附12 grafana配置文件
- /usr/local/opt/grafana/share/grafana/default.ini
- /usr/local/etc/grafana/grafana.ini
- 以";"开头,不管多长或多短,独占一行
- ##################### Grafana Configuration Example #####################
- # use "--config" to specified via command line
- # Everything has defaults so you only need to uncomment(解开注释,去掉";") things you want to
- # change
- # possible values : production, development
- app_mode = production
- # grafana-server instance name, defaults to HOSTNAME environment variable value or hostname if HOSTNAME var is empty
- # Used in logging and internal metrics and in clustering info
- # use "echo ${HOSTNAME}" to view ${HOSTNAME} name
- instance_name = ${HOSTNAME}
- #################################### Paths ####################################
- [paths]
- # Path to where grafana can store temp files, sessions, and the sqlite3 db (if that is used)
- # use "cfg:default.paths.data" to specified via command line
- data = /usr/local/var/lib/grafana
- #
- # Directory where grafana can store logs
- # use "cfg:default.paths.logs" to specified via command line
- logs = /usr/local/var/log/grafana
- #
- # Directory where grafana will automatically scan and look for plugins
- # use "cfg:default.paths.plugins" to specified via command line
- plugins = /usr/local/var/lib/grafana/plugins
- #################################### Server ####################################
- [server]
- # Protocol (http or https)
- protocol = http
- The ip address to bind to, empty will bind to all interfaces
- http_addr =
- # The http port to use, defaults to 3000
- http_port = 3000
- # The public facing domain name used to access grafana from a browser
- domain = mygrafana
- # Redirect to correct domain if host header does not match domain
- # Prevents DNS rebinding attacks
- ;enforce_domain = false
- # The full public facing url
- root_url = %(protocol)s://%(domain)s:%(http_port)s/
- # Log web requests
- ;router_logging = false
- # the path relative working path(The path to the directory where the front end files (HTML, JS, and CSS files))
- static_root_path = public
- # enable gzip
- ;enable_gzip = false
- # https certs & key file(if protocol is set to https)
- ;cert_file =
- ;cert_key =
- #################################### Database ####################################
- [database]
- # Grafana needs a database to store users and dashboards (and other things)
- # Either "mysql", "postgres" or "sqlite3"(default), it's your choice
- ;type = sqlite3
- # host : Only applicable to MySQL or Postgres. Includes IP or hostname and port
- ;host =
- # The name of the Grafana database
- ;name = grafana
- ;user = root
- ;password =
- # For "postgres" only, either "disable", "require" or "verify-full"
- ;ssl_mode = disable
- # For "sqlite3" only, path relative to data_path setting
- ;path = grafana.db
- #################################### Session ####################################
- [session]
- # Either "memory", "file", "redis", "mysql", "postgres", default is "file"
- provider = file
- # Provider config options
- # memory: not have any config yet
- # file: session dir path, is relative to grafana data_path
- # redis: config like redis server e.g. `addr=,pool_size=100,db=grafana`
- # mysql: go-sql-driver/mysql dsn config string, e.g. `user:password@tcp(`
- # postgres: user=a password=b host=localhost port=5432 dbname=c sslmode=disable
- ;provider_config = sessions
- # Session cookie name
- cookie_name = grafana_sess
- # If you use session in https only, default is false
- ;cookie_secure = false
- # Session life time, default is 86400(in seconds,24h)
- session_life_time = 86400
- #################################### Analytics ####################################
- [analytics]
- # Server reporting, sends usage counters to stats.grafana.org every 24 hours.
- # No ip addresses are being tracked, only simple counters to track
- # running instances, dashboard and error counts. It is very helpful to us.
- # Change this option to false to disable reporting.
