golang 三维向量相关操作
package vector import (
)// 三维向量:(x,y,z)
type Vector3 struct {
X float64 `json:"x"`
Y float64 `json:"y"`
Z float64 `json:"z"`
} func (this *Vector3)Equal(v Vector3) bool {
return this.X == v.X && this.Y == v.Y && this.Z == v.Z
} // 三维向量:设值
func (this *Vector3)Set(x, y, z float64) {
this.X = x
this.Y = y
this.Z = z
// 三维向量:拷贝
func (this *Vector3)Clone() Vector3 {
return NewVector3(this.X, this.Y, this.Z)
} // 三维向量:加上
// this = this + v
func (this *Vector3)Add(v Vector3) {
this.X += v.X
this.Y += v.Y
this.Z += v.Z
} // 三维向量:减去
// this = this - v
func (this *Vector3)Sub(v Vector3) {
this.X -= v.X
this.Y -= v.Y
this.Z -= v.Z
} // 三维向量:数乘
func (this *Vector3)Multiply(scalar float64) {
this.X *= scalar
this.Y *= scalar
this.Z *= scalar
} func (this *Vector3)Divide(scalar float64) {
if scalar == 0 {
this.Multiply(1 / scalar)
} // 三维向量:点积
func (this *Vector3)Dot(v Vector3) float64 {
return this.X * v.X + this.Y * v.Y + this.Z * v.Z
} // 三维向量:叉积
func (this *Vector3)Cross(v Vector3) {
x, y, z := this.X, this.Y, this.Z
this.X = y * v.Z - z * v.Y;
this.Y = z * v.X - x * v.Z;
this.Z = x * v.Y - y * v.X;
} // 三维向量:长度
func (this *Vector3)Length() float64 {
return math.Sqrt(this.X * this.X + this.Y * this.Y + this.Z * this.Z)
} // 三维向量:长度平方
func (this *Vector3)LengthSq() float64 {
return this.X * this.X + this.Y * this.Y + this.Z * this.Z
} // 三维向量:单位化
func (this *Vector3)Normalize() {
} // 返回:新向量
func NewVector3(x, y, z float64) Vector3 {
return Vector3{X:x, Y:y, Z:z}
} // 返回:零向量(0,0,0)
func Zero3() Vector3 {
return Vector3{X:0, Y:0, Z:0}
// X 轴 单位向量
func XAxis3() Vector3 {
return Vector3{X:1, Y:0, Z:0}
// Y 轴 单位向量
func YAxis3() Vector3 {
return Vector3{X:0, Y:1, Z:0}
} // Z 轴 单位向量
func ZAxis3() Vector3 {
return Vector3{X:0, Y:0, Z:1}
func XYAxis3() Vector3 {
return Vector3{X:1, Y:1, Z:0}
func XZAxis3() Vector3 {
return Vector3{X:1, Y:0, Z:1}
func YZAxis3() Vector3 {
return Vector3{X:0, Y:1, Z:1}
func XYZAxis3() Vector3 {
return Vector3{X:1, Y:1, Z:1}
} // 返回:a + b 向量
func Add3(a, b Vector3) Vector3 {
return Vector3{X:a.X + b.X, Y:a.Y + b.Y, Z:a.Z + b.Z}
} // 返回:a - b 向量
func Sub3(a, b Vector3) Vector3 {
return Vector3{X:a.X - b.X, Y:a.Y - b.Y, Z:a.Z - b.Z}
} // 返回:a X b 向量 (X 叉乘)
func Cross3(a, b Vector3) Vector3 {
return Vector3{X:a.Y * b.Z - a.Z * b.Y, Y:a.Z * b.X - a.X * b.Z, Z:a.X * b.Y - a.Y * b.X}
} func AddArray3(vs []Vector3, dv Vector3) []Vector3 {
for i,_ := range vs {
return vs
} func Multiply3(v Vector3,scalars []float64) []Vector3 {
vs := []Vector3{}
for _,value := range scalars {
vector := v.Clone()
vs = append(vs, vector)
return vs
} // 返回:单位化向量
func Normalize3(a Vector3) Vector3 {
b := a.Clone()
return b
func GetDistance(a Vector3,b Vector3) float64{
return math.Sqrt(math.Pow(a.X - b.X, 2) + math.Pow(a.Y - b.Y, 2) + math.Pow(a.Z - b.Z, 2))
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