些)maven artifact(s)拷贝到某个目录下。添加phase和goal如下:
Name Type Since Description
artifactItems | List | 1.0 | Collection of ArtifactItems to work on. (ArtifactItem contains groupId, artifactId, version, type, classifier, outputDirectory, destFileName and overWrite.) See Usage for details. |
outputDirectory | File | 1.0 | Default output location used for mojo, unless overridden in ArtifactItem. Default value is: ${}/dependency. User property is: outputDirectory. |
prependGroupId | boolean | 2.7 | Prepend artifact groupId during copy Default value is: false. User property is: mdep.prependGroupId. |
- prependGroupId: 用来指示拷出来的library名字需要不需要加上groupId,默认是不加
- outputDirectory: 用来指定拷出后Libraries的存放地
- groupId
- artifactId
- version
- type
- classifier
- outputDirectory
- destFileName
- overWrite
copy-dependencies 和 unpack-dependencies
上面介绍的copy 和 unpack操作是由要拷某个包,这个包需要具体指定要拷哪个包,与当前工程的依赖没有关系。copy-dependencies和它有点类似,但是它是 用来拷当前工程的依赖包的,典型的,例如我们有一个web应用,当打成war包的时候,它所有的依赖也需要被打到应用中。
copy-dependencies的参数有很多,详细的可以参考:copy-dependencies Doc,但是几乎所有都有默认值。所以一个最简单的定义如下:
Name Type Since Description
excludeArtifactIds | String | 2.0 | Comma separated list of Artifact names to exclude. User property is: excludeArtifactIds. |
excludeClassifiers | String | 2.0 | Comma Separated list of Classifiers to exclude. Empty String indicates don't exclude anything (default). User property is: excludeClassifiers. |
excludeGroupIds | String | 2.0 | Comma separated list of GroupId Names to exclude. User property is: excludeGroupIds. |
excludeScope | String | 2.0 | Scope to exclude. An Empty string indicates no scopes (default). User property is: excludeScope. |
excludeTransitive | boolean | 2.0 | If we should exclude transitive dependencies Default value is: false. User property is: excludeTransitive. |
excludeTypes | String | 2.0 | Comma Separated list of Types to exclude. Empty String indicates don't exclude anything (default). User property is: excludeTypes. |
includeArtifactIds | String | 2.0 | Comma separated list of Artifact names to include. User property is: includeArtifactIds. |
includeClassifiers | String | 2.0 | Comma Separated list of Classifiers to include. Empty String indicates include everything (default). User property is: includeClassifiers. |
includeGroupIds | String | 2.0 | Comma separated list of GroupIds to include. User property is: includeGroupIds. |
includeScope | String | 2.0 | Scope to include. An Empty string indicates all scopes (default). The scopes being interpreted are the scopes as Maven sees them, not as specified in the pom. In summary:
User property is: includeScope. |
includeTypes | String | 2.0 | Comma Separated list of Types to include. Empty String indicates include everything (default). User property is: includeTypes. |
Copied From: Dependencies Scopes
scope/phase-> | compile | test | run | assembly |
compile | U | U | U | U |
provided | U | ! | ! | ! |
runtime | ! | U | U | U |
test | ! | U | ! | ! |
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