- reporting_enabled = true
- # Set to false to disable all checks to https://grafana.net
- # for new vesions (grafana itself and plugins), check is used
- # in some UI views to notify that grafana or plugin update exists
- # This option does not cause any auto updates, nor send any information
- # only a GET request to http://grafana.net to get latest versions
- check_for_updates = true
- # Google Analytics universal tracking code, only enabled if you specify an id here
- ;google_analytics_ua_id =
- #################################### Security ####################################
- [security]
- # default admin user, created on startup
- ;admin_user = admin
- admin_user = zhaojigang
- # default admin password, can be changed before first start of grafana, or in profile settings
- ;admin_password = admin
- admin_password = zhaojigang
- # used for signing(Used for signing keep me logged in / remember me cookies)
- ;secret_key = SW2YcwTIb9zpOOhoPsMm
- # Auto-login remember days(The number of days the keep me logged in / remember me cookie lasts)
- login_remember_days = 7
- ;cookie_username = grafana_user
- ;cookie_remember_name = grafana_remember
- # disable gravatar profile images
- ;disable_gravatar = false
- # data source proxy whitelist (ip_or_domain:port separated by spaces)
- ;data_source_proxy_whitelist =
- [snapshots]
- # snapshot sharing options
- ;external_enabled = true
- ;external_snapshot_url = https://snapshots-origin.raintank.io
- ;external_snapshot_name = Publish to snapshot.raintank.io
- #################################### Users ####################################
- [users]
- # disable user signup / registration(Set to false to prohibit users from being able to sign up / create user accounts. Defaults to true. The admin user
- # can still create users from the Grafana Admin Pages)
- allow_sign_up = true
- # Allow non admin users to create organizations(Set to false to prohibit users from creating new organizations)
- ;allow_org_create = true
- # Set to true to automatically assign new users to the default organization (id 1)
- ;auto_assign_org = true
- # Default role new users will be automatically assigned (if disabled above is set to true)
- # other valid options are Admin and Editor and Read-Only Editor
- auto_assign_org_role = Viewer
- # Background text for the user field on the login page
- ;login_hint = email or username
- # Default UI theme ("dark" or "light")
- ;default_theme = dark
- #################################### Anonymous Auth ##########################
- [auth.anonymous]
- # enable anonymous access
- ;enabled = false
- # specify organization name that should be used for anonymous users
- ;org_name = Main Org.
- # Specify role for anonymous users. Defaults to Viewer, other valid options are Editor and Admin
- ;org_role = Viewer
- #################################### Github Auth ##########################
- [auth.github]
- ;enabled = false
- ;allow_sign_up = false
- ;client_id = some_id
- ;client_secret = some_secret
- ;scopes = user:email,read:org
- ;auth_url = https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize
- ;token_url = https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token
- ;api_url = https://api.github.com/user
- ;team_ids =
- ;allowed_organizations =
- #################################### Google Auth ##########################
- [auth.google]
- ;enabled = false
- ;allow_sign_up = false
- ;client_id = some_client_id
- ;client_secret = some_client_secret
- ;scopes = https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email
- ;auth_url = https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth
- ;token_url = https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token
- ;api_url = https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo
- ;allowed_domains =
- #################################### Auth Proxy ##########################
- [auth.proxy]
- ;enabled = false
- ;header_name = X-WEBAUTH-USER
- ;header_property = username
- ;auto_sign_up = true
- #################################### Basic Auth ##########################
- [auth.basic]
- ;enabled = true
- #################################### Auth LDAP ##########################
- [auth.ldap]
- ;enabled = false
- ;config_file = /etc/grafana/ldap.toml
- #################################### SMTP / Emailing ##########################
- [smtp]
- ;enabled = false
- ;host = localhost:25
- ;user =
- ;password =
- ;cert_file =
- ;key_file =
- ;skip_verify = false
- ;from_address = admin@grafana.localhost
- [emails]
- ;welcome_email_on_sign_up = false
- #################################### Logging ##########################
- [log]
- # Either "console", "file", "syslog". Default is console and file
- # Use space to separate multiple modes, e.g. "console file"
- ;mode = console, file
- # Either "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "critical", default is "info"
- ;level = info
- # For "console" mode only
- [log.console]
- ;level =
- # log line format, valid options are text, console and json
- ;format = console
- # For "file" mode only
- [log.file]
- ;level =
- # log line format, valid options are text, console and json
- ;format = text
- # This enables automated log rotate(switch of following options), default is true
- ;log_rotate = true
- # Max line number of single file, default is 1000000
- ;max_lines = 1000000
- # Max size shift of single file, default is 28 means 1 << 28, 256MB
- ;max_size_shift = 28
- # Segment log daily, default is true
- ;daily_rotate = true
- # Expired days of log file(delete after max days), default is 7
- ;max_days = 7
- [log.syslog]
- ;level =
- # log line format, valid options are text, console and json
- ;format = text
- # Syslog network type and address. This can be udp, tcp, or unix. If left blank, the default unix endpoints will be used.
