Android 手势识别类 ( 三 ) GestureDetector 源码浅析
前言:上 篇介绍了提供手势绘制的视图平台GestureOverlayView,但是在视图平台上绘制出的手势,是需要存储以及在必要的利用时加载取出手势。所 以,用户绘制出的一个完整的手势是需要一定的代码机制来完成存储以及必要时加载取出的;那么,在源码中Gesture这个类就是用来描述完整的手势的。一 个Gesture就是用户手指在触摸屏上绘制形成的不规则几何图形(A gesture is a hand-drawn shape on a touch screen);
一. Gesture的组成
通过前篇文章<<Android手势源码浅析-----手势绘制(GestureOverlayView)>>的 介绍,我们知道,当我们在GestureOverlayView上绘制手势时,形成的不规则几何图形是由多数个点形成的,这些点都有其对应的在屏幕上的坐 标值和时间戳(event.getEventTime());那么,这些点是如何组成Gesture的呢?针对这个问题,通过对Android手势源码的 浅析来寻求答案;
1. 触摸屏上的点首先是通过GesturePoint这个类来描述的,GesturePoint封装点的x,y轴值和时间戳。
3. GestureStroke表示一个手势行程(用户手指点下屏幕到手势离开屏幕绘制出的轨迹就是一个手势行程)。一个完整的手势由一个或多个手势行程组成(单笔画或多笔画绘制手势)
4. Gesture由单个或多个GestureStroke组成,Gesture类中的mStrokeBuffer成员为ArrayList类型集合,存放的是GestureStroke;
二. Gesture的形成过程:
- public class GestureOverlayView extends FrameLayout {
- ...
- private void touchDown(MotionEvent event) {
- ...
- mStrokeBuffer.add(new GesturePoint(x, y, event.getEventTime()));
- ...
- }
- private Rect touchMove(MotionEvent event) {
- ...
- mStrokeBuffer.add(new GesturePoint(x, y, event.getEventTime()));
- ...
- }
- private void touchUp(MotionEvent event, boolean cancel) {
- ...
- mCurrentGesture.addStroke(new GestureStroke(mStrokeBuffer));
- ...
- }
- ...
- }
GesturePoint(x, y, event.getEventTime())),实现将点的x、y、event.getEventTime() 值作为GesturePoint的构造函数的实参创建GesturePoint对象,然后将得到的GesturePoint添加到mStrokeBuffer集合中(mStrokeBuffer为ArrayList<GesturePoint>类型);
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package android.gesture;
- import;
- import;
- /**
- * A timed point of a gesture stroke. Multiple points form a stroke.
- */
- //一个手势行程的定时点,多个点形成一个手势行程。GesturePoint封装x,y轴和时间戳的值
- public class GesturePoint {
- public final float x;
- public final float y;
- public final long timestamp;
- public GesturePoint(float x, float y, long t) {
- this.x = x;
- this.y = y;
- timestamp = t;
- }
- //从输入流中读取之前保存在文件中的数据
- static GesturePoint deserialize(DataInputStream in) throws IOException {
- // Read X and Y
- final float x = in.readFloat(); //从输入流中读出对应x轴的坐标值 (来自通过调用GestureStroke的函数serialize保存的,下同)
- final float y = in.readFloat(); //从输入流中读出对应y轴的坐标值
- // Read timestamp
- final long timeStamp = in.readLong(); //从输入流中读出对应的时间戳
- return new GesturePoint(x, y, timeStamp);
- }
- @Override
- public Object clone() {
- return new GesturePoint(x, y, timestamp);
- }
- }
---->紧接着,当用户完成手势绘制手指离开屏幕时,会调用touchUp,执行 mCurrentGesture.addStroke(new
- /**
- * A gesture stroke started on a touch down and ended on a touch up. A stroke
- * consists of a sequence of timed points. One or multiple strokes form a gesture.
- */
- public class GestureStroke {
- ...
- public final float length; //length为手势行程的长度
- public final float[] points; //保存组成手势行程的多数个点的x,y坐标值
- private final long[] timestamps;//保存组成手势行程的多数个点的时间戳
- /**
- * A constructor that constructs a gesture stroke from a list of gesture points.
- *
- * @param points
- */
- public GestureStroke(ArrayList<GesturePoint> points) {
- final int count = points.size();
- final float[] tmpPoints = new float[count * 2];
- final long[] times = new long[count];
- RectF bx = null;
- float len = 0;
- int index = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- final GesturePoint p = points.get(i);
- tmpPoints[i * 2] = p.x; //偶数位置保存x值
- tmpPoints[i * 2 + 1] = p.y; //奇数位置保存x值
- times[index] = p.timestamp;
- if (bx == null) {
- bx = new RectF();
- = p.y;
- bx.left = p.x;
- bx.right = p.x;
- bx.bottom = p.y;
- len = 0;
- } else {
- //Math.pow(a,b)为a的b次方,如Maht.pow(3,2)等于9。下面的公式相当于平方和的根号值
- len += Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p.x - tmpPoints[(i - 1) * 2], 2)
- + Math.pow(p.y - tmpPoints[(i -1 ) * 2 + 1], 2));
- //放大bx覆盖到指定的p.x, p.y点
- bx.union(p.x, p.y);
- }
- index++;
- }
- timestamps = times;
- this.points = tmpPoints;
- boundingBox = bx;
- length = len;
- }
- ...
- }
- /**
- * A gesture is a hand-drawn shape on a touch screen. It can have one or multiple strokes.
- * Each stroke is a sequence of timed points. A user-defined gesture can be recognized by
- * a GestureLibrary.
- */
- /*手势时是触摸屏上手势绘制的形状,它可以单笔画或者多笔画,
- * 每一个笔画是一个计时点序列,用户绘制定义的手势可以通过GestureLibrary来识别
- */
- public class Gesture implements Parcelable {
- ...
- private final ArrayList<GestureStroke> mStrokes = new ArrayList<GestureStroke>();
- ...
- /**
- * Adds a stroke to the gesture.
- *
- * @param stroke
- */
- public void addStroke(GestureStroke stroke) {
- mStrokes.add(stroke);
- ...
- }
- ...
- ...
- }
1). GesturePoint: 描述用户手指在屏幕位置的一个定时点,封装用户手指在屏幕上的点坐标值以及时间戳,时间戳由event.getEventTime()决定。
2). GestureStroke:描述用户手指在屏幕上滑动到手指离开屏幕时所产生的轨迹线(由多个时间序列点形成),一个GestureStroke由多个GesturePoint组成。
3). Gesture:实现Parcelable接口,描述用户完成绘制的完整手势,一个Gesture由单个或多个GestureStroke组成。手势绘制可通过GestureOverlayView.setGestureStrokeType(inttype)来设置单笔和多笔画。
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