下面是官方的性能测试 Demo,感性的也可以去 Github 上下载。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using AutoMapper;
using Benchmark.Classes;
using Mapster;
using FastExpressionCompiler;
using System.Linq.Expressions; namespace Benchmark
class Program
static double sAM;
static double sMP;
static double sMF;
static double sEM; static Func<LambdaExpression, Delegate> defaultCompiler = TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.Compiler; static void Main(string[] args)
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<Foo, Foo>();
cfg.CreateMap<Address, Address>();
cfg.CreateMap<Address, AddressDTO>();
cfg.CreateMap<Customer, CustomerDTO>();
TestComplexTypes(); Console.WriteLine();
Console.WriteLine($"| Tests | Time (ms) | Slower than Mapster | Slower than Mapster + FEC |");
Console.WriteLine($"| Mapster v3.1.8 | { sMP,9} | { sMP / sMP,18:N2}X | { sMP / sMF,24:N2}X |");
Console.WriteLine($"| Mapster v3.1.8 + FEC | { sMF,9} | { sMF / sMP,18:N2}X | { sMF / sMF,24:N2}X |");
Console.WriteLine($"| Automapper v7.0.1 | { sAM,9} | { sAM / sMP,18:N2}X | { sAM / sMF,24:N2}X |");
Console.WriteLine($"| ExpressMapper v1.9.1 | { sEM,9} | { sEM / sMP,18:N2}X | { sEM / sMF,24:N2}X |");
} finally
} static void TestSimpleTypes()
Console.WriteLine("Test 1 : Simple Types");
Console.WriteLine("Competitors : Mapster, ExpressMapper, AutoMapper"); var foo = GetFoo(); TestSimple(foo, ); TestSimple(foo, ); TestSimple(foo, ); TestSimple(foo, ); //Console.WriteLine();
//Console.WriteLine("Automapper to Mapster ratio: " + (AutomapperTime / MapsterTime).ToString("###.00") + " X slower");
//Console.WriteLine("ExpressMapper to Mapster ratio: " + (ExpressMapperTime / MapsterTime).ToString("###.00") + " X slower");
//Console.WriteLine(); } static void TestComplexTypes()
Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Test 2 : Complex Types");
Console.WriteLine("Competitors : Mapster, ExpressMapper, AutoMapper"); var customer = GetCustomer(); //TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.DestinationTransforms.Upsert<Guid>(x => x); //ObjectMapperManager.DefaultInstance.GetMapper<Customer, CustomerDTO>().Map(customer); Test(customer, ); Test(customer, ); Test(customer, ); Test(customer, ); Test(customer, ); //Console.WriteLine();
//Console.WriteLine("Automapper to Mapster ratio: " + (AutomapperTime/MapsterTime).ToString("###.00") + " X slower");
//Console.WriteLine("ExpressMapper to Mapster ratio: " + (ExpressMapperTime/MapsterTime).ToString("###.00") + " X slower");
} static void Test(Customer item, int iterations)
Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Iterations : {0}", iterations); //TestCustomerNative(item, iterations); TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.Compiler = defaultCompiler; //switch compiler
TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.Compile(typeof(Customer), typeof(CustomerDTO)); //recompile
item.Adapt<Customer, CustomerDTO>(); //exercise
TestMapsterAdapter<Customer, CustomerDTO>(item, iterations, ref sMP); TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.Compiler = exp => exp.CompileFast(); //switch compiler
TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.Compile(typeof(Customer), typeof(CustomerDTO)); //recompile
item.Adapt<Customer, CustomerDTO>(); //exercise
TestMapsterAdapter<Customer, CustomerDTO>(item, iterations, ref sMF); ExpressMapper.Mapper.Map<Customer, CustomerDTO>(item); //exercise
TestExpressMapper<Customer, CustomerDTO>(item, iterations, ref sEM); Mapper.Map<Customer, CustomerDTO>(item); //exercise
TestAutoMapper<Customer, CustomerDTO>(item, iterations, ref sAM);
} static void TestSimple(Foo item, int iterations)
{ Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Iterations : {0}", iterations); TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.Compiler = defaultCompiler; //switch compiler
TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.Compile(typeof(Foo), typeof(Foo)); //recompile
item.Adapt<Foo, Foo>(); //exercise