- ;network =
- ;address =
- # Syslog facility. user, daemon and local0 through local7 are valid.
- ;facility =
- # Syslog tag. By default, the process' argv[] is used.
- ;tag =
- #################################### AMQP Event Publisher ##########################
- [event_publisher]
- ;enabled = false
- ;rabbitmq_url = amqp://localhost/
- ;exchange = grafana_events
- ;#################################### Dashboard JSON files ##########################
- [dashboards.json]
- ;enabled = false
- ;path = /var/lib/grafana/dashboards
- #################################### Internal Grafana Metrics ##########################
- # Metrics available at HTTP API Url /api/metrics
- [metrics]
- # Disable / Enable internal metrics
- enabled = true
- # Publish interval(Flush/Write interval when sending metrics to external TSDB.)
- ;interval_seconds = 10
- # Include this section if you want to send internal Grafana metrics to Graphite
- ; [metrics.graphite]
- ; address = localhost:2003
- ; prefix = prod.grafana.%(instance_name)s.
- #################################### Internal Grafana Metrics ##########################
- # Url used to to import dashboards directly from Grafana.net
- [grafana_net]
- url = https://grafana.net
注意:grafana的管理员只是在第一次启动时设置一次,之后无法再进行设置 。
所以,上边的admin_user=zhaojigang admin_password=zhaojigang如果不是第一次启动之前设置的,那么就是不起作用的
- app_mode:应用名称,默认是production
- [path]
- data:一个grafana用来存储sqlite3、临时文件、回话的地址路径
- logs:grafana存储logs的路径
- [server]
- http_addr:监听的ip地址,,默认是0.0.0.0
- http_port:监听的端口,默认是3000
- protocol:http或者https,,默认是http
- domain:这个设置是root_url的一部分,当你通过浏览器访问grafana时的公开的domian名称,默认是localhost
- enforce_domain:如果主机的header不匹配domian,则跳转到一个正确的domain上,默认是false
- root_url:这是一个web上访问grafana的全路径url,默认是%(protocol)s://%(domain)s:%(http_port)s/
- router_logging:是否记录web请求日志,默认是false
- cert_file:如果使用https则需要设置
- cert_key:如果使用https则需要设置
- [database]
- grafana默认需要使用数据库存储用户和dashboard信息,默认使用sqlite3来存储,你也可以换成其他数据库
- type:可以是mysql、postgres、sqlite3,默认是sqlite3
- path:只是sqlite3需要,定义sqlite3的存储路径
- host:只是mysql、postgres需要,默认是127.0.0.1:3306
- name:grafana的数据库名称,默认是grafana
- user:连接数据库的用户
- password:数据库用户的密码
- ssl_mode:只是postgres使用
- [security]
- admin_user:grafana默认的admin用户,默认是admin
- admin_password:grafana admin的默认密码,默认是admin
- login_remember_days:多少天内保持登录状态
- secret_key:保持登录状态的签名
- disable_gravatar:
- [users]
- allow_sign_up:是否允许普通用户登录,如果设置为false,则禁止用户登录,默认是true,则admin可以创建用户,并登录grafana
- allow_org_create:如果设置为false,则禁止用户创建新组织,默认是true
- auto_assign_org:当设置为true的时候,会自动的把新增用户增加到id为1的组织中,当设置为false的时候,新建用户的时候会新增一个组织
- auto_assign_org_role:新建用户附加的规则,默认是Viewer,还可以是Admin、Editor
- [auth.anonymous]
- enabled:设置为true,则开启允许匿名访问,默认是false
