efcore 新特性 SaveChanges Events


昨天早上看到之前关注的一个 efcore 的 issue 被 closed ,于是看了一眼, ef core 新合并了一个 PR,在 DbContext 中增加了 SaveChanges 相关的几个事件,具体的变更可以参数 PR https://github.com/dotnet/efcore/pull/21862


之前写过两篇关于 EF Core 做自动审计的文章,但是不够灵活

第一次的实现需要显示继承一个 AuditDbContext ,在有些需要没办法修改 DbContext 或者原有 DbContext 已经有继承某一个类,就没有办法用了

后面使用 AOP 改进了一版,通过一个审计切面逻辑完整自动审计,但是需要引入 AOP 组件支持,对于不想引入额外组件的项目来说也并非特别友好

在这个变更之后,我们可以通过 SavingChanges 事件获取保存之前 DbContext 的状态,通过 SavedChanges 事件来获取保存成功的事件,SaveChangesFailed 事件获取保存失败事件


  1. /// <summary>
  2. /// An event fired at the beginning of a call to <see cref="M:SaveChanges"/> or <see cref="M:SaveChangesAsync"/>
  3. /// </summary>
  4. public event EventHandler<SavingChangesEventArgs> SavingChanges;
  5. /// <summary>
  6. /// An event fired at the end of a call to <see cref="M:SaveChanges"/> or <see cref="M:SaveChangesAsync"/>
  7. /// </summary>
  8. public event EventHandler<SavedChangesEventArgs> SavedChanges;
  9. /// <summary>
  10. /// An event fired if a call to <see cref="M:SaveChanges"/> or <see cref="M:SaveChangesAsync"/> fails with an exception.
  11. /// </summary>
  12. public event EventHandler<SaveChangesFailedEventArgs> SaveChangesFailed;


  1. /// <summary>
  2. /// Base event arguments for the <see cref="M:DbContext.SaveChanges" /> and <see cref="M:DbContext.SaveChangesAsync" /> events.
  3. /// </summary>
  4. public abstract class SaveChangesEventArgs : EventArgs
  5. {
  6. /// <summary>
  7. /// Creates a base event arguments instance for <see cref="M:DbContext.SaveChanges" />
  8. /// or <see cref="M:DbContext.SaveChangesAsync" /> events.
  9. /// </summary>
  10. /// <param name="acceptAllChangesOnSuccess"> The value passed to SaveChanges. </param>
  11. protected SaveChangesEventArgs(bool acceptAllChangesOnSuccess)
  12. {
  13. AcceptAllChangesOnSuccess = acceptAllChangesOnSuccess;
  14. }
  15. /// <summary>
  16. /// The value passed to <see cref="M:DbContext.SaveChanges" /> or <see cref="M:DbContext.SaveChangesAsync" />.
  17. /// </summary>
  18. public virtual bool AcceptAllChangesOnSuccess { get; }
  19. }
  20. /// <summary>
  21. /// Event arguments for the <see cref="DbContext.SavingChanges" /> event.
  22. /// </summary>
  23. public class SavingChangesEventArgs : SaveChangesEventArgs
  24. {
  25. /// <summary>
  26. /// Creates event arguments for the <see cref="M:DbContext.SavingChanges" /> event.
  27. /// </summary>
  28. /// <param name="acceptAllChangesOnSuccess"> The value passed to SaveChanges. </param>
  29. public SavingChangesEventArgs(bool acceptAllChangesOnSuccess)
  30. : base(acceptAllChangesOnSuccess)
  31. {
  32. }
  33. }
  34. /// <summary>
  35. /// Event arguments for the <see cref="DbContext.SavedChanges" /> event.
  36. /// </summary>
  37. public class SavedChangesEventArgs : SaveChangesEventArgs
  38. {
  39. /// <summary>
  40. /// Creates a new <see cref="SavedChangesEventArgs" /> instance with the given number of entities saved.
  41. /// </summary>
  42. /// <param name="acceptAllChangesOnSuccess"> The value passed to SaveChanges. </param>
  43. /// <param name="entitiesSavedCount"> The number of entities saved. </param>
  44. public SavedChangesEventArgs(bool acceptAllChangesOnSuccess, int entitiesSavedCount) : base(acceptAllChangesOnSuccess)
  45. {
  46. EntitiesSavedCount = entitiesSavedCount;
  47. }
  48. /// <summary>
  49. /// The number of entities saved.
  50. /// </summary>
  51. public virtual int EntitiesSavedCount { get; }
  52. }
  53. /// <summary>
  54. /// Event arguments for the <see cref="DbContext.SaveChangesFailed" /> event.
  55. /// </summary>
  56. public class SaveChangesFailedEventArgs : SaveChangesEventArgs
  57. {
  58. /// <summary>
  59. /// Creates a new <see cref="SaveChangesFailedEventArgs"/> instance with the exception that was thrown.
  60. /// </summary>
  61. /// <param name="acceptAllChangesOnSuccess"> The value passed to SaveChanges. </param>
  62. /// <param name="exception"> The exception thrown. </param>
  63. public SaveChangesFailedEventArgs(bool acceptAllChangesOnSuccess, [NotNull] Exception exception)
  64. : base(acceptAllChangesOnSuccess)
  65. {
  66. Exception = exception;
  67. }
  68. /// <summary>
  69. /// The exception thrown during<see cref="M:DbContext.SaveChanges"/> or <see cref="M:DbContext.SaveChangesAsync"/>.
  70. /// </summary>
  71. public virtual Exception Exception { get; }
  72. }


除了上面的审计,你也可以使用通过这些事件,实现保存之前的自动更新数据库字段的值,比如 AddUpdate 操作数据时自动设置更新时间等信息

本文提到的特性还未正式发布,预计会在 .net5 下一个预览版中发布,如果想现在要尝试,请使用 efcore 的 daily build 的包,可以参考 https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/blob/master/docs/DailyBuilds.md


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