

  • Eclipse 4.5 (Mars) or later.
  • Java VM version 8 or later.
  • Gocode and Go oracle.


  1. Use your existing Eclipse, or download a new Eclipse package from

  2. Start Eclipse, go to Help -> Install New Software...
  3. Click the Add... button, then enter the Update Site URL: in the Location field, click OK.
  4. Select the recently added update site in the Work with: dropdown. Type GoClipse in the filter box. Now the Goclipse feature should appear below.
  5. Select the GoClipse feature, and complete the wizard. 
    • Dependencies such as CDT will automatically be added during installation.
  6. Restart Eclipse.
  7. For initial setup, follow the instructions at the configuration section in the User Guide. It is recommended you read the rest of the guide too.


If you already have GoClipse installed, and want to update it to a newer release, click Help -> Check for Updates....

Note for users in China

If you are behind the Great Firewall of China, you are very likely to encounter problems installing GoClipse: blocked connections, timeouts, or slow downloads. This is because the update site is hosted in Github, which is blocked or has limited access. These alternative steps might help you perform the installation:

  • Download the website from, unpack the archive and use the releases directory as a Local repository instead of the Update Site URL. However, you will need to redownload the archive above whenever you want to update GoClipse to a newer version.
  • Download an Eclipse installation which already contains CDT (C Development Tools), so it doesn't have to be installed at the same time as GoClipse.

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