- org_name:为匿名用户设置组织名称
- org_role:为匿名用户设置的访问规则,默认是Viewer
- [auth.github]
- 针对github项目的,很明显,呵呵
- enabled = false
- allow_sign_up = false
- client_id = some_id
- client_secret = some_secret
- scopes = user:email
- auth_url = https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize
- token_url = https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token
- api_url = https://api.github.com/user
- team_ids =
- allowed_domains =
- allowed_organizations =
- [auth.google]
- 针对google app的,呵呵
- enabled = false
- allow_sign_up = false
- client_id = some_client_id
- client_secret = some_client_secret
- scopes = https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email
- auth_url = https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth
- token_url = https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token
- api_url = https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo
- allowed_domains =
- [auth.basic]
- enabled:当设置为true,则http api开启基本认证
- [auth.ldap]
- enabled:设置为true则开启LDAP认证,默认是false
- config_file:如果开启LDAP,指定LDAP的配置文件/etc/grafana/ldap.toml
- [auth.proxy]
- 允许你在一个HTTP反向代理上进行认证设置
- enabled:默认是false
- header_name:默认是X-WEBAUTH-USER
- header_property:默认是个名称username
- auto_sign_up:默认是true。开启自动注册,如果用户在grafana DB中不存在
- [analytics]
- reporting_enabled:如果设置为true,则会发送匿名使用分析到stats.grafana.org,主要用于跟踪允许实例、版本、dashboard、错误统计。默认是true
- google_analytics_ua_id:使用GA进行分析,填写你的GA ID即可
- [dashboards.json]
- 如果你有一个系统自动产生json格式的dashboard,则可以开启这个特性试试
- enabled:默认是false
- path:一个全路径用来包含你的json dashboard,默认是/var/lib/grafana/dashboards
- [session]
- provider:默认是file,值还可以是memory、mysql、postgres
- provider_config:这个值的配置由provider的设置来确定,如果provider是file,则是data/xxxx路径类型,如果provider是mysql,则是user:password@tcp(,如果provider是postgres,则是user=a password=b host=localhost port=5432 dbname=c sslmode=disable
- cookie_name:grafana的cookie名称
- cookie_secure:如果设置为true,则grafana依赖https,默认是false
- session_life_time:session过期时间,默认是86400秒,24小时
- 以下是官方文档没有,配置文件中有的
- [smtp]
- enabled = false
- host = localhost:25
- user =
- password =
- cert_file =
- key_file =
- skip_verify = false
- from_address = admin@grafana.localhost
- [emails]
- welcome_email_on_sign_up = false
- templates_pattern = emails/*.html
- [log]
- mode:可以是console、file,默认是console、file,也可以设置多个,用逗号隔开
- buffer_len:channel的buffer长度,默认是10000
- level:可以是"Trace", "Debug", "Info", "Warn", "Error", "Critical",默认是info
- [log.console]
- level:设置级别
- [log.file]
- level:设置级别
- log_rotate:是否开启自动轮转
- max_lines:单个日志文件的最大行数,默认是1000000
- max_lines_shift:单个日志文件的最大大小,默认是28,表示256MB
- daily_rotate:每天是否进行日志轮转,默认是true
- max_days:日志过期时间,默认是7,7天后删除
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