Overview of Microsoft Dynamics AX build numbers


on 7 Jan 2016 12:00 AM
  Microsoft Dynamics AX 7
Version Build Comment Download link
RTM (16 countries only) TBD Feb 2016  (the date is subject to change)
  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3     (Roadmap survey)
Version Build Comment Download link
Recent kernel build 6.3.3000.711 28 Dec 2015 KB3128652
Cumulative Update 10 6.3.3000.110 24 Nov 2015 KB3102920
Cumulative Update 9 6.3.2000.326* 08 Jun 2015 KB3063879
Cumulative Update 8 6.3.1000.309 18 Nov 2014 KB2998197
Hotfixes 6.3.1000.xxxx Since 2015 LCS > Issue search
Hotfixes 6.3.164.xxxx Until 2015 LCS > Issue search
RTM Apr 2014 Customer / Partner
  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2     (Roadmap survey)
Version Build number  Comment Download link
Recent kernel build 6.2.3000.727 08 Dec 2015 KB3128825
Cumulative Update 9 6.2.3000.110 24 Sep 2015 KB3092626
Cumulative Update 8 6.2.2000.14 06 Mar 2015 KB3042171
Cumulative Update 7 6.2.1000.4051 01 Nov 2013 KB2885603
Cumulative Update 6 6.2.1000.1437 26 Jun 2013 KB2850972
Cumulative Update 1 6.2.1000.156 26 Feb 2013 KB2807685
Hotfixes 6.2.2000.xxxx After Feb 2015 LCS > Issue search
Hotfixes 6.2.1000.xxxx Until May 2015 LCS > Issue search
RTM 01 Dec 2012 Customer / Partner
  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Version Build Comment Download link
Recent kernel build 6.0.1108.8497 08 Dec 2015 KB3123613
Cumulative Update 7 6.0.1108.6482 16 Apr 2014 KB2936810
Cumulative Update 5 6.0.1108.4316 29 Apr 2013 KB2828929
Cumulative Update 4 6.0.1108.2423 02 Dec 2012 KB2765124
Cumulative Update 3 6.0.1108.670 28 Jun 2012 KB2709934
Cumulative Update 2 6.0.947.280 16 Nov 2011 KB2606916
Cumulative Update 1 6.0.947.61 01 Aug 2011 KB2579565
Hotfixes [new] 6.0.1108.xxxx After 15 Feb 2012 LCS > Issue search
Hotfixes [old] 6.0.947.xxxx Until 15 Feb 2012 LCS > Issue search
Feature Pack 1 6.0.947.862 Solution build 6.1.1108.0 Customer / Partner
RTM 6.0.947.0 01 Aug 2011 Customer / Partner
  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009     (Roadmap survey)
Version Build  Comment Download link
Latest kernel build 5.0.1600.3090 04 Oct 2014 KB3000700 Please contact support
Recent published kernel build 5.0.1600.2967 23 Jun 2014  KB2934938
Recent Retail POS build 5.0.1600.3368 21 Apr 2015 KB2979084
Retail   01 Jun 2012 KB2706705
Process Industries 3.1   25 Mar 2012 KB2678990
Project Time Management   25 Mar 2012 KB2678991
Professional Services Automation   25 Mar 2012 KB2678992
Payroll   01 Apr 2013 Download link
Rollup Update 8 5.0.1500.6491 21 Mar 2012 KB2677618
Rollup Update 7 5.0.1500.4570 25 Apr 2011 KB2503850
Rollup Update 6 5.0.1500.3761 16 Dec 2010 KB2405516
Rollup Update 5 5.0.1500.2985 30 Jun 2010 KB982812
Rollup Update 4 5.0.1500.2116 22 Mar 2010 KB979125
Rollup Update 3 5.0.1500.1313 22 Sep 2009 KB974409
Rollup Update 2 5.0.1500.809 29 Jun 2009 KB971536
Rollup Update 1 5.0.1500.358 12 Apr 2009 KB967145
Hotfixes [New] 5.0.1600.xxxx After 18 Apr 2012 Hotfix list
Hotfixes [Old] 5.0.1500.xxxx Until 18 Apr 2012 Hotfix list
Service Pack 1 5.0.1000.52 Nov 2008 Customer / Partner 
RTM RU-6 5.0.593.1429

Mainstream Support ended

Rollup 6
RTM RU-5 5.0.593.1287 Rollup 5
RTM RU-4 5.0.593.1084 Rollup 4
RTM RU-3 5.0.593.827 Rollup 3
RTM RU-2 5.0.593.662 Rollup 2
RTM RU-1 5.0.593.439 Rollup 1
RTM Hotfixes 5.0.593.xxxx Until 25 Apr 2011  
RTM 5.0.593.0 2 Jun 2008 Customer / Partner
  Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 SP2
Version Build Comment Download link
Latest Kernel Build 4.0.2503.1872 14 Jan 2014 KB2920510
Latest Application Build 4.0.2503.1707 11 Oct 2011 KB2626235
Hotfixes   Until 17 Oct 2011 Hotfix List

(Earlier builds)


  • To find the current Application build and Kernel build number – On the Help menu in Microsoft Dynamics AX, click About Microsoft Dynamics AX.
  • Retail components for AX 2012 can be updated by installing a recent kernel build. Read more…
  • http://aka.ms/axbuild – is a short link to this page

See Also


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