TestMapsterAdapter<Foo, Foo>(item, iterations, ref sMP); TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.Compiler = exp => exp.CompileFast(); //switch compiler
TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.Compile(typeof(Foo), typeof(Foo)); //recompile
item.Adapt<Foo, Foo>(); //exercise
TestMapsterAdapter<Foo, Foo>(item, iterations, ref sMF); //TestValueInjecter<Foo, Foo>(item, iterations); ExpressMapper.Mapper.Map<Foo, Foo>(item); //exercise
TestExpressMapper<Foo, Foo>(item, iterations, ref sEM); Mapper.Map<Foo, Foo>(item); //exercise
TestAutoMapper<Foo, Foo>(item, iterations, ref sAM);
} static void TestCustomerNative(Customer item, int iterations)
Console.WriteLine("Handwritten Mapper:\t" + Loop<Customer>(item, get =>
var dto = new CustomerDTO(); dto.Id = get.Id;
dto.Name = get.Name;
dto.AddressCity = get.Address.City; dto.Address = new Address() { Id = get.Address.Id, Street = get.Address.Street, Country = get.Address.Country, City = get.Address.City }; dto.HomeAddress = new AddressDTO() { Id = get.HomeAddress.Id, Country = get.HomeAddress.Country, City = get.HomeAddress.City }; dto.Addresses = new AddressDTO[get.Addresses.Length];
for (int i = ; i < get.Addresses.Length; i++)
dto.Addresses[i] = new AddressDTO() { Id = get.Addresses[i].Id, Country = get.Addresses[i].Country, City = get.Addresses[i].City };
} dto.WorkAddresses = new List<AddressDTO>();
foreach (var workAddress in get.WorkAddresses)
dto.WorkAddresses.Add(new AddressDTO() { Id = workAddress.Id, Country = workAddress.Country, City = workAddress.City });
} }, iterations));
} static void TestMapsterAdapter<TSrc, TDest>(TSrc item, int iterations, ref double counter)
where TSrc : class
where TDest : class, new()
var time = Loop(item, get => get.Adapt<TSrc, TDest>(), iterations);
Console.WriteLine("Mapster:\t\t" + time);
counter += time;
} static void TestExpressMapper<TSrc, TDest>(TSrc item, int iterations, ref double counter)
where TSrc : class
where TDest : class, new()
var time = Loop(item, get => ExpressMapper.Mapper.Map<TSrc, TDest>(get), iterations);
Console.WriteLine("ExpressMapper:\t\t" + time);
counter += time;
} static void TestAutoMapper<TSrc, TDest>(TSrc item, int iterations, ref double counter)
where TSrc : class
where TDest : class, new()
//if (iterations > 50000)
// Console.WriteLine("AutoMapper still working please wait..."); var time = Loop(item, get => Mapper.Map<TSrc, TDest>(get), iterations);
Console.WriteLine("AutoMapper:\t\t" + time);
counter += time;
} static long Loop<T>(T item, Action<T> action, int iterations = )
return Time(item, a =>
for (int i = ; i < iterations; i++)
} static long Time<T>(T item, Action<T> action)
var sw = new Stopwatch();
return sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
} #region Data static Customer GetCustomer()
Customer c = new Customer()
Address = new Address() { City = "istanbul", Country = "turkey", Id = , Street = "istiklal cad." },
HomeAddress = new Address() { City = "istanbul", Country = "turkey", Id = , Street = "istiklal cad." },
Id = ,
Name = "Eduardo Najera",
Credit = 234.7m,
WorkAddresses = new List<Address>()
new Address() {City = "istanbul", Country = "turkey", Id = , Street = "istiklal cad."},
new Address() {City = "izmir", Country = "turkey", Id = , Street = "konak"}
Addresses = new List<Address>()
new Address() {City = "istanbul", Country = "turkey", Id = , Street = "istiklal cad."},
new Address() {City = "izmir", Country = "turkey", Id = , Street = "konak"}
}; return c;
} static Foo GetFoo()
var o = new Foo
Name = "foo",
Int32 = ,
Int64 = ,
NullInt = ,
DateTime = DateTime.Now,
Doublen = ,
Foo1 = new Foo { Name = "foo one" },
Foos = new List<Foo>
new Foo {Name = "j1", Int64 = , NullInt = },
new Foo {Name = "j2", Int32 = , NullInt = },
new Foo {Name = "j3", Int32 = , NullInt = },
FooArr = new[]
new Foo {Name = "a1"},
new Foo {Name = "a2"},
new Foo {Name = "a3"},
IntArr = new[] { , , , , },
Ints = new[] { , , },
}; return o;
} #endregion }


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