【Azure 应用服务】App Service 在使用GIt本地部署,上传代码的路径为/home/site/repository,而不是站点的根目录/home/site/wwwroot。 这个是因为什么?
App Service 在使用GIt本地部署,上传代码的路径为/home/site/repository,而不是站点的根目录/home/site/wwwroot。 这个是因为什么? 并且通过Git发布静态文件的时候不成功。出现“Could not detect any platform in the source directory.” 和 "Error: Couldn't detect a version for the platform 'php' in the repo."错误
遇见发布时候的错误,除了在发布时候本地可以查看外,还可以在App Service的Kudu中查看。通过下列步骤来查看部署日志:
- 2021-03-16T03:20:50 Updating branch 'master'.
- 2021-03-16T03:21:00 Updating submodules.
- 2021-03-16T03:21:00 Preparing deployment for commit id '208129ed8c'.
- 2021-03-16T03:21:00 Repository path is /home/site/repository
- 2021-03-16T03:21:00 Running oryx build...
- 2021-03-16T03:21:00 Command: oryx build /home/site/repository -o /home/site/wwwroot --platform php --platform-version 7.4 -i /tmp/8d8e82a85ff94d0 --log-file /tmp/build-debug.log
- 2021-03-16T03:21:04 Operation performed by Microsoft Oryx, https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx
- 2021-03-16T03:21:04 You can report issues at https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx/issues
- 2021-03-16T03:21:04
- 2021-03-16T03:21:04 Oryx Version: 0.2.20201105.1, Commit: 127d6a3c61a6c0eb67bcfeee0600c3fe71251839, ReleaseTagName: 20201105.1
- 2021-03-16T03:21:04
- 2021-03-16T03:21:04 Build Operation ID: |wb65mFzxGQU=.83c35c89_
- 2021-03-16T03:21:04 Repository Commit : 208129ed8c6e3b88ee890d958000b1cd72b9bacc
- 2021-03-16T03:21:04
- 2021-03-16T03:21:04 Detecting platforms...
- 2021-03-16T03:21:05 Could not detect any platform in the source directory.
- 2021-03-16T03:21:05 Error: Couldn't detect a version for the platform 'php' in the repo.
- 2021-03-16T03:21:08 Error: Couldn't detect a version for the platform 'php' in the repo.
- /opt/Kudu/KuduConsole/Scripts/starter.sh oryx build /home/site/repository -o /home/site/wwwroot --platform php --platform-version 7.4 -i /tmp/8d8e82a85ff94d0 --log-file /tmp/build-debug.log
- 2021-03-16T03:21:08
错误原因是由于执行命令 oryx build /home/site/repository -o /home/site/wwwroot --platform php xxxxxx 时发现build目录中并没有php相关文件导致的。由于使用local git部署需要使用Orxy进行build,如果成功后才会将repository文件夹中的内容输出到wwwroot下,所以最初的问题为什么wwwroot中没有内容。
Support for static files? #623
I have an existing static site (just .html files) which is currently deployed to netlify.
What configuration do you have to use to just deploy these files? At the moment the build is failing with the error
Error: Could not detect the language from repo.
Many thanks!
@HowardvanRooijen I was able to get a site that was 100% static html, css, and javascript to deploy. It was definitely a workaround style approach but it did work:
- remove everything from my repository except
- git related files (.gitignore)
- .github directory
- directory (i called mines 'pregen') containing html, css, js, gifs, etc
- in the .github/azure-static-web-apps-*.yml file set the app_location to your html directory (I called mines 'pregen')
This worked for deploying truly static web site with no real build process to Azure Static Web Apps
@kichalla I think the main thing that is confusing here is that Oryx emits an error about detection. As discussed we probably want to have an option to not emit that error and just use the custom status code for saying detection failed. Static Web Apps assumes static content when we see that error code.
- <?php
- phpinfo();
- ?>
从本地 Git 部署到 Azure 应用服务:https://docs.azure.cn/zh-cn/app-service/deploy-local-git
oryx build:https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx#oryx-build
Support for static files? #623 : https://github.com/microsoft/Oryx/issues/623
【Azure 应用服务】App Service 在使用GIt本地部署,上传代码的路径为/home/site/repository,而不是站点的根目录/home/site/wwwroot。 这个是因为什么?的更多相关文章
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